Abortion Hurts Women

Author: Lynn Murphy

A Compilation by Lynn K. Murphy,

Life Research Institute, (510) 676-2929

April, 1995 Edition

Abortion Hurts Women

============================== Quotes from Planned Parenthood ==============================

Planned Parenthood, in its Department of Education <3-Year Plan and Long Range Program Goals 1990 - 1993>: *

A number of . . . studies and surveys (including the Reardon/WIC Study and the Grant Survey) have shown that the incidence or post-procedural trauma for abortion clients may be as high as 91 percent. *

A Planned Parenthood brochure entitled says, * An abortion kills the life of a baby after it has begun. It is dangerous to your life and health. It may make you sterile so that when you want a child you cannot have it. *

Explanatory Notes from author of this paper

This document provides scientific and other documentation that legal abortion, contrary to popular opinion, doesn't help women but hurts them severely and/or kills them. There is another way to show this, that being to provide testimonies of hundreds of women who have been hurt. Many of these women have founded and staffed post-abortion counseling centers across the nation to help women hurt by abortion. If you are interested in reading their incredible testimonies, you should buy David Reardon's book, . See Reference 19 for Reardon's address. Now I continue with scientific documentation.

======================== Physical Effects: Cancer ======================== Dr. Joel Brind, Endocrinologist, said in a December 3, 1992 press release, "" (Presumedly, it took some time to determine this: Women mostly abort early in life, and get breast cancer later.) Brind cited four sources in the medical literature. One of these also showed that women are also at a much higher risk of developing cervical cancer.[1]


"An upstate New York study matched 1,451 cases of breast cancer in women under 40 which were reported to the Cancer Registry with 1,451 population controls by year of birth and by residence using zip codes. An (CI 1.5-13.6) was associated with a history of repeated interrupted pregnancies with no intervening live births."[2]


"Women who carry their first baby to term cut their chance for breast cancer almost *in half*. Women who abort their first pregnancy almost double their chance. With 2 or more abortions there is a 3 - 4 fold increase.

. . . childbirth prevents [versus no pregnancy, not versus abortion] over 500 deaths from cancer for every 100,000 first pregnancies carried to term."[4]

"The number of additional breast cancer cases due to abortion is approximately 50,000 per year." Another estimate is 75,000.[5]

Regarding increased liver cancer risk: "A study of reproductive factors and the risk of primary liver cancer, conducted in Northern Italy between 1984-91, found a 2.1 relative risk for liver cancer for two or more induced abortions and 1.6 relative risk factor for one abortion compared with women with no abortion history."[6]

Regarding increased risk for cancer of the cervix: "A case-control study published in 1984 in France showed a 2.3 relative risk for cancer of the cervix for women with one abortion and a 4.92 relative risk for women reporting two or more induced abortions compared with women with no prior abortion history."[7]

======================= Physical Effects: Death =======================

"A recent analysis of just a few abortion-related complications indicates that the number of indirect deaths attributable to abortion exceeds 25,000 per year."[8] This does not count additional deaths from breast cancer.

The , May, 1985, said that abortion is the sixth leading cause of maternal death in this country.

"Women have a 58% greater risk of dying during a later pregnancy."[9]

Carol Everett, former says, "The last 18 months I was involved in the abortion industry we maimed to the point of major surgery one woman out of every five hundred. Let me define maimed. Hysterectomy, colostomy because her uterus had been perforated (punctured), and her bowel closest hospital. We never called an ambulance. An ambulance is a terrible advertisement in front of an abortion clinic."[10] In another case, Carol Everett says, "And the second time he went in with those big forceps he perforated her uterus and he pulled her bowel out through her vagina."[10]

Researcher Ann Saltenberger says, "What had I learned in three years of studying the effects of legal abortion? That there are myriad complications and that there are no guarantees of safe passage. "[11]

"What concerns is, what are chances of dying from a legal abortion (or childbirth)? The distinction between these two unpleasant possibilities is clear, striking, and significant: the overwhelming majority of women who die from a legal abortion are perfectly healthy before their lethal surgery; in carrying their pregnancies to term few--if any--would die. But most maternal childbirth deaths occur within a very small group of high-risk patients.[12] Those women who died in childbirth died from a disease process--an abnormality in the pregnancy/childbirth experience which for some reason could not be adequately treat-ed. " Comments by Lynn Murphy: except every

