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General Papal Documents
To the Tribunal of the Roman Rota 2025
To the Diplomatic Corps Accredited to the Holy See 2025
Pope Opens Holy Door at Rebibbia Prison
Christmas Greetings to the Roman Curia 2024
Prayer at the Foot of the Marian Statue in Piazza di Spagna 2024
Letter on the Renewal of the Study of Church History
On the Role of Literature in Formation
To Moderators of Lay Associations, Ecclesial Movements and New Communities
To the Plenary Assembly of the Dicastery for the Clergy 2024
Spes Non Confundit
Address to Primates of the Anglican Communion 2024
Audience with the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Biblical Commission 2024
To the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences 2024
Stations of the Cross 2024
To Participants in the Workshop on the Teachings of Thomas Aquinas
To the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors
To the General Assembly of Pontifical Academy for Life 2024
To the Plenary of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith 2024
To the Tribunal of the Roman Rota 2024
To Members of the Diplomatic Corps 2024
COP28 in Dubai
Intervention of the Holy Father at the 18th General Congregation
Address at the Opening Session of the 16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops
Commission for New Martyrs - Witnesses of the Faith
To the General Assembly of the Pontifical Missions Societies 2023
Pope Francis and Pope Tawadros II
To Rectors, Faculty Students and Staff of the Roman Pontifical Universities and Institutions 2023
Inauguration of the 94th Year of the Vatican City State Tribunal
Address to Members of the Pontifical Academy for Life 2023
To the Roman Rota 2023
Urbi et Orbi Christmas 2022
To the Roman Curia 22 December 2022
Message on 50th Anniversary of 'Ministeria Quaedam'
Message for the 37th World Youth Day 2023
Mass with New Cardinals and the College of Cardinal 2022s
Homily at Mass, Ordinary Public Consistory 2022
Tenth World Meeting of Families 2022
Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul 2022
Tenth World Meeting of Families 2022, Opening Festival
Sixth World Day of the Poor, 2022
Homily for Pentecost Sunday 2022
Second World Day for Grandparents and Elderly
108th World Day of Migrants and Refugees
World Day of Prayer for Vocations 2022
Easter Vigil 2022
Mass of the Lord’s Supper 2022
Chrism Mass Holy Thursday 2022
Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord 2022
Meeting with Indigenous from Canada
The Inviolable Secrecy of Confession
Letter to Bishops and Act of Consecration
400th Anniversary of the Canonization of Ignatius Loyola, Francis Xavier, Theresa of the Child Jesus, Philip Neri and Isidore the Farmer
Homily for Ash Wednesday 2022
Message for the Thirtieth World Day of the Sick
International Theological Symposium on the Priesthood 2022
To the Tribunal of the Roman Rota for Inauguration of the Judicial Year 2022
Feast of the Presentation of the Lord 2022
56th World Day of Communications 2022
Sunday of the Word of God 2022
Message for the World Mission Day 2022
Interview with the Holy Father
30th World Day of the Sick 2022
Solemnity of the Epiphany 2022
Solemnity of Mary Mother of God 2022
World Day of Peace 2022
Urbi et Orbi, Christmas 2021
Christmas Vigil Mass 2021
Angelus, Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception 2021
World Mission Day 2021
Mass for the Opening of the Synodal Process
Opening of the Synodal Process: Moment of Reflection
Addressing the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Academy for Life 2021
36th World Youth Day 2021
Interview by COPE
Homily 11th General Assembly of Synod of Bishops
On the New Roman Missal
To the Bishops Around the World
International Conference on Saint Teresa of Avila
Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul 2021
Fifth World Day of the Poor 2021
Solemnity of Corpus Christi 2021
Summorum Pontificum
Rosarium Virginis Mariae
Pentecost Sunday 2021
Letter to the Master General of the Order of Preachers
Video Message to the Fifth International Conference on "Exploring the Mind, Body and Soul"
World Day of Migrants and Refugees 2021
Holy Thursday Chrism Mass 2021
Palm Sunday 2021
Discourse to the Diplomatic Corps 2021
55th World Communications Day 2021
World Mission Day 2021
Feast of the Presentation of the Lord 2021
Epiphany of the Lord 2021
Urbi et Orbi Christmas 2020
Address to the Roman Curia 2020
World Day of Peace 2021
Message for the Fourth World Day of the Poor
Homily for the Fourth World Day of the Poor
Reflection on the Future of the Continent
International Meeting of Prayer for Peace
Dante, a Prophet of Hope
To Educators Is an Act of Hope
Patris Corde
Message for the 54th World Communications Day
A Renewed Global Co-Responsibility to Defeat Self-Harming Individualism
Holy Father Extends Loreto Jubilee
Apostolic Letter: Scripturae Sacrae Affectus
Fourth World Day of the Poor 2020
Solemnity of Pentecost 2020
Letter to Priests of the Diocese of Rome 2020
To the Pontifical Mission Societies 2020
World Day of Migrants and Refugees 2020
God's Consoling Embrace
Palm Sunday 2020, 35th World Youth Day
Prepared Speech to the Clergy of Rome 2020
To the Pontifical Academy for Life 2020
Inauguration of the 91st Judicial Year of the Tribunal
Mass for the Presentation of the Lord and 24th World Day of Consecrated Life
To the Roman Rota 2020
54th World Day of Social Communications, 2020
First Sunday of the Word of God
To the Diplomatic Corps Accredited to the Holy See 2020
Regarding the Office of Dean of the College of Cardinals
Christmas Vigil Mass 2019
To Members of the Roman Curia 2019
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God 2020
World Day of Peace 2020
Mass for World Day of the Poor 2019
Change of the Name of the Vatican Secret Archive to the Vatican Apostolic Archive
Mass Closing the Special Assembly of the Synod of Bishops for the Pan-Amazon Region
World Mission Day 2019
World Day of Migrants and Refugees 2019
Aperuit Illis
Appeal for the Pan-Amazon Region at Synod's Opening Mass
Consistory for the Creation of 13 New Cardinals 2019
Letter to Patriarch Bartholomew
Who can be Pope
Introductory Remarks at the Synod for the Family
Bishops' Conference of Germany - 1
Common Declaration
Benedict XVI Leaves the Papacy
Farewell Ceremony (17 February 2016)
Normas Nonnullas
Angelus Message, Birmingham, England, 19 September 2010
Holy Mass at Swedbank Stadium
