Call in: 877-573-7825 | Dr. Greg Popcak and his wife Lisa host this live call in program that helps listeners navigate the waters of family life. More2Life features relevant, relatable and achievable tools and solutions straight from the genius of John Paul II's Theology of the Body. It’s the life you were meant to live!
Guilty As Charged
Struggling with guilt that doesn’t go away? Tired of beating up on yourself? We’ll help set you free. Dr. Greg and Lisa will help you solve your problems with relevant, relatable and achievable tools and solutions straight from the genius of the Theology of the Body.
If God Is for Us
Is fear or anxiety holding you back? We’ll help you cultivate the confidence you need to live a more abundant life. Dr. Greg and Lisa will help you solve your problems with relevant, relatable and achievable tools and solutions straight from the genius of the Theology of the Body.
No Go
When is “enough” enough? We’ll help you set better boundaries for healthier, holier relationships. Dr. Greg and Lisa will help you solve your problems with relevant, relatable and achievable tools and solutions straight from the genius of the Theology of the Body.
When Faith Divides
Faith causing conflict? We’ll help you find grace-filled ways to respond. Dr. Greg and Lisa will help you solve your problems with relevant, relatable and achievable tools and solutions straight from the genius of the Theology of the Body
We Listen and We Don’t Judge
Dealing with a judgmental person in your life? Let us help. Dr. Greg and Lisa will help you solve your problems with relevant, relatable and achievable tools and solutions straight from the genius of the Theology of the Body.
Crazy Little Thing Called Love
Struggling to love or be loved well? We’ll help you cultivate healthier relationships. Dr. Greg and Lisa will help you solve your problems with relevant, relatable and achievable tools and solutions straight from the genius of the Theology of the Body.
Choosing the Abundant Life
God doesn’t want you to settle. Let us help you discover the abundant life God has planned for you! Dr. Greg and Lisa will help you solve your problems with relevant, relatable and achievable tools and solutions straight from the genius of the Theology of the Body.
The Healing Sacrament of Marriage
We’ll help you discover how to let God heal you through your marriage. Dr. Greg and Lisa will help you solve your problems with relevant, relatable and achievable tools and solutions straight from the genius of the Theology of the Body.
The Lies We Live By
Whether you’re dealing with your inner-critic or other people are running you down, we’ll help you overcome the lies that hold you back. Dr. Greg and Lisa will help you solve your problems with relevant, relatable and achievable tools and solutions straight from the genius of the Theology of the Body.
Help! My Kids are Driving Me Crazy!
At the end of your parenting rope? We’ll help you restore order and find peace. Dr. Greg and Lisa will help you solve your problems with relevant, relatable and achievable tools and solutions straight from the genius of the Theology of the Body.
Family Foundations
Family life a little wobbly? We’ll help you shore up the foundation of your Catholic home. Dr. Greg and Lisa will help you solve your problems with relevant, relatable and achievable tools and solutions straight from the genius of the Theology of the Body.
Breaking Free
Are you being held captive by an unhealthy habit or relationship? We’ll help you break free so you can live the life God wants for you. Dr. Greg and Lisa will help you solve your problems with relevant, relatable and achievable tools and solutions straight from the genius of the Theology of the Body.
Stress Less
Overwhelmed by challenges in your life or relationships? We’ll help you discover ways to manage stress and live in God’s peace. Dr. Greg and Lisa will help you solve your problems with relevant, relatable and achievable tools and solutions straight from the genius of the Theology of the Body.
When the Heart Won’t Heal
Are you carrying old hurts that won't seem to heal? We'll help you find your path to peace. Dr. Greg and Lisa will help you solve your problems with relevant, relatable and achievable tools and solutions straight from the genius of the Theology of the Body.
Can You Hear Me Now?
Are you having trouble feeling heard, or are communication problems plaguing your relationships? We'll help you make a clearer connection. Dr. Greg and Lisa will help you solve your problems with relevant, relatable and achievable tools and solutions straight from the genius of the Theology of the Body.