"In an attempt to learn how pervasive the problem of serious abortion complications is, an American obstetrician surveyed <486> of his colleagues regarding their experience with abortion patients. <87% revealed they had hospitalized women with complications following legal abortions; 91% had treated patients for complications. Twenty-nine of the doctors reported patients of theirs dying from legally-induced abortions."> [13]

=========================================== Physical Effects: General Physical Problems ===========================================

From Dayton Women's Health Center, Iowa: "Mary was rushed to the hospital after her abortion due to . The attending physicians discovered 'the entire front of her uterus was blown away.' After the surgeon removed the damaged uterus, they explored her abdominal cavity. Behind her liver they found the decapitated head of a 24 week old pre-born child."

Researcher George Grant says, "'There are a lot more complications out there than anyone seems to care to believe,' says Dean. 'It is a national health disaster'"[14]

"Although Planned Parenthood stubbornly refuses to admit publicly that such a disaster exists, privately it is quite concerned."[14]

Researcher Doug Scott says, "Dr. Beverly McMillen, a former abortionist from Jackson, Mississippi, notes that Planned Parenthood claims of few complications are unreliable. 'Planned Parenthood clinics, and free-standing abortion clinics like them, claim they have an untarnished record of no complications from their abortion procedures, but what they don't know is that I'm the practitioner who sees their complications. These women don't go back to the clinic where they've had a bad experience. They show up in my office or in my emergency room with their bleeding or with their infections or with their retained placenta, needing another D&C.'"[15] * They show up in my office, or in my emergency room with their bleeding or with their infections or with their retained placenta . . .

Quoting Saltenberger again, below are just a very few excerpts from her list of complications:

"' in the United States.'[16] Infection was the leading cause of abortion-related deaths of 104 women in a CDC report.[17] In another study 'documented incomplete abortion caused each of the four deaths from infection.'[18]"

Researcher Murphy says, "Physical damage to the mother is also very common. There are several reasons we don't hear much about this. First, most abortions are done in clinics whose records are insufficiently inspected. When a complication occurs, the clinics really have no incentive to turn themselves in. Second, deaths from abortion generally are not reported as deaths from abortion. Rather, the death might be from a perforated (punctured) uterus or internal bleeding. Thus, abortion seems safe."[19]

Following is a that can occur as a result of abortions: death, infection, hemorrhage, cervical damage, damage and loss of other internal organs, perforation of the uterus, menstrual irregularity, headaches, dizziness, blood clots, AIDS from blood transfusions, AIDS or Hepatitis from increased drug and needle use (see list below of psychological damages showing increased drug use), increased probability of future miscarriages, stillbirths, sterility, ectopic (tubal) pregnancies, menstrual disturbances, other bleeding, shock, coma, peritonitis, cold sweats, and much more."[19]

A Wynn and Wynn Study[20] shows that 3 - 5 percent of aborters are left sterile. (Both of the Wynns are pro-abortion.)

From a David Reardon flyer of 1986:[21]

"<47% of women in a study stated that they had suffered one or more physical complications following their abortions>.[21]

31% Of these stated the complication was very minor and 26% Said it was of a moderate nature, and 35% Said it was very severe.

Of short-term complications:[21] 15% Reported post-operative hemorrhage and 9% Reported infection. Post-operative infections are frequently the result of an incomplete abortion and must be treated by a second operation.

Of long-term, delayed complications:[21] 6% Required a total hysterectomy 8% Reported total or partial blockage of fallopian tubes 6% Got cervical cancer 22% Later had a miscarriage of a wanted child 8% Were diagnosed as suffering from cervical incompetence" (These were random samples, not a poll of all the women.)