Ecumenical Celebration at Westminster Abbey
Holy Mass, Chiapas (15 February 2016)
Visit to San José Foundation for Disabled Youth
Apostolic Journey to Colombia (6-11 September 2017)
Ecumenical Meeting and Prayer for Peace (Yerevan, Armenia)
Holy Mass at the Church of the Immaculate, Baku
Meeting with the World of Labour, Juárez (17 February 2016)
Angelus (Paraguay, 12 July 2015)
Amoris Laetitia
Participation in the Divine Liturgy
Holy Mass Concluding the World Meeting of Families
In-Flight Press Conference
To Members of Government, Republic's Institutions, Diplomatic Corps, and Principal Religions
Via Crucis - World Youth Day 2013
Holy Mass for the Vigil of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fátima
Greeting to the Young Refugees Assisted by the Salesians
Holy Mass, Ecatepec (14 February 2016)
During the Afternoon General Congregation of the Synod of Bishops, 22 October 2015
In-Flight Press Conference from Mexico to Rome (17 February 2016)
The Beatification of Pope John Paul II
Meeting with Priests, Religious, Seminarians and Pastoral Workers
Visit, St. Francis of Assisi of the Providence of God Hospital - V.O.T. (Rio de Janeiro)
Ecumenical Meeting at Malmö Arena
In-Flight Press Conference from Santiago de Cuba to Washington, D.C.
Homily, Holy Mass at Madison Square Gardens
Ecumenical Prayer in the Patriarchal Church of St George
Greetings to the Faithful from the Archbishop's House
Welcome Ceremony at the Garden of Guanabara Palace, Rio de Janeiro
Visit to the United Nations & Address to the General Assembly
Joint Statement at the Catholic-Lutheran Commemoration of the Reformation
Prayer of Remembrance
Apostolic Journey to the Holy Land: Meeting with Priests, Men and Women Religious and Seminarians
Address to a Joint Session of the Congress of the United States
Holy Mass in the Square in Front of the Shrine
To the Catholic Community of Lesvos
In-Flight Press Conference from Philadelphia to Rome
Visit to the Community of Varginha [Manguinhos] (Rio de Janeiro)
Greeting to Young People (Central Cultural Padre Félix Varela in Havana)
Meeting with the Assyrian-Chaldean Community
Ecumenical and Interreligious Meeting
Angelus, Ecatepec (14 February 2016)
Apostolic Journey to the Holy Land: Holy Mass with the Ordinaries of the Holy Land
Formula of Canonization
Holy Mass at Koševo Stadium
Second Ad Limina Address to the Bishops from France
Meeting with Families (Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption in Santiago)
Meeting with the Authorities
Arrival and Welcoming Ceremony, Havana, Cuba (José Marti Airport, 19 September 2015)
US Bishops' Conference - 3
Visit to the Chapel of Apparitions
Holy Mass with Priests, Religious, Consecrated Persons and Seminarians
In-Flight Press Conference from Lesvos to Rome
Prayer in the Basilica of St Francis, Krakow
Interreligious Encounter at Ground Zero
Visit to Correctional Facility
Meeting with Civil Authorities and the Diplomatic Corps
In-Flight Press Conference from Fatima to Rome
U.S. Bishops' Conference - 2
Farewell Ceremony
Visit School and Meeting with Children & Immigrants
Angelus Message, Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Catalogue of Needed Virtues
Homily, Mass at the Shrine of Our Lady of Aparecida, Brazil - World Youth Day 2013
Welcoming Ceremony
Visit to the People of Bañado Norte - Chapel of San Juan Bautista (Paraguay, 12 July 2015)
Homily, Solemnity of the Assumption, Daejeon, Korea
Press Conference During the Return Flight
Holy Mass and Angelus (Plaza de la Revolución, 20 September 2015)
The Angelus After Mass
Message for the XLIV World Day of Peace, 2011
Meeting with the Brazilian Bishops Gathered in Rio de Janeiro
Farewell Ceremony at the International Airport in Cotonou
Meeting with the Shiekh and Representatives of Religious Communities
U.S. Bishops' Conference - 1
Meeting with the Asian Youth at the Shrine of Solmoe
Vespers with Bishops, Priests, Deacons, Religious, and Seminarians
Ecumenical Blessing and Signing of the Common Declaration
Prayer Vigil at Campus Misericordiae with the Young People (Wieliczka, Poland)
Homily, Mass at the National Shrine of Aparecida, Brazil - World Youth Day 2013
Meeting with the Bishops of Korea
Impromptu Address after Mass at the Shrine of Our Lady of Aparecida
Address Upon Departure from Mexico, 26 March 2012
Holy Mass in Ñu Guazú Field (Paraguay, 12 July 2015)
Apostolic Journey to the Holy Land: Welcoming Ceremony in Israel
Visit to the Basilica of St. Paul and Signing of Apostolic Exhortation
In-Flight Press Conference from Korea to Rome
U.S. Bishops' Conference - 5
Welcoming Ceremony, Colombo
Message for the XLIV World Day of Peace, 2011
Visit to the Penitentiary (17 February 2016)
Address During the General Congregation of the Synod Bishops, 9 October 2015
BENEDICTUS DEUS (On the Beatific Vision of God)
Interreligious Meeting
U.S. Bishops' Conference - 4
Meeting with the Young People at the "Costanera" (Paraguay, 12 July 2015)
Meeting with Bishops Participating in World Meeting of Families
Benedictus Deus (On the Beatific Vision of God)
Urbi et Orbi, Easter 2011
Visit with President Raúl Castro & Council of Ministers (Plaza de la Revolución)
Ash Wednesday at St Sabina on the Aventine Hill, 2011
Holy Mass at the Ciudad Juárez Fairgrounds (17 February 2016)
Meeting with the President, Prime Minister and Civil Authorities
Meeting with Civil, Religious and Cultural Representatives
Signing of the Joint Declaration
Welcoming Ceremony in La Paz, Bolivia
Divine Liturgy in the Patriarchal Church of St George
Meeting with Political and Civil Authorities
Meeting with Civil Authorities, Bolivia
Meeting with Civil Authorities and the Diplomatic Corps
To Journalists on the Return Flight from the Holy Land
Meeting for Religious Freedom with Hispanic Community and Other Immigrants
Vigil at the Chapel of the Apparitions
Vigil for the Beatification of John Henry Cardinal Newman
In-Flight Press Conference from Paraguay to Rome
Holy Mass at the Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa
Meeting with the Authorities
Prayer Vigil in Preparation for the Synod
Apostolic Journey to the Holy Land: Courtesy Visit to the President of the State of Palestine & Meeting with Authorities
Baptism of the Lord 2006
Visit at Santa Cruz Rehabilitation Center – Palmasola
Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception 2018
Visit to St. Patrick's Homeless Shelter (Washington, D.C.)
