Ave Maria In The Afternoon

Call in: 877-573-7825 | Biblical theologian and commentator Dr. Marcus Peter examines Church, culture, and current events through the lens of Faith, from the heart of the Church.
Kamala Harris leading Donald Trump among Catholics
A new EWTN/RealClear Opinion poll has Kamala Harris leading Donald Trump among Catholic voters. We look at the numbers with Matthew Bunson and discuss the Seven Sorrows of Mary with Steve Ray.
A Piece of Advice to Your Younger Self
What’s the most important lesson you didn’t learn in school? If you could give one piece of advice to your younger self, what would it be? We take your calls.
The Medical Establishment Pushing Progressive Agenda?
Wes Smith looks at how the medical establishment is helping push a progressive agenda and Fr John Riccardo invites you to join the Rescue Challenge.
Catechism for Business
Clara Piano presents a family-focused approach to consumption and Andrew Abela discusses a Catechism for Business.
The Death of Learning
Robert Corzine unpacks Jesus’ faceoff with the Pharisees in this Sunday’s Gospel and John Agresto discusses the death of learning.
Scientific Evidence for Miracles
Matthew Bunson discusses the latest Church news and Fr Robert Spitzer looks at scientific evidence for miracles.
Augustine’s Confessions
We discuss Augustine’s Confessions with Bill Cook and a religious liberty case in Colorado with Andrea Picciotti-Bayer.
The Biblical Roots of Catholic Zionism
Dr. Peter welcomes André Villeneuve to talk about his recent article, “The Biblical Roots of Catholic Zionism”.
Schools Banning Cell Phones
Melissa Henson looks at new trends of schools banning cell phones for students and Marcus discusses what Fulton Sheen says about Liberty.
The Meaning of Localism
We conclude our study of John Chapter 6 with Rob Corzine and discuss the meaning of Localism with Dale Ahlquist.
Perseuction of the Church in Nicargua
Matthew Bunson reports on the perseuction of the Church in Nicargua and Cardinal Cupich’s address at the DNC and Steve Ray searches for St Paul’s “Thorn in the Flesh.”
The Social Injustice of Social Security
Kevin Schmiesing discusses the social injustice of social security, Andrea Picciotti-Bayer looks at how gender ideology is affecting Foster care, and Dan Meola discusses healing the wounds of adult children of divorce.
The Kingdom of God Originating in the Home
Dr Greg Popcak joins us with a look at how the Kingdom of God originates in the home and we discuss Augustine’s writings on the Psalms with Dr. Mary McDonald.
The Life of Sr. Agnes Sasagawa
Michael O’Neill discusses the life of the late Our Lady of Akita visionary Sr. Agnes Sasagawa and Brad Wilcox addresses the decline in America’s birthrate.
Can America Trust Again?
Can Americans learn to Trust again? We talk with Christine Rosen and continue our look at John Chapter 6 with Rob Corzine.