Famous pro-life leader, Jack Willke, says, "A busy chief of an OB department in Ft. Lauderdale reported, 'An unusually large number of complications are being seen by private physicians. Because many of these adolescent patients, in who complications develop, do not return to the physician who did the abortion, accurate data on complications are difficult to obtain.'"[22]

"The so-called 'freestanding clinics,' which do over 90% of all abortions in the U.S., are often little better than back-alley operations that have been legalized . . . .' Even life-endangering complications rarely come to the attention of the physician who performed the abortion unless the incident entails litigation. The statistics presented by Cates represent substantial under reporting and disregard women's reluctance to return to a clinic, where, in their mind, they received inadequate treat-ment.'"[23]

Researcher David Reardon says about abortion for fetal handicap: "In addition, since eugenic abortions , the physical than for childbirth. In fact, the odds that a forty-year-old woman will suffer a severe complication from abortion are more than twice as great as the odds that she will have a child with Down's syndrome."[24] (Down's babies are found mostly in wombs of these 'older' women.)

Miscellaneous quotes[25] from Reardon's : 'Health inspectors at one abortion clinic found that the lack of sterile conditions extended to:

* Instruments that were 'dirty and worn to the point that the stainless-steel finish had deteriorated and the instruments were beginning to rust.' * 'Recovery room beds made with dirty linens.' * 'Supposedly sterile instruments' encrusted with 'dried matter.' * 'Instruments being 'sterilized' with Tide detergent, and surgical equipment, including the suction machine, being ' cleansed' with plain water."

===================================== Physical Effects: Later Complications =====================================

Regarding increased low birth weight and short gestation: "A study by the World Health Organization of legalized abortion in Great Britain, Europe, Korea and Scandinavia concluded that repeat abortion is associated with a 2 to 2.5 fold increase in low birth weight and short gestation when either is compared with one live birth or one abortion."[26]

Also regarding increased low birth weight and short gestation: "In a study of white women who delivered between 1984-87 in Washington state, the unadjusted proportion of infants born with a birth weight of less than 2500 grams was 4.4% among women with no abortion history, 5.7% for women with one prior abortion, 7.7% for women with two prior abortions, and 9.6% for women with 4 or more prior abortions."[27]

Regarding increased risk of premature birth : "A Danish study conducted in 1974-75 concluded that women with a history of 2 or more abortions had twice the risk of a premature infant compared with women with one past abortion."[28] Regarding increased risk of miscarriage or incomplete abortion: "A Boston Hospital for Women study conducted in 1976-78 concluded that women who had had two or more induced abortions were 2.7 times more likely to have future first trimester spontaneous abortions (early miscarriage) and 3.2 times more likely to have a second trimester incomplete abortion than were women with no history of induced abortion."[29]

Regarding increased incidence of secondary infertility: "A 1987-88 study of women in Athens, Greece, admitted for secondary infertility found that women with 2 or more prior abortions had a relative risk of 2.3 for secondary infertility and women with one abortion had a relative risk of 2.1 compared with women with no abortion history."[30] (Secondary fertility means there was a previous conception, the woman had been trying to become pregnant for at least 18 months, and the man had a normal semen analysis.)

Regarding increased risk of ectopic pregnancy: "A study of women at the Boston Hospital for Women found that the relative risk of ectopic pregnancy to be 1.6 for women with one prior abortion (reduced to 1.3 after control [adjustment] of confounding factors) and 4.0 for women with two or more prior abortions (reduced to 2.6 after control of confounding factors.)"[31]

========================================== General Comments on Abortion Hurting Women ==========================================

"What for abortionists? The more dangerous the surgical procedure, the higher the cost of medical malpractice insurance. The State of Florida has always rated its doctors as Class I up to Class VI. On January 1, 1984, a special ultra-risk Class VII rating was created for abortionists.[32] " Comment by Lynn Murphy: And this notwithstanding that the fact of the butcher-job seldom gets back to the abortionist herself!