Address at the Moria Refugee Camp
Meeting with the Civil Authorities and Diplomatic Corps (Yerevan, Armenia)
Meeting with Journalists During the Flight to Brazil
Reconciled Diversity
Holy Mass for the Evangelization of Peoples at Bicentennial Park (Ecuador, 7 July 2015)
Greetings to the Faithful from the Window of the Archbishop's House
Greetings from the Window of the Archbishop's House
Meeting with Educators (Ecuador, 7 July 2015)
Meeting with the Volunteers of WYD and with the Organizing Committee and Benefactors
Courtesy Visit to H.H. Pope Tawadros II
Vespers with Priests, Religious and Seminarians (Havana Cathedral)
Participation at the Second World Meeting of the Popular Movements (Bolivia, 9 July 2015)
Meeting with the Young People
Meeting with Authorities and the Diplomatic Corps
Way of the Cross with the Young People (Kraków, Poland)
Prayer of the Angelus Domini
Apostolic Journey to the Holy Land: Holy Mass & Regina Coeli, Manger Square, Bethlehem
Dialogue with Italian Young People
Visit to the President of Religious Affairs (Diyanet)
Meeting with the Authorities, the Civil Society and Diplomatic Corps
Holy Mass in the Piazza of Christ the Redeemer (Bolivia, 9 July 2015)
United Kingdom: Meeting with Queen Elizabeth II, Members of the Royal Family and State Authorities
Holy Mass in the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe (13 February 2016)
Third Ad Limina Address to the Bishops from France
Meeting with the Clergy, Religious and Seminarians
Meeting with Political, Economic and Civic Leaders (Ecuador, 7 July 2015)
Meeting with the Clergy, Religious and Seminarians (Bolivia, 9 July 2015)
Apostolic Journey to the Holy Land: Visit to the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem
Lenten Meditation with Priests of Rome 2017
Meeting with Families
Meeting with the Polish Bishops
Visit to the Grotto of the Nativity, Bethlehem; Greeting of Children from Refugee Camps
Meeting with People Assisted and Operators of the Works of Charity
Meeting with the Volunteers of the 28th WYD
Apostolic Journey to the Holy Land: Ecumenical Celebration: 50th Anniversary of Meeting Between Pope Paul VI and Patriarch Athenagoras
Visit to the Niños de Acosta Ñu General Paediatric Hospital
Vespers at St. Patrick's Cathedral (New York)
In-Flight Press Conference from Azerbaijan to Rome
Untitled Document
Holy Mass at Samanes Park
In-Flight Press Conference from the Central African Republic to Rome
Visit to the Cathedral of Quito
Marian Prayer at the Shrine of Our Lady of the Rosary
In-Flight Press Conference from Poland to Rome
Visit, St. Francis of Assisi of the Providence of God Hospital - V.O.T. (Rio de Janeiro)
First Vespers for Solemnity of Mary Mother of God, 2014
Meeting with the Muslim Community in Bangui (30 November 2015)
Meeting with Authorities and Diplomatic Corps (Paraguay, 10 July 2015)
The World Is Your Cloister
Holy Mass at the Catholic Cathedral of the Holy Spirit
Visit to the Community of Varginha [Manguinhos] (Rio de Janeiro)
Easter Vigil 2013
The Last Judgement
Vigil of Pentecost with the Ecclesial Movements
Homily, Mass at the Shrine of Aparecida, Brazil - World Youth Day 2013
Homily, Holy Mass in the Parish of St. Anna in the Vatican
Urbi et Orbi: Easter 2013
Chrism Mass 2013
Revolutionaries of Grace
A True Father
The Feast of St Joseph
The Horizon of Peter's Gaze
The Mission of Women
Words of the Holy Father
Pentecost 2013
First Benediction Urbi et Orbi of Holy Father Francis
Taking Possession of the Cathedral of St John Lateran
Homily, Corpus Christi 2013
Authentic and Consistent
Evangelization Is Done in Prayer
Angelus, Archbishopric of St. Joaquin, Rio de Janeiro
50th Anniversary of the Death of John XXIII
Homily, Palm Sunday 2013
Visit, St. Francis of Assisi of the Providence of God Hospital - V.O.T. (Rio de Janeiro)
Called to the Path of Adoration and Service
Visit, St. Francis of Assisi of the Providence of God Hospital - V.O.T. (Rio de Janeiro)
A History of Salvation
The Family of God
A Woman Against the Tide
Without Consistency There Is No Education
The Law of Love
Address, Audience with the College of Cardinals
Address, Audience with the Media Representatives
To Representatives of Churches and Ecclesial Communities
Solemnity of Sts Peter and Paul 2013
Welcome Ceremony at the Garden of Guanabara Palace, Rio de Janeiro
Homily, Good Shepherd Sunday 2013
Angelus Message
The Three Loves of Paul VI
The Language of Reconciliation
Profession of Faith: To the Italian Episcopal Conference
Holy Mass at the Marian Shrine of Caacupé
Visit to the Svietyskhoveli Patriarchal Cathedral
First Ad Limina Address to the Bishops of France
Visit to the Children's University Hospital (Kraków, Poland)
Celebration for Families & Prayer Vigil
Concluding Mass at the 26th World Youth Day in Madrid
Discourse of the Holy Father at Copacabana
Prayer at the Sanctuary of La Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre
Welcoming Ceremony, Quito
Angelus, Archbishopric of St. Joaquin, Rio de Janeiro
Press Conference On Board the Flight from Colombo to Manila
Welcoming Ceremony, South Lawn of the White House
Greeting to Journalists on the Flight to Krakow
Greeting to Organizing Committee, Volunteers & Benefactors (Airport) / Farewell
