Amigonian Cooperators

Instituted by Capuchin Tertiaries


Here is a description of the Amigonian Cooperators, which appears in the Directory of International Associations of the Faithful, published by the Pontifical Council for the Laity.

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Official Name: Amigonian Cooperators

Established: 1992

History: The Amigonian Cooperators was instituted by the Capuchin Tertiaries (Amigonian Fathers). Their work among the laity following the charism of the Capuchin Bishop Luis Amigo y Ferrer (1854-1934) dates back to 1937.

On Dec. 8, 1992, the Pontifical Council for the Laity decreed recognition of the Amigonian Cooperators as an international association of the faithful of pontifical right.

Identity: The identity of the Amigonian Cooperators, set out in the "Life Project," takes the form of a commitment to the rehabilitation of children in conflict with the law and the courts, and care for young people with deviant attitudes and who are in a state of material and moral poverty.

The supreme model for the way they live and act is Jesus, the good Shepherd, who knows and loves all of his sheep. They learn from Our Lady of Sorrows, who understands and reaches out to all those who suffer, to understand and to reach out to all those who feel abandoned. As members of the Franciscan Family, like St. Francis they live a life marked by its simplicity and charity.

Organization: The Amigonian Cooperators are organized into local groups, each of which has its own council, comprising a president, vice president/secretary, bursar, one delegate for every 10 members, and a spiritual animator.

The supreme governing body of the groups is the General Assembly made up of all the full members. The ultimate responsibility for the association, whose work is coordinated by a General Delegate, is the Father General of the Congregation of Capuchin Tertiaries.

Membership: The Amigonian Cooperators are present as Capuchin Tertiaries in 20 countries as follows: Africa (1), Asia (1), Europe (4), North America (6), and South America (8).

Web site: www.amigonianos.org

Headquarters: Cooperatori Amigoniani
c/o Curia Generalizia dei Religiosi Terziari Cappuccini
Via Blumenstihl, 28/36
00135 Roma — Italy

Tel. [+39] 063055931 — Fax 063057972

E-mail: tercapcgr@pcn.net

© Copyright 2006 — Libreria Editrice Vaticana [adapted]


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