Called to Communion

Call in: 833-288-EWTN (3986) | Are you "Called to Communion?" In this LIVE call-in show, Dr. David Anders talks clearly with non-Catholics about the faith. We ask the question "What's stopping YOU from becoming a Catholic?"
The Efficacy of Prayer
On today's show Dr. Anders talks about society's impediments for procreation, marriage, origin of doctrine and more.
Jesus Breaking the Law of Moses?
Cult-like religious behavior, the Son of Man, grace and the Holy Spirit are some of the topics on today's Mailbag edition of Called to Communion with Dr. David Anders.
The Human Evolution
What does caught up in the air means? My wife opposes my conversion to Catholicism, what should I do? Where is today's priesthood in the Bible? This and more in today's Called to Communion with Dr. David Anders.
The Best Prayer
On today's show Dr. Anders touches on topics as: denominationalism, worship, sacrifice and more. Join us for Called to Communion.
The Sacrifice of the Mass
In today's show Dr. Anders goes deep into the intentions for apologetics, the wrath of God, the Incarnation and more.
Ok to Be Single?
What is the meaning of being born again? Why can't it just be me and my Bible? Ok to sue the Church? This and more on today's Called to Communion with Dr. David Anders.
About Lutherans
On today's show Dr. Anders talks about differences between Catholics and Lutherans, Purgatory, white lies, sufficient and efficacious grace and more. Join us for Called to Communion.
New Perspectives on Paul?
Where does the idea of being spiritual but not religious comes from? What are functions and offices in the Church? What is Dr. Anders's advice for life? This and more on today's edition of Called to Communion.
What Many Apologist are not Getting
On today's show Dr. Anders shares on his family's reaction to his conversion to Catholicism also help us understand terms like religion, mysticism and more.
A Treasure Hidden in a Field
In today's show Dr. Anders answers questions about the different modes of interpreting Scripture, the Mormon baptism, the appeal of outrage in Catholic media and more.
Not Feeling Love for God?
Have Christians remove books from the Bible? Is getting buzzed a sin? Is chronology important in the Bible? Join us for this mailbag edition of Called to Communion with Dr. David Anders.
Is Peter the Rock?
In today's show Dr. Anders gives us some insight into how Catholicism has changed his life and some common mistakes in the understanding of the situation in Middle East. Join us for Called to Communion.
Why Protestantism Spread so Fast?
Defending Church's teaching on homosexuality? What is a mystic? Do all religions lead to God? Join us for today's Called to Communion with Dr. David Anders.
Failing to See Myself?
How to explain an instant conversion from a Catholic perspective? Why the divinity doesn't show itself? Explaining religion, tradition and inculturation? Join us for Called to Communion with Dr. David Anders.
Taking Care of the Basics
Who do we pray to in the Trinity? Is there Antisemitism in the Bible? Did John the Baptist lose his faith in prison? Join us for Called to Communion with Dr. David Anders.