Act of Entrustment to the Virgin Mother

Author: Pope John Paul II

Prayer of the Holy Father in the Church of Santa Maria Consolatrice

On Sunday, 8 September 1985, at Vaduz, the Holy Father led the faithful in an Act of Entrustment to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Blessed Virgin Mary,
your birth fills us all with great joy.
In you shines the dawn of redemption;
because you gave birth for us to Christ, the sun of justice.
As Mother of the Savior of the world and as Mother of the Church,
you help us to encounter Christ in our lives.
You, Virgin always pure and without blemish,
guide us on the safe path
and bring us out of the darkness of sin and death
towards the divine light of your Son,
who in the Holy Spirit has reconciled us with the heavenly Father
and, through the service of the Church,
continues to reconcile us with him.

Holy Mother of God, this shrine in Dux
bears your name: “Mary of Consolation”.
Here you are venerated as “Our Lady of Liechtenstein”.
Before your beloved image / the faithful of many generations pray.
Here, in difficult and perilous times, the prince of the country knelt
and entrusted to you, Consoler of the Afflicted and Queen of Peace,
his family and all the people of Liechtenstein.
Today, I, the supreme head of the Church of Christ,
kneel in this holy place
and consecrate to your immaculate heart
the royal house, the country and the people of Liechtenstein.
Full of trust, I entrust to you its families and communities,
the leaders of the Church, the State and society,
the children and the young, the sick and the elderly,
the dead who await the resurrection in their tombs.
I entrust to your powerful intercession all the people of God
and profess that you are the “Mater fortior” for us all.

Yes, the most powerful Mother!
You, Mother of God, are stronger than all the powers that are enemies of God,
that threaten our world and our very country.
You are stronger than the temptations and assaults
that want to tear man away from God and his Commandments.
You are stronger than every selfish and personalistic ambition
that obscures man's vision of God and his neighbor.
You are stronger because you believed,
you hoped and you loved fully.
You are stronger because you totally fulfilled the will of God
and followed the path of your obedient and faithful Son to the cross.
You are stronger because you participate with body and soul
in the Lord's paschal victory.
Truly, you are stronger
 because the Almighty has done great things in you.

The country and the prince and the people are consecrated to you.
Spread your mantle, O Mother, over us all.
I fervently pray to you, together with all the faithful:
“Virgin, Mother of my God,
let me be all yours!
Yours in life, yours in death,
yours in suffering, in fear and in misery;
yours on the cross and in painful despair;
yours in time and in eternity.
Virgin, Mother of my God,
let me be all yours!”. Amen.

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