Behind the Mask of UNICEF

Author: HLI


The United Nation's Children's Fund (UNICEF) claims to represent the needs of children throughout the world. It claims to prioritize a "first call" for children's access to world resources in every nation. It claims, through its Convention on the Rights of the Child, to have formulated a program that will help guarantee well-being and respect for all children.

Such claims form a false face masking a cynical program that uses children to prevent other children from being born. UNICEF'S record reveals that it is not a champion of children or family values. Throughout the world, UNICEF promotes population control programs which advocate abortion and utilize bookjuggling antics to fund abortifacients and sterilizations.

If it's true that we're known by the company we keep, UNICEF may be better understood by examining some of its insidious collaborations.

UNICEF Collaborates

An "interagency partnership" composed of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the World Bank, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA), International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) and the Population Council (PC) have proposed a "Safe Motherhood Initiative" centered on the legalization of abortion within all public and private maternal and health programs in developing countries. Within the partnership, the World Bank is intended to provide the economic compulsion and guaranteed funds necessary to carry out the agenda.

UNICEF Promotes Population Control

UNICEF networks are a major conduit for abortion pressures and for abortifacient drugs, devices and sterilizations promoted by the United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA), the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Bank (the Bank) and the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF).

UNFPA has been denied funding by the United States Congress because of UNFPA's involvement in directing and managing the coerced abortion and sterilization program in China. Both UNFPA and IPPF are noted for their abortion advocacy and activity. IPPF has illegally supplied vacuum aspiration kits for abortions to the Philippines, Bangladesh, Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, Vietnam and India. Yet UNICEF has provided funds for both organizations ("The Hastings Center Report," Vol.10, No.2, April, 1980).

The lack of access to alternative health care options in developing nations, combined with the politicized propaganda and health-destroying technologies of international population control idealogues, strongly impacts on patients' abilities to give informed consent in UNICEF maternal and Child Health Care (MCH) settings.

UNICEF's Pornographic Sex Education

UNICEF uses pornographic sex education programs. The programs were purchased from the Japanese Organization for International Cooperation in Family Planning (JOICFP) to "educate" children. The films, produced by JOICFP and MEXFAM, the Mexican IPPF affiliate, are titled "The Blue Pigeon" and "Music For Two. "

The "Blue Pigeon" is a cartoon targeted at 10 and 12-year-old children which graphically depicts sexual intercourse between two children attending a children's picnic.

"Music for Two" depicts a young girl who imagines herself married. In her fantasy she sees an image of a tired, overworked and overburdened, pregnant woman with several children. Her husband is shown as indifferent and uninterested in either his wife or the children. The negative message is that, in marriage, women become nothing more than breeders and slaves. As the girl acts out her sexual fantasies with a young boy in her neighborhood they engage in graphically depicted sexual intercourse after outfitting each other with birth control devices. At the end of the film, the girl skips off happily, having had commitment-free intercourse without the prospect of a burdensome marriage (Patricia Poppe, Luis Maria Aller Atucha, "Integrated Project and IEC Materials in Guatemala and Mexico, " JOICFP).

U.N. Rights of the Child? Wrong!!

Within the language of The U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child promulgated by UNICEF, parental rights and responsibilities become subject to government determination while children are separated from parents and families as individuals with separate rights which cannot be abridged. Included among the rights which may not be denied to children is the right to health care which incorporates rights to contraceptive services; the right to privacy, which has been responsible for the deaths of over 25 million children in the United States alone; the right to express their views and to have their views given 'due weight'; and the right to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art or through any other media of the child's choice.

UNICEF'S False Denials

UNICEF denies that it advances any advocacy of particular family planning methods or abortion. It denies that it funds contraceptive supplies and sterilization programs. In fact, the public record shows that UNICEF, just as it claims, "does not advocate any particular view on the choice of the family planning method." Indeed, UNICEF promotes all methods, indiscriminately.

