Papal timeline
2013 - Present
Benedict XVI
2005 - 2013
John Paul II
1978 - 2005
John Paul I
1978 - 1978
Paul VI
1963 - 1978
1958 - 1963
Pius XII
1939 - 1958
Pius XI
1922 - 1939
Benedict XV
1914 - 1922
Pius X
1903 - 1914
Leo XIII, O.F.S.
1878 - 1903
Pius IX, O.F.S.
1846 - 1878
Gregory XVI, O.S.B.
1831 - 1846
1829 - 1830
1823 - 1829
Pius VII, O.S.B.
1800 - 1823
Pius VI
1775 - 1799
Clement XIV, O.F.M.
1769 - 1774
Clement XIII
1758 - 1769
Benedict XIV
1740 - 1758
Clement XII
1730 - 1740
Benedict XIII, O.P.
1724 - 1730
Innocent XIII
1721 - 1724
Clement XI
1700 - 1721
Innocent XII
1691 - 1700
Alexander VIII
1689 - 1691
Innocent XI
1676 - 1689
Clement X
1670 - 1676
Clement IX
1667 - 1669
Alexander VII
1655 - 1667
Innocent X
1644 - 1655
Urban VIII
1623 - 1644
Gregory XV
1621 - 1623
Paul V
1605 - 1621
Clement VIII
1592 - 1605
Leo XI
1605 - 1605
Gregory XIV
1590 - 1591
Innocent IX
1591 - 1591
Sixtus V, O.F.M.
1585 - 1590
Urban VII
1590 - 1590
Gregory XIII
1572 - 1585
Pius V, O.P.
1566 - 1572
Pius IV
1559 - 1565
Paul IV, C.R.
1555 - 1559
Julius III
1550 - 1555
Marcellus II
1555 - 1555
Paul III
1534 - 1549
Clement VII
1523 - 1534
Adrian VI
1522 - 1523
Leo X
1513 - 1521
Julius II
1503 - 1513
Alexander VI
1492 - 1503
Pius III
1503 - 1503
Innocent VIII
1484 - 1492
Sixtus IV, O.F.M.
1471 - 1484
Paul II
1464 - 1471
Pius II
1458 - 1464
Callixtus III
1455 - 1458
Nicholas V
1447 - 1455
Eugene IV, O.S.A.
1431 - 1447
Martin V
1417 - 1431
Gregory XII
1406 - 1415
Innocent VII
1404 - 1406
Boniface IX
1389 - 1404
Urban VI
1378 - 1389
Urban V, O.S.B.
1362 - 1370
Innocent VI
1352 - 1362
Clement VI, O.S.B.
1342 - 1352
Benedict XII, O.Cist.
1334 - 1342
1316 - 1334
1314 - 1316
Clement V
1305 - 1314
Benedict XI, O.P.
1303 - 1304
Boniface VIII
1294 - 1303
Celestine V, O.S.B.
1294 - 1294
Nicholas IV, O.F.M.
1288 - 1292
Honorius IV
1285 - 1287
Martin IV
1281 - 1285
Nicholas III
1277 - 1280
John XXI
1276 - 1277
Gregory X
1271 - 1276
Innocent V, O.P.
1276 - 1276
Adrian V
1276 - 1276
Clement IV
1265 - 1268
Urban IV
1261 - 1264
Alexander IV
1254 - 1261
Innocent IV
1243 - 1254
Gregory IX
1227 - 1241
Celestine IV
1241 - 1241
Honorius III
1216 - 1227
Innocent III
1198 - 1216
Celestine III
1191 - 1198
Clement III
1187 - 1191
Urban III
1185 - 1187
Gregory VIII
1187 - 1187
Lucius III
1181 - 1185
Alexander III
1159 - 1181
Adrian IV, O.S.A.
1154 - 1159
Anastasius IV
1153 - 1154
Eugene III, O.Cist.
1145 - 1153
Lucius II
1144 - 1145
Celestine II
1143 - 1144
Innocent II
1130 - 1143
Honorius II
1124 - 1130
Callixtus II
1119 - 1124
Gelasius II, O.S.B.
1118 - 1119
Paschal II, O.S.B.
1099 - 1118
Urban II, O.S.B.
1088 - 1099
Victor III, O.S.B.
1086 - 1087
Gregory VII, O.S.B.
1073 - 1085
Alexander II
1061 - 1073
Nicholas II
1058 - 1061
Stephen IX (X), O.S.B.
1057 - 1058
Victor II
1055 - 1057
Leo IX
1049 - 1054
Benedict IX
1047 - 1048
Damasus II
1048 - 1048
Clement II
1046 - 1047
Gregory VI
1045 - 1046
Sylvester III
1045 - 1045
Benedict IX
1045 - 1045
Benedict IX
1032 - 1044
John XIX
1024 - 1032
Benedict VIII
1012 - 1024
Sergius IV
1009 - 1012
1003 - 1009
Sylvester II
999 - 1003
1003 - 1003
Gregory V
996 - 999
John XV
985 - 996
John XIV
983 - 984
Benedict VII
974 - 983
Benedict VI
973 - 974
965 - 972
964 - 965
John XII
955 - 964
Benedict V
964 - 964
Agapetus II
946 - 955
Marinus II
942 - 946
Stephen VIII (IX)
939 - 942
Leo VII, O.S.B.
936 - 939
John XI
931 - 935
Stephen VII (VIII)
928 - 931
John X
914 - 928
Leo VI
928 - 928
913 - 914
Anastasius III
911 - 913
Sergius III
904 - 911
Benedict IV
900 - 903
Leo V
903 - 903
John IX, O.S.B.