Meeting with Representatives of Civil Society
Speech to Participants in the International Peace Conference
A Journey of Dialogue
Farewell Ceremony at the Galeão/Antonio Carlos Jobim International Airport
Meeting with the Religious Communities of Korea in Kkottongnae
Tirana: Angelus
Holy Mass and Rite of Canonization of Blessed Joseph Vaz
Address to the Staff at the United Nations
Holy Mass Concluding the World Meeting of Families
Apostolic Journey to the Holy Land: Holy Mass in Amman
Holy Mass with Bishops, Clergy and Religious
Holy Mass at M. Meskhi Stadium
In-Flight Press Conference from Armenia to Rome
World Day of Migrants and Refugees 2014
Meeting with Victims of Sexual Abuse
Meeting with the Youth from Argentina in the Cathedral of San Sebastián
Apostolic Journey to the Holy Land: Visit to the Western Wall; Visit to Yad Vashem
Meeting with the Coordinating Committee of CELAM
Apostolic Journey to the Holy Land: Courtesy Visit to the President of the State of Israel
Homily, Mass at the National Shrine of Aparecida, Brazil - World Youth Day 2013
Holy Mass with Priests, Men and Women Religious (16 February 2016)
Tirana: Holy Mass in Mother Teresa Square
Meeting with the Leaders of the Apostolate of the Laity
Apostolic Journey to the Holy Land: Courtesy Visit to the King and Queen of Jordan and Meeting with Authorities
In-Flight Press Conference from the Philippines to Rome
Meeting with Catholicos and Patriarch of All Georgia
Greeting to Journalists
Meeting with the Bishops of Mexico (13 February 2016)
Mass for Our Lady of Guadalupe 2014
Meeting with the Bishops of the United States of America
Creative Men Open to the Holy Spirit
Apostolic Journey to the Holy Land: Meeting with Refugees and Disabled Youth
Meeting with the Bishops of Asia at the Shrine of Haemi
Tirana: Meeting with the Civil Authorities
Tiriana: Celebration of Vespers with Priests, Men and Women Religious, Seminarians and Various Lay Movements
Ecumenical Prayer Service
Holy Mass Celebrated at the "Parque del Bicentenario" (León
Meeting with the Young People
Meeting with the Authorities, the Civil Society and the Diplomatic Corps
Ad Limina Address to Bishops of Australia
Nothing Justifies the Destruction of Even One Human Life
Common Declaration - Pope Benedict XVI and Archbishop H.B. Christodoulos
Ad limina Apostolorum: Bishops' Conference of Cuba
Bishops' Conference of Hungary
Ad limina Apostolorum: Bishops' Conference of El Salvador
Greek Catholic Bishops of Ukraine
Second Ad Limina Address to the Bishops from France
First Ad Limina Address to the Bishops of France
Bishops' Conference of Thailand
Papal Addresses to the Bishops of France
Holy Mass (Plaza de la Revolución, Holguín, Cuba)
Meeting with Priests, Men and Women Religious and Seminarians
Holy Mass and Angelus (Plaza de la Revolución, 20 September 2015)
Words on the Flight to Lesvos
In-Flight Press Conference from Sweden to Rome
Meeting with Young People, Morelia (16 February 2016)
Encounter with the Leaders of Other Religions, St. Mary's University
Apostolic Journey to the Holy Land: Visit to the Chief Rabbis of Israel
Prayer Vigil at Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, World Youth Day 2013
Tirana: Meeting with the Leaders of other Religions and other Christian Denominations
Holy Mass at the Barthélemy Boganda Stadium, Bangui (30 November 2015)
Tirana: Meeting with the Children of the Centro Bethania and Representatives of Charitable Centers
Greeting to the Sick
Return Flight Press Conference
In-flight Interview
Meeting with Families, Tuxtla Gutiérrez (15 February 2016)
Holy Mass at Campus Misericordiae
Common Declaration
Arrival and Welcoming Ceremony, Havana, Cuba (José Marti Airport, 19 September 2015)
Meeting and Prayer with Clergy, Religious and Seminarians
Visit and Prayer at the Apostolic Cathedral (Etchmiadzin, Armenia)
Welcoming of Pope Francis by the Young People (Krakow, Poland)
World Day of the Poor 2017
In-Flight Press Conference of His Holiness Pope Francis from Albania to Rome
Welcoming Ceremony by the Young People on the Waterfront of Copacabana
Solemnity of Pentecost 2019
The Church and the Scandal of Sexual Abuse
Palm Sunday 2019
World Day of Migrants and Refugees 2019
On the Nullity of Anglican Orders
Pope's Words Before Angelus
Interview With Benedict XVI
A Symphony of Hearts Prays for Christian Unity
God Is Always Opening Doors
Solet annuere
Quia quorundam
Quum inter nonnullos
The Pope Speaks on Rural Life
'Pastorale Munus'
The Syllabus of Errors
The Immaculate Conception
Concluding the Year of Faith
A Church Ever Young and New
A World in Need of Faith
The Worldwide Apostolate of the Church
'Voi Forse Sapete'
The Vatican Council on Our Blessed Mother
The Fundamental Principles of Training for the Priesthood
Speech to Last Council Meeting
The Church's Presence in the World Today
The Testament of Paul VI
Teachings of the Council
Pope Paul VI - Apostolica Sollicitudo
The Positive Value of Suffering
Pope Paul VI
Science at the Service of Humanity
Saluberrimum Sacramentum Eucharistiae
The Sacrament of Unity and Peace
'Sacram Liturgiam'
Reverence to Leaders of Christianity
Romani Pontifici Eligendo
Let Us Renounce Rivalry and Discord
On Renewal of the Religious Life According to Vatican II
