Open Line, Friday

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Apparitions and Mystical Visions
Does God really punishes us? Did Jesus despaired in the cross? Who can bless water? This and more in today's edition of Open Line Friday with Colin Donovan.
Dogmatic Theology and Theological Opinions
Did God emptied himself from divinity in the Incarnation? Can we lose an indulgence? Is Limbo real? This and more in today's edition of Open Line Friday with Colin Donovan.
Ghost Stories
Was Mary a normal girl? Real translation of "full of grace"? Is reparation really needed? This and more on today's edition of Open Line Friday with Colin Donovan.
Understanding Mediation
Can laity lay hands? Are marriages between Protestants sacramental? Is priesthood a higher calling than marriage? This and more in today's Open Line Friday with Colin Donovan.
Live from the 2025 Legatus Summit!
Today our Radio General Manager Jack Williams takes us live from the Legatus Summit in Naples, Fla with interviews with: EWTN's CEO Michael Warsaw, our Rome correspondent Colin Flynn, president of Students for Life Kristan Hawkins and the president of the National Eucharistic Congress Jason Shanks.
Tabernacle, Monstrance or TV?
Are there bias in Catholic morals? How to deal with scandals in the Church? Controversy between the New and the Old Mass? This and more in today's Open Line Friday with Colin Donovan.
Mary's Virginity, Controversial?
What is predestination? Communion in the hand? Attacked by the Devil being close to the Lord? Join us for Open Line Friday with Colin Donovan.
Why Godparents?
Were Adam & Eve alone? How to understand the Passion? This and more in today's Mailbag edition of Open Line Friday.
Was Jesus Self Aware?
Apostles and their successors, what is consider a relic, nails on the hands or the wrists and much more in this Friday's edition of Open Line Friday with Colin Donovan.
Can Lay People Start a Parish?
On today's Open Line Friday Colin tackles topics as Catherine of Sienna, the Israelite concept of eternal life, mental prayer and more.
Was Martin Luther led by the Holy Spirit?
What is faith? Were angels in Heaven in the beginning? Do we arrive in Heaven at the same "time"? Interesting questions on today's Open Line Friday with Colin Donovan.
Novenas, Organ Donation, and What Happens to the Unbaptized?
Join us for Open Line Friday with EWTN Theologian Colin Donovan. Today Colin answers question on the topics of: Organ donation, novenas, what happens to the unbaptized on the last day...and much more!
Christ's Suffering
Were other people around in Adam & Eve's time? How to understand Christ's suffering? How to choose godparents? Don't miss this Mailbag edition of Open Line Friday with Colin Donovan (Originally aired on 7/12/24).
The Atonement
Do Catholics believe in the Atonement? Why did Christians believe that Christ was going to return in their lifetime? How could they get this wrong? This and more in today's Mailbag edition of Open Line Friday with Colin Donovan.
The Beatific Vision
In today's Open Line Colin answers questions about Israel's post-exilic period, cremation, what is the Truth and more.