Greeting After the Meeting at Blonie Park (27 May 2006)
After his Meeting with young people at Błonie Park, Krakow, the Holy Father greeted them “from the window.”
My dear friends,
This evening I met the young people gathered in Błonie Park. It was an unforgettable evening, and it bore witness to their faith and their will to build a future based on the teachings that Christ left for his disciples. I offer heartfelt thanks to the Polish young people for this testimony. It includes your presence on Franciszkańska Street, which I know is an expression of your great good will towards the Pope, and I thank you for this also. Tomorrow lies ahead of us. In greeting you now, I invite you to the Mass we are to celebrate tomorrow. I bless you from my heart: in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Good night!
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