Human Embryo Bioslavery: The Eugenicists

Author: Suzanne Rini


Recent reports from Britain indicating researchers' desire to use the eggs from aborted babies for egg donation and in vitro fertilization (IVF) brought wide media coverage in the U.S. While that British proposal may or may not be turned down by the British Licensing Authority, the same experiment in which an aborted or IVF embryo would be the "mother" of a-child is now on the table of the U.S. National Institutes of Health. Also being launched is widespread embryo experimentation of many kinds.

On February 2 and 3, 1994, a new era of bioslavery leaped into reality via a surprise attack on life when a meeting of the Ethics Advisory Committee to the NIH Director was held at the Marriott Hotel in Bethesda, MD.

The Committee itself has no representatives from the pro-life community. In fact, the Committee's Overall Chair, Steven Muller, Ph.D., President Emeritus of the eugenically minded Johns Hopkins University, when faced with complaints about the stacked quality of the Committee, simply replied that there would be no good purpose served in having any opposing voices on it. Further, Muller said that the Committee's work should fall to those engaged in or at least supportive of human embryo research!

Demonstrating the insider quality of the Committee is that one of its members is Dr. Kenneth Ryan. In the early 1970's, Ryan did what is referred to as the U.S. "soft study" on abortion. It repudiated all other international studies that found both physical and psychological consequences after even one abortion, or that showed abortion causing a higher risk of bearing a handicapped baby in future, wanted pregnancies.

In 1974 Ryan chaired the federal commission that approved the use of live and freshly dead aborted babies for research purposes. Now Ryan is slated to become the chairman of the ethics committee of the American Fertility Society. The AFS is in the forefront of embryo and IVF research. Dr. Robert Stillman, a member of the team at George Washington University Medical Center that carried out the first human cloning experiment in October, 1993, is a member of the AFS and the editor of its journal, Fertility and Sterility. The AFS is responsible for propagandizing the term and concept of the "pre-embryo." This term means that there is no human individual present until 12 days of development, when the primitive streak appears. It is the "pre-embryo" hoax that is the foundation of "ethical" permissions for embryo and IVF research.

Most disturbing is that grant proposals have already been received by the National Institutes of Health for a wide variety of macabre embryo research projects. The Committee's responsibility to the NIH Director is to recommend which protocols and experiments should be federally funded. But its obvious purpose is to steamroll these proposals into reality. Since last October's cloning experiment was privately funded, it is legitimate to state that those embryo experiments turned down for federal funding will be easily supported by private monies.

From the material circulated by the Committee it is obvious that there already exists a research cadre enthused and ready to use the extra embryos obtained through IVF for a multiplicity of experiments. Listed in the "Descriptive Summary of Pending Grant Applications in Human Embryo Research" are:

"The use of 'failed to fertilize' (FTF) eggs discarded from clinical IVF programs. These eggs, as well as "surplus eggs," would be used "to study the events of oocyte [egg] maturation in vitro or assessments of mature egg status or quality-based on studies of egg metabolism, growth factor response...gene defect detection..." as well as several other uses.

"The use of fetal ovaries from abortus sources as a source of eggs for IVF applications." These eggs would be used in investigations aimed at the "development of cryopreservation methods to hold such source material available as a donor egg source."

"The use of aberrant embryos...or surplus embryos discarded by clinical IVF programs or embryos created by IVF during the course of the research for the sole purpose of the research investigations proposed."

Amazingly, the fact sheet reveals that one of the uses of some eggs gotten from women would be for experimentation with parthenogenesis. This is an asexual method for obtaining a pregnancy. The same fact sheet states that "applications...have been received...which propose to create monoparental [one parent] parthogenetic embryos from eggs unfertilized by sperm in which development has been activated by experimental means."

The fact sheet does not reflect the next step after parthenogenesis, which is often called a "virgin birth." That would be experimentation aimed at raising such embryos outside the womb via an artificial placenta technology. In 1968, a researcher from George Washington University obtained several live babies on the abortion schedule who were "delivered" by a liveborn technique, attached to an artificial placenta and then taken off it and left to die once the same researcher obtained his data. In many older as well as contemporary books and articles from the eugenics wing of society, the ultimate mate eugenic goal in reproductive "science" is "ectogenesis" -that is, fertilization and gestation outside the womb, either to advanced benchmarks of development or to "birth."

The current proceedings of the Ethics Advisory Committee to the NIH Director were made possible through President Clinton's lifting of the six-year moratorium on federal funds underwriting the use of aborted babies for transplantation. When that occurred in January, 1993, the NIH went through with its Revitalization Act. One of the Act's accomplishments was the removal of a provision that all proposed IVF-related research must go through an Ethics Advisory Board. However, that Board was abandoned in the early 197O's and never reconstituted. Thus, no grant proposals aimed at IVF, let alone pure embryo research, could be submitted to the NIH. Obviously, the purpose of the current ad hoc and stacked Committee is to speed the already submitted proposals into laboratorial reality.

What has happened is that there has been no debate at the Congressional level as to whether the production of embryos and experimentation upon them should be legal in the U.S. Several European countries have put a constitutional ban on many forms of embryo experimentation, notably cloning and hybridization. Such experimentation in these countries is also codified as felonious.

Unless the next scheduled meetings are prevented by Congressional action, a truly gross eugenic epoch will dawn in this country. The NIH has obviously spun out of accountability to the commonwealth and the republic. In fact, what has now occurred in the United States is that human bioslavery and live human sacrifice are here. Even this bioslavery's great commercial profits promise to be less enormous than its gargantuan attack on human life and so, the Constitution.


The NIH Embryo Research Panel/Ethics Advisory Committee has completed holding public hearings, and will not make a recommendation until September 1994. This means you still have time to act.

Please take a moment and write to the Director of the National Institutes of Health, asking that the NIH Embryo Research Panel simply disband at once. Point out that any consideration of fetal tissue research or experimentation is simply not acceptable.

Dr. Harold Varmus, Director National Institutes of Health 9000 Rockville Pike, Bldg. #1, Room 218 Bethesda, MD 20892 American Life League, Inc. P.O. Box 1350 Stafford, VA 22555 Cost: $.30 each 100 for $20.00 copyrite 1994 Suzanne Rini

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