Coercive Implications

UNICEF boldly predicts that the number of children being born into the world will 'peak" and then "decline" in the late 1990s. (UNICEF; The State of the World's Children, 1990, 4). It is UNICEF's stated intention to produce pressures to bring this about, as the following examples illustrate:

World Population Conference in 1974: WHO, supported by UNICEF, worked to establish a public policy "link between health care and family planning" (Maggie Black, "The Children and the Nations, The Story of UNICEF," 257)

Henry Labouisse, UNICEF's executive director speaking at that conference: ". . . national policies in the population field must be translated into specific measures that directly touch the lives of individual families" (Ibid.).

James Grant, the present UNICEF executive director: "The central issue of our time may well turn out to be how the world addresses the problem of ever-expanding human numbers" ("National Concord," Friday, Jan. 18, 1991).

UNICEF and WHO cooperation: ". . . in creation of population awareness for policy makers and opinion leaders...." This cooperation has included "contraceptive prevalence and fertility preference." Population control pressures and methodologies were also integrated into sanitation, parasite control and nutrition programs (1987 Report by the Executive Director of UNFPA).

Commitment to Population Control

Jamaica: UNICEF received $720,684 in UNFPA funds for the purchase of contraceptives for the National Family Planning Program ("UNFPA Inventory of Population Projects in Developing Countries Around the World," 1987/88, 281).

Kenya: UNICEF received $700,000 from the World Bank for a Population Project which established an interagency information and education program for the promotion of a small family norm; and provided funds for the establishment of 300 new Maternal and Child Health Family Planning (MCH/FP) units and an additional 300 Health Centres to be operated by the Ministry of Health. "In order to increase the project's impact on fertility, the project was amended in 1985 to include surgical contraceptive (sterilization) facilities in 13 district hospitals and family planning clinics" (292).

Malawi: UNICEF received $1.8 million from the World Bank to participate in a "Family Health Project." The family health components included MCH services, primary health care, child spacing and nutrition. In addition, the project would assist in the development of surgical contraception services (sterilization) and expansion of urban and rural family health services by training of staff, traditional birth and village health attendants. The population increase would be slowed through an increase in women using modern contraceptive methods (333).

Nepal: UNICEF received $795,569 from UNFPA to participate in a joint project to support FP/MCH activities; provide selected contraceptives; and organize, expand and improve the quality of sterilization in mobile units country-wide and in regular health institutions in non-integrated districts (395).

Bangladesh: UNFPA provided $5,453,023 to UNICEF to "provide support to the integrated maternal and child health/family planning services and to the Population Control and Family Planning Division. ("Inventory of Population Projects in Developing Countries Around the World," 1988/1 989, 28).

Burundi: World Bank funds in the amount of $1.8 million were given to UNICEF for the purpose of engaging in a Population and Health Project "to improve maternal and child health status" by strengthening MCH/FP services and nutrition and "to increase contraceptive prevalence to 14 percent by 1992" (86).

UNICEF/Kenya, UNICEF/United Republic of Tanzania and UNICEF/Uganda distributed a primary school education magazine, Pied Crow Environmental Special Magazine. The publication is a seven issue series on awareness of population growth for primary school children ("UNFPA Inventory of Population Projects in Developing Countries Around the World" 1989/1990 296).

Malaysia: UNICEF participated as executing agent in a $6.5 million UNFPA Project to consolidate current population programs and further integrate family planning with other family development programs (331).

UNICEF denies its complicity by crying, "clean hands, clean hands!" while slyly using World Bank and UNFPA population control money to fund the clinics, stock the shelves, train the midwives and village health workers and pay for vans used by those who tour the countryside of developing nations sterilizing the people.

The public record provides a clear chronicle of UNICEF'S operations which fund abortion advocacy, abortifacient/contraceptive supplies and sterilization.

The face behind the mask at UNICEF is a very ugly one, indeed.