Called to Communion
Call in: 833-288-EWTN (3986) | Are you "Called to Communion?" In this LIVE call-in show, Dr. David Anders talks clearly with non-Catholics about the faith. We ask the question "What's stopping YOU from becoming a Catholic?"
The Need for Sacrifice
Where does Catholic priesthood comes from? Can Papal infallibility and authority be traced through the history of the Church? What are the main differences between Christianity and Islam? Join us for Called to Communion with Dr. David Anders.
Ordo Amoris?
Not praying for people in mortal sin? Confessing directly to God? What is a rational conception of the human good? Join us for Called to Communion with Dr. David Anders.
Charitable to Satanists?
Differences between Franciscans and Jesuits? Is the excommunicated still Catholic? Are parables obscure in purpose? Join us for Called to Communion with Dr. David Anders.
Can a Pro Life Argument Hurt the Cause?
What is Epectasy? Meaning of children of God? Meaning of Son of Man? This and more on the Wednesday edition of Called to Communion.
Early Church equals Catholic Church?
On today's show Dr. Anders answers questions as: Did Jesus took Scriptures at face value? What is a good defense of ecumenism? Why the Catholic Church sees The Orthodox Church and Protestantism differently? Join us for Called to Communion.
Hollywood's Jesus
The real reason for the Crusades? Is Dante doctrinally sound? What does Jesus died for our sins means? This and more on Called to Communion with Dr. David Anders.
Why so many Intercessors?
How literally am I required to believe Genesis? What did the establishment of the Kingdom meant in Jesus's time? Is faith the decisive factor for salvation in the final judgement? Join us for Called to Communion.
The Great Celestial Accountant?
How to read Proverbs? Unconditional vs. conditional forgiveness? Catholic vs. JW's view of resurrection? Join us for Called to Communion with Dr. David Anders.
The Confessional: Tribunal of God's Mercy
What makes something sacred? Winning arguments or souls? Will there be communion between the Anglican and the Catholic Church? This and more in today's Called to Communion with Dr. David Anders.
Tongues and the Baptism in the Spirit
How to understand the Bible? What is the Great Commission? Did the Apostles sent everybody? Join us for this Mailbag edition of Called to Communion with Dr. David Anders.
Imagine Prayer
For how long does the Real Presence last in our body? How much does the Devil know? Why so complicated to be Catholic? Join us for Monday's Called to Communion with Dr. David Anders.
What is the Mass?
Do Catholics consume the Trinity in communion? Your family or your faith? Was everything a metaphor with Jesus? Don't miss on Friday's Called to Communion with Dr. David Anders.
When to Make an Admonition?
In today's show Dr. Anders touches on topics like: Lent practices, politics, death penalty and more. Join us on Called to Communion.
Be the Contradiction to the Stereotype
Defining Judeo Christian? What is Legalism? Agnostic dealing with suffering and the miraculous? Come to Called to Communion with Dr. David Anders.
Christ is King!
Are Marian Dogmas important for Salvation? Necessity vs. fittingness? Is the Church infallibly wrong? Join us for Called to Communion with Dr. David Anders.