American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists did a survey in late 1974 to which 486 specialists responded with:[34]

1. Have you had to treat patients with complications following abortions: Answer Percent Number of physicians answering Yes 91 443 No 9 43

2. Was hospitalization necessary? Yes 87 423 No 13 63 3. Was there any mortality? Yes 6 29 No 94 457 *

"Doctors have been known to race one another, competing for big bucks in the game of Who Can Perform the Most Abortions Today.[35]

Although most physicians limit themselves to 15 or 20 abortions per day, others may perform six to eight per hour. Doing too many may be monotonous, fatiguing the doctor and endangering the woman's health; but the profit motive may prompt a precarious pace--dozens and dozens a day.[36] How is a woman to know whether her abortionist is trying for the world landspeed record?"

About counseling, "On her first day as counselor at a prominent legal abortion clinic, an investigative reporter was trained to counsel by her supervisor. These were her instructions:[37]

1. Don't tell the patient the abortion will hurt 2. Don't discuss procedure or the instruments to be used 3. Don't answer too many questions 4. Don't try to talk about birth control"

"SCHEDULING UNNECESSARY SURGERY: Virtually everywhere that investigators have 'tested' abortion clinics by submitting male urine for pregnancy tests the results have come back positive; not every time, but too many times. Women with negative results have been sold abortions they didn't need, suffering severe complications they weren't prepared for. . . ."[38]

"VITAL SIGN FRIVOLITY: . . . On the abortion assembly lines, 'Don't take it, just fake it' could have been the motto of the clinic where untrained aides were told to fill out charts themselves. During her first day as a nurses' aide, Jacqueline was told it wasn't necessary to take pulse and respiration; she could enter anything on the chart.[38]

After surgery vital signs are even more crucial. A high temperature can mean infection; a weak heartbeat could mean shock. At one clinic, temperatures weren't taken for weeks because the batteries in the recovery room thermometers were dead. (Apparently they didn't believe in the old-fashioned, do-it-yourself type). For blood pressure readings nurses instructed aides to write down something a bit higher than it had been before the abortion."[38]

"In legalizing abortion, the Supreme Court said the abortion decision was to be made by a woman and her doctor. Today the decision is invariably made by the woman, alone, and implemented by a doctor she has never seen before, whose name she may not even know. The majority of abortions are done swiftly in efficiently run clinics where . While there is a plethora of information on the complications of legal abortion buried in medical libraries, no retrieval system has been contrived to collate it, no distribution method developed to disseminate it, no agency appointed to make it accessible to those who need the facts most--women considering artificial termination of pregnancy."[39]



"Women who have had abortions are at greater risk of suffering emotional and psychological problems which may interfere with their ability to concentrate, make decisions, and interact with others, thereby reducing their level of job skills and employment opportunities.

Post-abortion women are more likely to engage in drug and alcohol abuse, often as a means of 'numbing' negative feelings stemming from the abortion. This will in turn effect their ability to function in the work place and may inhibit their ability to enter into meaningful relationships.

Women who have had abortions are more likely to become pregnant again and undergo additional abortions.

. . . Women who have had abortions are more likely to subsequently require welfare assistance, and the odds of going on welfare increase with each subsequent abortion.

Women who have repeat abortions tend to have an increasing number of health problems and greater personality disintegration, which increases the likelihood of their needing public assistance.

Post-abortion women have greater difficulty establishing permanent relationships with male partner. They are more likely to never marry, more likely to divorce, and more likely to go through a long string of unsuccessful relationships. This inability to form a nuclear family reduces household income and increases the probability that the woman and her children will require public assistance."[40]

"Women who abort are nearly four times more likely to start abusing drugs or alcohol."[41]

From by Lynn K. Murphy. Not yet published.

"Mothers suffer many psychological and physical complications from abortion. Although the public generally is unaware that these complications occur, .[42] David Reardon, famed researcher, notes that there are over one hundred complications associated with abortion.[43] This does not include death of the baby: This is not a of abortion, it is a goal."

"As with the psychological damages, a woman may not have physical damage, or she may have more than one type of physical damage. She may also have both physical and psychological damage."[44]

"About 10,000 American women are hospitalized yearly for abortion complications."[45]

===================== Psychological Effects =====================

Psychological Damage:

"The most serious psychological damages that occur can be lumped under the condition known as Post-Abortion Syndrome (PAS), which is a part of a larger class of disorders called Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. The PAS victim, through the process of denial, blocks the natural grieving process of the death of her child and often denies her own responsibility in the abortion. The denial or suppression blocks the healing process and the possibility of forgiveness for herself and the others who have been involved in her decision and her abortion. The trauma often manifests itself as a breakdown of function in the psychological, physical, or spiritual areas."[46]

"Dr. Vincent Rue, a clinical psychologist, likened abortion victims to "walking time bombs" and said that little is heard of PAS problems because there is a massive denial among professionals.

