First Week of Lent - Mar 9, 2025

First Sunday of Lent

“I set my bow in the clouds to serve as a sign of the covenant between me and the earth.” (Genesis 9:13)


The whole life of Christ was a cross and a martyrdom, and dost thou seek rest and joy? If thou carry the cross unwillingly, thou makest it a burden to thee. If thou fling away one cross, without doubt thou shalt find another, perhaps a heavier. . . . (Thomas de Kempis - Imitation of Christ)

Lenten Question

Q: Why are Sundays excluded from the reckoning of the forty days?

A: Because Sunday is the day on which Christ arose, making it an inappropriate day to fast and mourn our sins. On Sunday we must celebrate Christ’s resurrection for our salvation. It is Friday on which we commemorate his death for our sins. The Sundays of the year are days of celebration and the Fridays of the year are days of penance.

Lenten Action

Phone a long lost friend and relive old memories. Visit a sick person. Feed the birds.


O Jesus, I withdraw in spirit with You into the desert; teach me how to fight the triple concupiscence of the flesh, pride, and avarice.