Adress to the General Chapters of Religious Orders and Congregations
Motu Proprio on Pontifical Insignia
Penance Implies True Conversion of Heart
Norms for General Absolution
Live the Paschal Mystery
To Parish Priests
Motu Proprio on the Conferring of the Sacred Pallium
Apostolic Constitution on Penance
New Rites for Sacred Ordination
Octogesima Adveniens - On the Eightieth Anniversary
Nuclei of Galaxies
This Is Not Our Ruling: It Is God's Law
Renewal But Not Betrayal
A World in Need of Faith
Need for Worthy Expression in Chant and Sacred Music
The Mother of God in the Mission of Salvation
Centenary of the Birth of Maria Montessori
Apostolic Constitution Promulgation of the Roman Missal
Ministeria Quaedam
On Devotion to Mary
The Man of Today
Liberty, Brotherhood and Responsibility
Layman Should Be World's Perfect Citizen
Need for Latin Remains Unchanged
On the Feast of Saint Joseph
Inter-Departmental Co-operation in the Curia
Age Limit Set for Functions by Cardinals
On Indulgences
The Ideal Concept of the Christian Life
New Horizons for the Women Religious
Hierarchical Function Is Service
Mary, the Great Sign
Address if Pope Paul VI: General Audience, 31 July 1968
On Christian Joy
Evangelization in the Modern World
The Election of the Roman Pontiff
On the Church
General Norms for Restoring the Permanent Diaconate in the Latin Church
Confronting the Devil's Power
Credo of the People of God
Collective Medicine Should Not Become Inhuman
Closing Speech at Vatican II
The Ideal of Christian Humanism
Address to Congress of Church Choirs
Pope Announces Changes at Close of Consistory
The Challenge to Our Faith
General Audience on Saint Catherine
Essential Role of Canon Law in the Life of the Church
Brain and Conscious Experience
The Office of Bishop
Authentic Christian Life Develops Social Spirit
The Apostolic Duty of the Church
Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick
All Called to the Apostolate
Devotion to Holy Eucharist Outside Mass
Changes In Mass for Greater Apostolate
The Mass Is the Same
Apostolic Constitution "Quo Primum"
On the Rosary
Allocution to Midwives
Sublimus Dei
1944 Christmas Message
Papal Directives For the Woman of Today
Counsel to Teaching Sisters
'Si Diligis'
On Psychotherapy and Religion
The Moral Limits of Medical Research and Treatment
To Plenary Session of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences
The States of Perfection
Question of Oligoelements in Plant and Animal Life
Munificentissimus Deus
The Question of Microseisms
Guiding Principles of the Lay Apostolate
On the Laws of Fasting and the Evening Mass
The Proofs for the Existence of God in the Light of Modern Natural Science
'Menti Nostrae'
Ci Riesce
Exhortations to the Representatives of the Cinema World
Concerning the Discipline to be Observed with Respect to the Eucharistic Fast
The Internal Order of States and People
On Bees
An Address by Pope Pius XII on Bad Reading
The Function of Art
Applied Psychology
The Apostleship of Prayer: Efficacious Means of Apostolate
Allocution to the Fathers of Families
Address to Seminarians
Anti-Semitism Is Not Christian
Motu Proprio on the Bible
The Oath Against Modernism
To the Catholic Clergy on Priestly Sanctity
For the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Proclamation of the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception
To the Bishops of France Concerning the Sillonist Movement
The Virgen of Charity of Cobre / La Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre
Exiit qui seminat
Concerning New Opinions, Virtue, Nature & Grace, with Regard to Americanism
Judgement on Anglican Ordinations
Condemning the Errors of Luther
Food Security Results from Ethic of Solidarity
Master In the Faith
We entrust, O Mary, and consecrate the whole world to your Immaculate Heart!
Co-Operation of Priests and Laity Is Essential to Fostering Parish Life
We Must Follow Jesus to Calvary
Catholic Schools Offer Education Based on Gospel Values
God has made a new covenant in Christ
Church Defends Moral Rights of Citizens
Repent and believe in the Gospel
Every Human Life Is Sacred
Thank God for Unity of Faith in Christ!
Remain Part of the Local Church's Life
Baptism Saves Us From Slavery to Sin
Do Not Lose Heart As You Preach Christ's Gospel to the Indifferent
We Commend the New Year to Mary
God Never Tires of Loving and Forgiving Us
1997 Holy Thursday Letter to Priests
Mary Is Active in Her Son's Mission
Peaceful Solution Must Be Found to Tragedy in Great Lakes Region
The World God Created Must Not Be Profaned
Tell the World of Jubilee's True Meaning
Known and Loved by People of Rome
Jesus Works Miracle At Mary's Request
Christ's Divine Life Fully Humanizes Us
Institutions Must Focus on the Person
Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving Mark Church's Lenten Journey of Penitence
Great Jubilee Will Benefit All Humanity
Reclaim every human being's right to life
We Are Stewards of God's Saving Gifts
Seek Deep Intimacy with the Lord
Human sickness is call to conversion
Filipino Families Are Seeking Sound Doctrine, Grace and Human Empathy
Bearing Witness to Christ in Secular Life
The Sick Need Our Human Warmth
Be Faithful Witnesses to the Father's Love
Welcome the Light of Christ's Revelation!