Following is a . Not every mother who aborts has damage, but many have more than one of these problems because of the abortion: child abuse, child neglect, suicidal behavior, anger/rage, feeling of being raped, worsening self-image, sexual coldness, fear of touching babies, nervous breakdown, promiscuity, constant thoughts about the child, loneliness, fear of making decisions, hallucinations related to the abortion, nightmares, increased drug and alcohol use, feelings of craziness, flashbacks, decreased ability to experience emotions, inability to communicate, feeling victimized, fear that others will learn of the abortion, guilt, anxiety, depression, grief, sadness, regret, loss, repeat abortions, unwillingness to continuing pursuing their life's goals, inability to sustain intimate relationships, hatred of people connected with abortions, and many, many more."[47] ". . .More than a baby would die in that room. Once I had a personality, a life, a soul. Now I was a body with broken pieces." Endnote 44

* "One doctor reports, 'Since abortion was legalized I have seen hundreds of patients who have had the operation. Approximately 10% expressed very little or no concern . . . "[48]

"The complication of "GRIEF: 109 girls between the ages of 14 and 18 underwent abortions at a special adolescent clinic during a 12 month period. Careful follow-up revealed 'all of the girls had some sort of grief reaction'; <3 of them required psychotherapy.>"[49]

"Of women surveyed professionally after legal abortion, <23% eventually suffered severe guilt>, 25% mild guilt with symptoms including insomnia, decreased work capacity and nervousness[50]; in another study, 26.4% felt guilt after legal abortions.[51]"

"Up to 43% of 500 women studied showed immediate negative response; the long-term negative response was as great as 50%. "[52]

"Subjects who obtained their abortions in a clinic or hospital often did not meet the doctor performing the procedure until it was about to commence, and, in many cases, the doctor was not introduced by name."

"The inability to name the physician subsequent to the abortion, coupled with the knowledge that records were to some degree falsified, caused stress for many subjects who began to perceive the abortion personnel as less than trustworthy. It was also stress enhancing for those subjects who later wanted access to their abortion records."[53]

"It can be easily demonstrated that postpartum patients do better than post-abortion patients in psychotherapy. Abortion puts women at greater risk mentally, and to conclude otherwise is to go beyond available data. . . ."[54] "This poll reveals that of all the situations which would make a person feel very bad about himself or herself, 67% of the women questioned and 55% of the men questioned in the age group 18 to 29 years old stated that having an abortion tops the list!"[55]

On the psychological aftermath of abortion:[21]

"94% reported negative feelings about their abortion experience.

On severity of post-abortion emotional problems, 55% said negative psychological impact was severe 31% said moderately severe 8% said mild or minor 6% were unsure

Asked to list what they felt was their most severe reaction,[21] 37% listed depression 32% listed guilt 20% listed lowered self-worth or lowered self-esteem

19% described themselves as engaging in 'suicidal' behavior

10% described themselves as having become 'alcoholics' after their abortions, [and a different]

10% turned to drug abuse

15% reported that their abortions left them with chronic feelings of anger or rage toward others

10% reported sexual coldness or revulsion of sex following abortion

77% stated that their post-abortion psychological complications persisted for three years or longer. 38% felt a very strong need for psychological counseling. Many got it.

<66% believed their lives today are worse off because of their abortions.> [21]

" The damage abortion inflicts on a woman's sense of confidence and self-respect is even worse when these traits are already weak. For such an 'unaffirmed woman,' the 'consequences of induced abortion . . . consist always of a deepening of her feelings of inferiority, inadequacy, insignificance, and worthlessness.'"[56]

"Feelings of rejection, low self-esteem, guilt and depression are all ingredients for suicide, and the rate of suicide attempts among aborted women is phenomenally high. According to one study, [57]

The fact of high suicide rates among aborted women is well known among professionals who counsel suicidal persons. .'[58] The natural, hormone-induced depression may be easily misinterpreted to mean hostility towards childbirth, parenting, or even one's sexual partner."