898 - 900
Theodore II
897 - 898
Stephen VI (VII)
896 - 897
897 - 897
891 - 896
Boniface VI
896 - 896
Stephen V (VI)
885 - 891
Adrian III
884 - 885
Marinus I
882 - 884
872 - 882
Adrian II
867 - 872
Nicholas I
858 - 867
Benedict III
855 - 858
Leo IV, O.S.B.
847 - 855
Sergius II
844 - 847
Gregory IV
827 - 844
Eugene II
824 - 827
827 - 827
Paschal I
817 - 824
Stephen IV (V)
816 - 817
795 - 816
Adrian I
772 - 795
Stephen III (IV)
767 - 772
Paul I
757 - 767
Stephen II (III)
752 - 757
741 - 752
752 - 752
Gregory III
731 - 741
Gregory II
715 - 731
708 - 715
John VII
705 - 708
708 - 708
John VI
701 - 705
Sergius I
687 - 701
686 - 687
John V
685 - 686
Benedict II
684 - 685
Leo II
681 - 684
678 - 681
676 - 678
Adeodatus II, O.S.B.
672 - 676
657 - 672
Eugene I
654 - 657
Martin I
649 - 654
Theodore I
642 - 649
John IV
640 - 642
638 - 640
Honorius I
625 - 638
Boniface V
619 - 625
Adeodatus I
615 - 619
Boniface IV, O.S.B.
608 - 615
Boniface III
607 - 608
604 - 607
Gregory I, O.S.B.
590 - 604
Pelagius II
579 - 590
Benedict I
575 - 579
John III
561 - 575
Pelagius I
556 - 561
537 - 555
536 - 537
Agapetus I
535 - 536
John II
533 - 535
Boniface II
530 - 533
Felix IV (III)
526 - 530
John I
523 - 526
514 - 523
498 - 514
Anastasius II
496 - 498
Gelasius I
492 - 496
Felix III (II)
483 - 492
468 - 483
461 - 468
Leo I
440 - 461
Sixtus III
432 - 440
Celestine I
422 - 432
Boniface I
418 - 422
417 - 418
Innocent I
401 - 417
Anastasius I
399 - 401
384 - 399
Damasus I
366 - 384
352 - 366
Julius I
337 - 352
336 - 337
Sylvester I
314 - 336
311 - 314
309 - 311
Marcellus I
308 - 309
296 - 308
283 - 296
275 - 283
Felix I
269 - 274
259 - 268
Sixtus II
257 - 258
Stephen I
254 - 257
Lucius I
253 - 254
251 - 253
236 - 250
235 - 236
230 - 235
Urban I
222 - 230
Callixtus I
217 - 222
Zephyrinus (Zephyrin)
199 - 217
Victor I
189 - 198
174 - 189
166 - 174
155 - 166
Pius I
140 - 142
136 - 140
125 - 136
Sixtus I
115 - 125
Alexander I
105 - 115
Evaristus (Aristus)
97 - 105
Clement I
88 - 97
Anacletus (Cletus)
76 - 92
64 - 76
30 - 64
An office or bureau of the Holy See, such as the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith or the Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments.
Prior to the reform of the Roman Curia promulgated by Pope Francis in Predicate evangelium (22 March 2022), the larger and more important departments were called Congregations, e.g. Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
Petrine refers to the unique office of St. Peter in the Church, and of the Bishop of Rome as his successor (Mt. 16:13-18). St. Peter was given the duty of confirming his brothers (the apostles) in the faith (Luke 22:32). Peter's successors, the Bishops of Rome, inherit this Petrine ministry to guard and confirm the unity of faith of his brothers, the bishops, and thereby all members of the Church.
The legal weight and binding authority of the decisions of the Roman Curia comes from the will of the Supreme Pontiff. Canon 60 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law states:
The Supreme Pontiff conducts the business of the universal Church by means of the Roman Curia, which fulfills its duty in his name and by his authority.
The 12 Apostles of Jesus Christ considered as a group. Also, their successors, the bishops of the Catholic Church, considered as a group. The apostles, taught by Christ, were individually able to expound revelation with authority, as St. Paul makes clear in 2 Thess. 2:15. Yet, sometimes they also acted as a college in union with Peter, as in the Council of Jerusalem (Acts 15). While the bishops do not have the individual charism the apostles had, when they teach or otherwise act with the Pope in a collegial act it carries the same weight. The most solemn cases of this are the dogmatic and judicial canons of the Ecumenical Councils.
The Internal Forum is the arena of conscience. When a person reveals their interior life to a confessor in the Sacrament of Penance, to a spiritual director, or in similar situations with an expectation of complete confidence, it is said to be in the Internal Forum. The Church provides canonical sanctions for its violation, in the most severe case the automatic excommunication of a confessor who reveals information identifiable with a particular penitent.
On the other hand, the External Forum concerns matters of external ecclesiastical governance. Decisions in this forum have public effect, for example, the making of laws, and the punishment of their violation, or a decision about the validity of a marriage.
A See is a seat of authority, from the Latin sede. Jesus said the Pharisees sat on the chair of Moses (Mt. 23:2f). Judges sit on a bench, representing the authority of the state. Professors hold chairs of academic authority. And in the Church bishops possess chairs of spiritual authority. Thus, a diocese is called a See.
The Roman diocese has been called the Apostolic See from ancient times. It is the seat of authority of the chief Apostle, Peter, and where the Apostles Peter and Paul were martyred. It is the Holy See, since its bishop has Christ’s authority over holy things. These expressions apply not only to the Pope, but also to those who assist him in governing the universal Church. [Code of Canon Law c. 361]