Your Faithful Will Benefit From Sound Reflection on the Creed
Different Traditions Can Be Mutually Enriching
Jubilee Will Focus World Attention on Rome
Mary's 'Hidden Life' Is Example to Mothers
Rediscover Law as Interpersonal Reality
Only God's Word Gives Meaning to Life
We Serve One Another Through Love
Pastoral Care of Divorced and Remarried
We Preach a Message of Reconciliation
Be Reconciled to God and to One Another
Pastoral and Theological Activity of Priests Must Begin with Prayer
Morality Must Inspire Law of Nations
Mary Co-operates by Personal Obedience
Celebrate the day of your Baptism!
Science Serves Humanity Only When It Is Joined to Conscience
Christ Calls Women to Share His Mission
Proclaim Christ Light of All Peoples!
Eternal Word Fully Entered Human Family
Offer Forgiveness and Receive Peace
'Teacher, where are you staying? Come and see'
Mentally Ill Are Also Made In God's Image
Be Faithful to God's Gift on Christmas Night
Spread Forgiveness and You Will Become Peacemakers
Disregard of Family Threatens Society
Natural Methods Strengthen Harmony of Married Couples
Persevere in Quest for Unity
Show Concern for Plight of Migrants
Motherhood: Woman's Gift to Society
Human Time Shares in God's Eternity
Fidelity of Husband and Wife Stands Like a Solid Rock on which Children's Trust Rests
Make Room for the Son of God Who Is Given to Us at Christmas
Love One Another as Brothers and Sisters
Christmas Carols Have Shaped Our History
The Future of a People Can Never Be Founded on Violence
God's Grace Will Nourish Your Love
Mary Has Role in Jesus' Saving Mission
Christ Reveals Man to Himself
Vietnamese Church Has Given Heroic Witness to Christ's Love
Our Deep Communion Has its Source in our Common Faith Sealed by the Gift of Baptism
We Aim to Deepen Our Christian Awareness
Simeon Is Open to the Lord's Action
Ecumenism Is Now An Urgent Task for the Catholic Church
Blessed Virgin Is Model of Perfect Love
Be United to Christ and Peter's Successor
We Cry Out: Save Us, O Saviour of the World!
Incarnation Inspires Christian Genius
Church Proclaims Mary 'Mother of God'
Devotion to Mary Gave Direction to Their Lives
Nativity Shows Mary's Closeness to Jesus
Icons Show the Human Face of God
Wipe out the tragic scandal of hunger
Seek to be active in life of your local Church
Democracy Without Values Threatens Peace
Beauty Has Important Role In Eastern Spirituality
I Thank God for My Priesthood and Pray That He Will Send More Labourers into His Harvest
Renewed Biblical Catechesis Will Lead to A More Incisive Promotion of Vocations
Suffering Is Also God's Gift
Divine Sonship is Our Inheritance
They Bore Fruits of Conversion and Holiness
Visitation Is Prelude to Jesus' Mission
Eastern Spirituality Emphasizes the 'Heart'
Church has benefited from French Christianity
Martyrs in the Vendee Courageously Remained Faithful to Christ's
Jesus of Nazareth is Heart of Christian Faith
Thank God for the Rich Harvest of Priestly and Religious Vocations
Church Commemorates Thousand-Year Old Roots
Fathers of the East Knew How to Listen to Spirit of God
Christianity Has Deeply Marked Culture of Peoples
Bishop's Martyrdom Must Become Seed of Love
May Martyrs' Witness Bring Full Communion
Love of Mary Shared by East and West
Mary's Assumption Reminds Us That Our True Dwelling Place Is in Heaven
Mary Shines As A Sign of Certain Hope
Eastern Theology Has Enriched the Whole Church
Paul VI Generously Gave Himself to Christ
Church Venerates Fathers of East and West
Eternal Son of God Is Also Born of Mary
Our Lady Intended to Remain a Virgin
Virginal Conception Is Biological Fact
Rose-Virginie Pelletier founded her faith on Jesus Christ as on a rock
We Give Thanks to God for Union of Brest
Union of Brest Was Work of Holy Spirit
Mary Freely Cooperated in God's Plan
They Witnessed to Life in a Culture of Death
Pope John Paul II 16 June 1996 Angelus
Now Is the Time to Take a Great Step Forward in the Work of Evangelization
Pope John Paul II 12 June 1996 General Audience
Pope John Paul II 6 June 1996 Corpus Christi Mass and Eucharistic Procession
Blessed Virgin Was Filled with God's Grace
Pope John Paul II 28 May 1996 World Mission Sunday
I Appeal to World's Scientific Authorities: Halt the Production of Human Embryos!
The Media: Modern Forum for Promoting the Role of Women in Society
Family Must Be Focus of Pastoral Care
Mary Is the Mother Who Intercedes for Everyone
Liturgy Preserves Faith Experience of Generations
Mary Responds to God with Spousal Love
The Apostles Experience of the Risen Christ Is Entirely Credible
Christ's Resurrection Was A Concrete Event
Woman's Moral Nobility
To Those Who Share in His Triumph Over Death The Lord Grants Courage to Build Up a New Humanity
The Cross of Christ Is the World's Hope
Confession Must Be Humble, Complete and Accompanied by Firm Purpose of Amendment
Two Blesseds Manifest 'Works of God'
Penitential Fasting Is Therapy for the Soul
Motherhood is God's Special Gift
Outward Penance Aids Us in our Interior Conversion
Relativism Is Not Basis of Religious Freedom
Latin America Is Truly Blessed with Faith
Isaiah's Prophecy Fulfilled in Incarnation
Judges Cannot Bend the Objective Norm or Interpret Divine Law in an Arbitrary Way
Vatican II Called Catholics to Active Role in Ecumenism
Behold, I Stand at the Door and Knock
Address on the occasion of the Exchange of Greetings with the Diplomatic Corps
Let Us Give Children a Future of Peace
Fifth Centenary of First American Baptisms
Society and Church Need Genius of Woman
Faith is the Greatest Gift
Angelus Message, June 29, 1995
Holy Family Radiates Example of True Love
May Christ Teach Us to Be A Gift for Others
Blessed Is the People Founded on Love
Council's Teaching on Mary Is Rich and Positive
Mary Shed Light on the Role of Women
Church Grew in Understanding of Mary's Role
Deacons Are Configured to Christ the Servant
Mary Shows Us God's Respect for Women
Integral Vision of Health Care
Magisterium Exercises Authority in Christ's Name
God Will Judge the World With Justice
To Honor Mary Is to Go to Jesus
Revelation Invites Us to Communion and Life
Mary Is Model of Care for the Sick
Those Humbling Themselves Will Be Exalted
Church Is Neighbor to the Rejected
Mary Was United to Jesus on the Cross
'Lumen Gentium' Is Key to Council, Angelus
All Believers Have Right to Receive Catholic Doctrine In Its Integrity
Celebrate and Serve Life!