"Because the aborted child was wanted and the abortion is seen at best as 'mercy killing' of an innocent child, the incidence of severe depression following a selective abortion is about 92 percent among the mothers, and 82 percent among the fathers."[59] *

Many children are unwanted only during a temporary hormonal change.

"Indeed, the emotions surrounding rape and abortion are so nearly identical that abortion is almost certain to reinforce negative attitudes. Like rape, abortion accentuates feelings of guilt, lowered self-esteem, feelings of being sexually violated, feelings of having lost control or of being controlled by circumstances, suspicion of males, sexual coldness, and so on. Abortion of pregnant rape victims, then, tends only to rein-force these negative feelings and does nothing to promote the inner reconciliation which is so desperately needed. Encouraging a woman to vent her displaced anger in 'revenge' against her unborn child only impacts negative and self-destructive attitudes into her psyche."[60]

"Several researchers show that many aborters may never want intercourse again and many are forever frigid. Thus, they may never connect with love and marriage.

======= Suicide =======

"According to a 1986 study by researchers at the University of Minnesota, "

"Other times, the suicidal impulses result from years of repression, depression, and lost self-esteem. A 1987 study of women who suffered from post-abortion trauma found that 60 percent had experienced suicidal ideation, 28 percent had attempted suicide, and 18 percent had attempted suicide more than once. Often several years after the event."[61]


"What of post-abortion suicide? . . .

Post-abortion suicide is slowly growing into a rather frightening phenomenon. Suiciders Anonymous[63] is a national fellowship patterned after Alcoholics Anonymous. It tries to help those who have attempted suicide. Suiciders Anonymous, in a 35-month period in the Cincinnati, Ohio area, reported counseling 5,620 members. These people were described as, 'those suffering in-depth, deep depression, anxiety, stress, and fears they cannot overcome, those who have attempted suicide, often several times, and failed, and those who are considering taking that final desperate step.' Of these 5,260 people: 4,000 were women 1,800 had abortions, of whom 1,400 were between 15-24 years old.

In her report, M. Uchtman (Suiciders Anonymous), said it in a way which makes it clearly understandable:


Of all the emotions they experienced during the abortion crisis, none brings more pain and distress than the one they now know and identify five to ten times more than any other feelings. These women always tell us the same thing. 'Oh, my god, I am evil. I have to be evil to have done this thing. I feel so alone, so forsaken.'

Panic and distress grips them after an abortion, because the feelings are allowed to remain shadowy, ominous, ghost-like. They are shapes dancing around the edges of their consciousness. They commonly postpone the moment of truth as long as possible. But when the subconscious throws it forward, they go through mental hell! Even at age 87, the critical moment comes when the chilling reality overwhelms them and cold reality numbs their spirit and casts them into those dark 'pits' of despair and pain!

It is vital that parents are prepared!

Here are the two questions they always ask us:

WILL THIS PAIN NEVER DIE? HOW MANY YEARS DOES IT TAKE TO GET OVER THIS PAIN? Many women purposely keep the pain alive by never forgiving the spouse or mate after the decision. He rejects her, leaving her to live in the pits alone, in the depths and in deep depression!

They become more and more depersonalized, superficial, and artificial. Suicide is now more desirable for them than a lifetime of false pretense and hopelessness."

Comment by Lynn Murphy: Approximately one-third of pro-life activist women have had at least one abortion.[64] Perhaps the above explains why they became pro-life activists.

======== Endnotes ========

1. Lynn K. Murphy, n.p., 64.

2. H. L. Howe et al., "Early Abortion and Breast Cancer Risk among Women Under Age 40," 1989, 300, quoted in Newsletter of Association for Interdisciplinary Research in Values and Social Change, Winter 1993, 6-8.

