Address improvised by the Holy Father, Archbishopric of Munich - Pope Benedict XVI

Address improvised by the Holy Father, Archbishopric of Munich

Pope Benedict XVI

On Sunday 10 September 2006, upon returning from the celebration of the Mass, the Holy Father was greeted with music by the faithful congregated before the Archbishop's residence in Munich. After dinner, he came out on the balcony and gave the following improvised address in Spanish. An unofficial translation is supplied, pending the official translation from L'Osservatore Romano.

Dear friends:

Every year, at the beginning of Oktoberfest, I would look out from this balcony. Now I am happy that I am able to be here today, once again, this way so that many persons can greet me; I feel like I am at home, surrounded by so much cordiality/warmth.

I only wish to say to you: " Vergelt's Gott ", "That God may repay you".

I give thanks to God for the beautiful blue sky that He has given us.

I thank you now for the music with which you have received me so wonderfully at my arrival.         "Vergelt's Gott ".

All of you are wished by me, once again, a happy Sunday and that God grant us good weather.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

(After giving the blessing, His Holiness added)
Happy Sunday! That you may enjoy. That God may repay you!

Taken from:
L'Osservatore Romano
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