Martyrdom: A Special Gift of the Spirit, Beatification of Martyrs of...
Mary Is the Virgin Mother of God
Church Must Face Challenge of Sects Throughout Latin America
Enhance Women's Role in Church Life
Full Christian Unity Can Be Achieved
Papal Appeal on Behalf of Women
Women Have Much to Offer in Political Life
Dialogue with Reform Communities
Vatican II Praised Eastern Traditions
Culture Needs Women's Genius
Human Society is Not Built by Destroying the...
Unity Furthered by Continual Renewal
Initial Education in Family Relies on 'Feminine Genius'
Recognize the Importance of Prayer
Only 'Assisi Spirit' Can Wipe Out Symbolic Starting Point of this Century's Tragedies
Mission of Motherhood Makes Woman A Guardian of Life, Who Must Encourage...
All Must Strive for Goal of Full Unity
Men and Women Must Live for the Other
Slovaks Endured Relentless Persecution
Martyrdom Unites Us With All Believers
Mary Prepares Hearts for Conversion
Respond Generously to Christ's Call
We Cannot Remain Separated
Unity Results From Legitimate Diversity
Culture of Equality is Urgently Needed Today
Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ
Local Churches Have Missionary Task
Bishops Conference of Brazil
World Mission Day, October 22, 1995
Bl. Damien de Veuster - Witness to God's Presence in History
Beatification of Damien de Veuster
General Audience
Address on 50th Anniversary of Pax Christi Movement
General Audience
Ecumenism of Martyrs and Saints
Canonization of Bl. Jan Sarkander and Bl. Zdislava of Lemberk Olomouc, Czechoslovakia
Address at the Airport of Prague-Ruzyne, Czech Republic
Perseverance in Mission
Ordination of 41 Priests for Diocese of Rome
Missionary Activity
General Audience May 3, 1995
Deacons Are Called to Life of Holiness
Deacon Has Many Pastoral Functions
Deacons Serve the Kingdom of God
Consecration of the Church and World To the Blessed Virgin Mary
'He descended into hell'
May the Mother of the Church be an Inspiration for the Discovery of a New Feminine Identity
Address of John Paul II on the Apostleship of Prayer
The Redemption of the Body and the Sacramentality of Marriage
Repect for the Work of God
Continence Deepens Personal Communion
Continence Frees One From Inner Tension
Continence Protects the Dignity of the Conjugal Act
The Power of Love Is Given to Man and Woman as a Share in God's Love
Prayer, Penance & the Eucharist Are the Principal Sources of Spirituality for Married Couples
Responsible Parenthood Linked To Moral Maturity
A Discipline That Enobles Human Love
Faithfulness to the Divine Plan in the Transmission of Life
Responsible Parenthood
Importance of Harmonizing Human Love with Respect for Life
Morality of the Marriage Act Determined by the Nature...
Pope John Paul Invites All to Work for Unity without Becoming Discouraged by Difficulties
The Husband-Wife Relationship in Ephesians 5, 21-23
Visit to Mexico 79: Opening Address at the Puebla Conference
The Dignity of Woman and Her Mission
Meeting With Young People of Ukraine
Ad Limina Apostolorum: Canadian Bishops – Quebec: Youth Need Sound Catechesis and Solid Sacramental Life
To the Youth of the World
They Yielded to Reality
Common Declaration
Pope's Christmas Address to Roman Curia
To Academy for Life
Pilgrimage to Greece: Address to Holy Synod
Message for the 20th World Youth Day 2005
Homily at the Closing Mass of the 10th World Youth Day
50th Anniversary of the End of World War II
Women: Teachers of Peace
Papal Letter to Women
Welcome Address
To Vox Clara Committee on English Liturgical Texts
Message for 39th World Day of Prayer for Vocations
The Mystery of Life
The Consecrated Life
On the 25th Anniversary of the Constitution
On the Vacancy of the Apostolic See and the Election of the Roman Pontiff
350th Anniversary of the Union of Uzhorod
Action must be educational and political
To the Bishops of the U.S.A.: Ad Limina Conferences
Bishops' Conference of U.S.A. - 9
Bishops' Conference of U.S.A. - 8
Bishops' Conference of U.S.A. - 7
Bishops' Conference of U.S.A. - 6
Bishops' Conference of U.S.A. - 5
Bishops' Conference of U.S.A. - 4
Bishops' Conference of U.S.A. - 3
Bishops' Conference of U.S.A. - 2
Bishops' Conference of U.S.A. - 14
Bishops' Conference of U.S.A. - 13
Bishops' Conference of U.S.A. - 11
Bishops' Conference of U.S.A. - 10
Bishop's Conference of U.S.A. - 1
Departing Remarks, October 8, 1995
Greeting in Baltimore Cathedral October 8, 1995
Blessing of the Office of the Permanent Mission, October 7, 1995
Greeting in St. Patrick's, October 7, 1995
Blessing of the Office of the Permanent Mission, October 7, 1995
Joseph's Seminary (New York), October 6, 1995'.