3. M. Ewartz, "Risk of Breast Cancer in Relation to Reproductive Factors in Denmark," 1988, 99-104, quoted in Newsletter of Association for Interdisciplinary . . . , 6-8.

4. Feb 1994, p.5:

5. Conservatively, without abortion 1 in 10 women will contract breast cancer. A mother's first abortion is most important, and there are about 1,000,000 of these annually. Thus, 100,000 of these would get breast cancer without aborting. But abortion increases the risk by *at least* 50%. 100,000 x 50% = 50,000. This analysis provides a very conservative result. Joel Brind, quoted at endnote 1, estimates 75,000.

6. C. LaVeccia et al., "Reproductive Factors and the Risk of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Women," 1992, 351, quoted in Newsletter of Association for Interdisciplinary . . . , 6-8.

7. M-G Le et al.,"Oral Contraceptive Use and Breast or Cervical Cancer: Preliminary Results of a French Case-Control Study," quoted in J. P. Wolff and J. S. Scott, eds., "Hormones and Sexual Factors in Human Cancer Etiology," New York (1984) 139-47.

8. Thomas W. Strahan, "Women's Health and Abortion II- Risk of Premature Death in Women From Induced Abortion: Preliminary Findings," Spring 1993, avail from NRL Educational Trust Fund, 419 7[th] St NW, Suite 500 DC 20004, 202 626-8800.

9. David C. Reardon, (Wheaton, IL: Good News, Crossways Books; Chicago: Loyola University Press).

10. Carol N. Everett, program on KFIA Radio (California), January 1990.

11. Ann Saltenberger, (Glassboro, NJ: Air- Plus Enterprises, 1982) 15.

12. "Most Mother, Child Mortality Seen in Small High-Risk Group," 15 May 1981, quoted in Saltenberger, 52.

13. M. J. Bulfin, "Deaths and Near Deaths with Legal Abortions," presented at the ACOG (American Col. of Ob/Gyn) Convention, 28 October 1975, quoted in Saltenberger, 52.

14. George Grant, (Brentwood, TN: Wolgemuth & Hyatt, 1984) 66.

15. "A Close Look at Planned Parenthood," radio program, 27-27 October 1989, quoted in Douglas R. Scott, (Grand Rapid, MI: Frontlines Publishing, 1990) 86.

16. D. A. Grimes & W. Cates, "Complications from Legally-Induced Abortion: A Review," 1979, 177-91, quoted in Saltenberger, 29.

17. A. M. Kimball et al., "Deaths caused by Pulmonary Thromboembolism After Legally Induced Abortion, " 15 September 1978, 169-74, quoted in Saltenberger, 29.

18. D. A. Grimes, et al., "Comparative Risk of Death from Legally Induced Abortion in Hospitals and Non- Hospital Facilities," March 1978, 323-26, quoted in Saltenberger, 29.

19. Murphy, 64.

20. Arthur Wynn and Margaret Wynn, "Some Consequences of Induced Abortion to Children Born Subsequently,"< British Med. Journal,> 3 March 1973.

21. David Reardon does original research. His address is Elliot Institute, P. O. Box 9079, Springfield, IL 62791.

22. M. Bulfin, "A New Problem in Adolescent Gynecology," August 1979, quoted in Dr. Jack Willke and Barbara Willke, (Cincinnati, OH: Hayes Publishing Company, 1988) 96.

23. Iffy, "Second trimester Abortions," 4 February 1983, 588, quoted in Willke, 98, 99.

24. Dr. Hymie Gordon, letter on amniocentesis in newsletter published by The World Federation of Doctors Who Respect Human Life, September 1980, 4-6, quoted in Reardon, 236.

25. Pamela Zekman and Pamela Warrick, "The Abortion Profiteers," special reprint 3, December 1978 (original publication 12 November, 1978) 15, quoted in Reardon, 236.

26. Geneva, November 1978, quoted in Newsletter of Association for Interdisciplinary . . . , 6-8.

27. M. Mandelson, C. Maden, and J. R. Daling, "Low Birth Weight in relation to Multiple Induced Abor tions," March 1992, 391-94, quoted in Newsletter of Association for Interdisciplinary . . . , 6-8.

