First Week of Lent - Mar 12, 2025

Wednesday, First Week of Lent

For at the preaching of Jonah they reformed, but you have a greater than Jonah here. (Luke 11:32)


“Go through the world unnoticed if you can. Secret privations, secret sacrifices of your own will, which will never be known until all things are revealed, are surer instruments of perfection than chains and shirts of hair.”

—Fr. Lasance

Lenten Fact

The original period of Lent was 40 hours. It was spent fasting to commemorate the suffering of Christ and the 40 hours He spent in the tomb.

In the early 3rd century, Lent was lengthened to 6 days. About 800 AD it was changed to 40 days.

Lenten Action

Plant a seed or bulb and watch it develop through the spring. Pray for your own spiritual growth.


O Jesus, humbled to abjection for me, teach me to humble myself for love of You.