Beacon of Truth with Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers

The Beacon of Truth with Deacon Harold Burke Sivers is a show for listeners of all ages who want to strengthen – or to learn to develop – a deep, personal, loving relationship with Jesus Christ. Covering hot topics that are currently in the news and that may be causing people to lose hope; guests who address a specific topic like marriage and the family or sexual addiction; as well as your questions. Deacon Harold also brings his love of the psalms, music, and the many talks he gives at parishes across the country to each days show. Join "Dynamic Deacon" at 4 p.m. ET weekdays on EWTN Radio.
Creating Life Outside the Womb
For years, scientists have sought to understand how a collection of chemicals that are not themselves alive — in the case of humans, inanimate organic molecules — are able to work together to create living organisms that can eat, reproduce, and even evolve. Deacon Harold talks about this today along with Soulful Psalm 31:15-19
Is Jesus God or a Yogi?
Bishop Munilla explains the central idea of the presentation: “We know Jesus through the Scriptures and from the tradition of the Church, but we have to forget all that, because this knowledge we have of Jesus confuses us more than it enlightens us: We have to deconstruct, like start from scratch, to know Jesus. Deacon Harold breaks it down. ”Also looking into Soulful Psalm 109:1-5
7th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C
When was the last time you placed your trust in someone only to get burned; to have that trust violated? I recently received a letter from a fifty-seven year old woman who found out when she was fourteen that she was adopted, not by her adoptive mother telling her but from an aunt who told her that she was not really part of the family. Deacon Harold breaks open Word of God Wednesday talking about the Sunday mass readings and how it applies to our lives. Also looking at Soullful Psalm 80:15-20
The Holy Land
We need to be part of the economic and social recovery of the local communities with our tourism support, just like for victims of hurricanes, wildfires, earthquakes and other disasters. Deacon Harold explains how we can do that and with God's help. Also, looking into Soulful Psalm 144:12-15
That They May Be One
On today's Beacon of Truth Deacon Harold talks about the unity of Christians, attending non-denominational services and psalm 75:15-20 on soulful psalms.
What is Love?
No man has ever seen God; if we love one another, God abides in us and his love is perfected in us. By this we know that we abide in him and he in us, because he has given us of his own Spirit . This is the beginning of the spark Deacon Harold ignites as we answer the question "what is Love?' Also looking at Soulful Psalm Psalm 62:8-10.
The Seal of Confession
Spokane Bishop Thomas Daly is urging Catholic voters in Washington state to oppose a proposed law that would order priests to violate the seal of confession in cases where child abuse is revealed during the sacrament. The bill, proposed in both houses of the state Legislature, would amend state law to require clergy to report instances of child abuse with no exemption for instances where the abuse is learned during the sacrament of penance. Deacon Harold shows us the Catholic response and Also looking into Soulful Psalm 31:10-14
6th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C
During the presentation in the temple, Simeon predicted that Jesus would become a sign of contradiction. Today, Deacon Harold looks at the readings for Sunday's mass. Also looking into Soulful Psalm 71:10-15
The Meaning of Work
The economy must serve people, not the other way around. Work is more than a way to make a living; it is a form of continuing participation in God’s creation. Deacon Harold more about the meaning of work today and looking at Soulful Psalm 90:7-10
Book of Blessings
BLESSINGS are symbols that the living God is with us in the activity of daily living. Blessings extend and give expression to a life of faith. Deacon Harold dives into the Book of Blessings and also looking into Soulful Psalm 115:15-18.
Dr. Andrew Kubick: Bioethics
Dr. Kubick is Deputy Director of the National Center for Religious Freedom Education, and a Research Fellow in Bioethics and Medical Conscience at the Religious Freedom Institute. He just published a book on a Transplanting the Womb: A Catholic Bioethical Analysis with Catholic University Press. Andrew joins Deacon Harold today as we also look into Soulful Psalm 94:16-17
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C
Today's Deacon Harold covers the readings as they speak to us about being chosen by God. When we entered into intimate relationship and loving communion with God in our baptism, each of us was personally called to do His will. In the first reading, Isaiah's call begins with a feeling of great distance and absolute unworthiness to fulfill what God wants to do in his life. It is only after his sin is purged and he is filled with the Holy Spirit that Isaiah is able to see the road clearly in front of him and answer God's call to mission with confidence and joy: "Here I am, send me." Also looking at Soulful Psalm 27:5-9
Beacon of Truth One Year Anniversary
It's been 257 Episodes and As many Soulful Psalms and dozens of guest over the last year, Today Deacon Harold reflects on the last year of Beacon of Truth as well as another Soulful Psalm 150.
Playlist Edition: Freebird
Today Deacon Harold & Ace are sharing from the Beacon of Truth Playlist talking about the song "Freebird" by Lynyrd Skynyrd. The purpose is not to over spiritualize songs but ones that have spoken to us and maybe you and what we can learn from them as we apply wisdom and truth to our faith. Also looking at Soulful Psalm 94:9-15.
This story is said to represent Jesus’ unconditional love for us that we should also have for each other. Some Christians would say that, since we are all sinners, no matter what a loved one does we should embrace his every action with acceptance and joy. Anything less than that—for example, the rejection of an immoral “alternative” lifestyle choice—is viewed as a rejection of the whole person. Such rejection is then described as “intolerance” and “hate.” Deacon Harold expands today's topic and also looks at Soulful Psalm 44:10-17