28. E. Obel, "Pregnancy Complications Following Legally Induced Abortion With Special Reference to Abortion Technique," 1979, 147-52, quoted in Newsletter of Association for Interdisciplinary . . . , 6-8.

29. A. Levin et al., "Association of Induced Abortion With Subsequent Pregnancy Loss," 27 June 1980, 2495, quoted in Newsletter of Association for Interdisciplinary . . . , 6-8.

30. Tzonou et al., "Induced Abortions, Miscarriages, and Tobacco Smoking as Risk Factors for Secondary Infertility," 1993, quoted in Newsletter of Association for Interdisciplinary . . . , 6-8.

31. A. Levin et al., "Ectopic Pregnancy and Prior Induced Abortion," March 1982, 253-56, quoted in Newsletter of Association for Interdisciplinary . . . , 6-8.

32. PIMCO, "Florida Insurance Reciprocal," 1984, 10, quoted in Willke, 196.

33. Dr. Jack Willke and Barbara Willke, (Cincinnati: Hayes Publishing, 1975) 96.

34. Paul Ervin, (Huntington, IN and/or Thaxton, VA: Our Sunday Visitor, 1985) 88.

35. Pamela Zekman and Pamela Warrick, "The Abortion Profiteers: Making A Killing In Michigan Avenue Clinics," 12 November 1978, quoted in Saltenberger, 159.

36. "The Abortion Profiteers: Dr. Ming Kow Hah: Physician Of Pain," November 1978, quoted in Saltenberger, 159.

37. Saltenberger, 163.

38. Pamela Zekman & Pamela Warrick, "The Abortion Profiteers: Nurse to Aide: Fake That Pulse!" November 1978, quoted in Saltenberger, 168-170.

39. Saltenberger, back cover.

40. David C. Reardon, "Abortion and the Feminization of Poverty"


42. "Statement of Facts," American Rights Coalition, quoted in Murphy, 60.

43. Reardon, 92.

44. Murphy, 64.

45. 19 May 1993, C13.

46. J. Denton Collins, M.A., M.F.C.C. MK19363, quoted in Murphy, 61.

47. Murphy, 62.

48. E. A. Quay, "Doctors Note Serious Side Effects on Women Following Abortion," 16 Novem ber 1978, quoted in Saltenberger, 136.

49. C. A. Cowell, "Problems of Adolescent Abortion," (Ortho Pharmaceutical Corporation), quoted in Saltenberger, 140.

50. Saltenberger, 140.

51. Ian Kent, et al., "Emotional Sequelae of Therapeutic Abortion: A comparative Study," presented to the annual meeting of the Canadian Psychiatric Association at Saskatoon, September 1977, quoted in Saltenberger, 140.

52. C. M. Friedman, et al., "The Decision-Making Process and the Outcome of Therapeutic Abortion, " 1974, 1332-7, quoted in Saltenberger, 145.

53. Anne Speckhard, (Kansas City, MO: Sheed & Ward, 1987) 72.

54. David Mall and Dr. Walter F. Watts, eds., (University Publi cations of America, 1979).

55. "The Curse of Self-Esteem," 17 February, reporting on a Gallup poll.

56. Dr. Conrad Baars, "Psychic Causes and Consequences of the Abortion Mentality," (Washington, DC: University Publications of America, 1979) 122, quoted in Reardon, 127.

57. Dr. Margaret White at the Royal College of Physicians, 25 May 1976; Greenglass, "Therapeutic Abortion and Psychiatric Disturbance in Canadian Women," (1976), p. 45 found a 3 percent suicide rate. This was quoted in Reardon, 129.

58. Regis Walling, "When Pregnancy is a Problem," 12 January 1984, 1, quoted in Reardon, 129.

59. Reardon, 176.

60. Ibid., 198.

61. David C. Reardon, "The Abortion/Suicide Connection."

62. Speckhard, 57.

63. M. Uchtman, Ohio Director of Suiciders Anonymous, Report to the Cincinnati City Council, 1 September 1981, quoted in Willke, 126.

64. Nola Jones, personal observation by, 1991.