Address to the United Nations General Assembly, October 5, 1995
Greeting to the United Nations Staff, October 5, 1995
Address at Vespers, Newark Cathedral, October 4, 1995
Welcome Address, Newark International Airport, October 4, 1995
US Ad Limina Visits - 9
US Ad Limina Visits - 7
US Ad Limina Visits - 7
US Ad Limina Visits - 6
US Ad Limina Visits - 5
US Ad Limina Visits - 4
US Ad Limina Visits - 3
U.S. Ad Limina Visits - 2
US Ad Limina Visits - 13
US Ad Limina Visits - 12
US Ad Limina Visits - 11
US Ad Limina Visits - 10
Ad limina visits - 1
1998 Ad Limina addresses to the U.S. Bishops
Urbi et Orbi Blessing
His First Urbi et Orbi Address
Address to International Union of Catholic Jurists
Meeting With the Ukrainian Catholic Episcopate
Holy Mass (Latin Rite) and Beatifications
Pope John Paul II's Trip to Ukraine
To Members of the Tribunal of the Roman Rota
Address of Holy Father to International Congress on Transplants
As the Third Millennium Draws Near
A Life Entrusted to the Mercy of God
The Testament of John Paul II
Te Deum for the End of Year
General Audiences: John Paul II's Theology of the Body
Dominion Over the Other in the Interpersonal Relation
Church's Position on Transmission of Life
The Norm of Humanae Vitae Arises from the Natural Law and the Revealed Order
Address to Young People in Damascus
Address to Muslims of Damascus
Meeting With Catholic Patriarchs and Bishops
Address to Catholic and Orthodox Faithful
Address to Ecumenical Gathering
Departure From Damascus
JP2 - Theological Basis for Synods
Bishops' Conference of Sudan
From Subiaco Shines a Beacon of Faith
God Made Man the Steward of Creation
Angelus: Saints Peter and Paul
Visit to St. Louis 99: Farewell Address
Visit to St. Louis 99: Written Message to Children
Visit to St. Louis 99: Meeting with Young People
Visit to St. Louis 99: Arrival Message
Prayer to Saint Augustine
An Eloquent Witness of Victory in Christ
Spiritus Domini
Spain, 3 May: Address to Youth
Bishops' Conference of Spain - 1
To Special Missions
Message for World Day of the Sick for the Year 2000
I Will Give You Shepherds
The Seven Sacraments
Man's dignity stems from his spiritual nature
Address to Pontifical Academy for Life
Consecrated Life Is Rooted In Baptism
Address to the Roman Rota
Address to the Roman Rota
Holy Father's Address to Roman Rota
The Pope in Romania: Joint Declaration
Common Declaration
Address to the Clergy of Rome
To the International Conference Commemorating the Fourth Centenary of the Arrival in Beijing of Father Mateo Ricci
Laws must support rights of family
Keener Awareness of Shared Responsibility
Dialogue With the Great World Religions
Pope Receives President of U.S.A., 1987
Pope Receives President of U.S.A., 1982
Radical Change of Mentality is Urgent
Sunday Angelus: 26 August 2001
Prayer at Qunaytra on the Golan Heights
General Audience, 26 February 2003
The Virtue of Prudence
Visit to the President of Kazakhstan
1996 Holy Thursday Letter to Priests
Letter to Priests for Holy Thursday 1979
Letter to Priests, Holy Thursday 2004
Population Conference Draft Document Criticized
To Rectors and Professors of the Polish Universities
Meeting With Representatives of Political Life, Culture, Science and Business
The Roman Triptych
Symbol of Communion With the Church of Rome
Address to Pilgrims - Beatification of Padre Pio
Regina Coeli - Padre Pio Beatification
Pilgrimage to Places Linked to the History of Salvation
Five Men Linked by a Desire for Holiness
To the Pro-Major Penitentiary
Purpose and Benefits of Sacramental Penance
God Demands No More Than We Can Give
Message for World Day of Peace, 1 January 2002
To Pontifical Council for Social Communications
Pontifical Council for Health Pastoral Care: 19th International Conference
World Day of Peace: 1 January 2005
Old Testament essential to know Jesus
Church Asks Pardon for her Members' Sins
Recalling Two Great Pontiffs
To Delegations of Other Christian Churches and Organizations
We extend our arms in brotherhood
Summary of Pope John Paul II's Catechesis on Original Sin
Reserving Priestly Ordination
Only Christ Can Fulfill Man's Hopes
To Federation of Family Advisory Boards
Ogni Qualvolta
Seminar on Movements and New Communities
New Catechism: Gift to the Church
Let No Difficulty Hinder Us
Letter on the Occasion if the 2nd Centenary of the Birth of Cardinal John Henry Newman
To Cardinal Stafford, Assist the Neocatechumenal Way
Visit to Mexico 90: Option for the Poor
Visit to Mexico 90: The New Evangelization
Muslims and Christians Adore the One God
On the Dignity of Women
Sunday Angelus: On Mother Teresa
Grow in Faith and Missionary Zeal
Mass in the Abbassyin Stadium of Damascus
Mass at the Sport Palace in Athens
Misericordia Dei
To Military Chaplains Participating in Course on Formation
At the Beginning of the Third Millennium
Visit to Mexico 99: Departure Address
Visit to Mexico 99: Meeting at Azteca Stadium
Visit to Mexico 99: To the Sick
Visit to Mexico 99: Angelus Message
Visit to Mexico 99: Mass at Rodriguez Racetrack
Visit to Mexico 99: Address to Diplomatic Corps
Visit to Mexico 99: Mass at Guadalupe
Visit to Mexico 99: Arrival Message
Pursue Your Study of Media Ethics
Opening of Holy Door at St. Mary Major
Christ is the Mediator and Fullness of Revelation
Mary Cooperates in God's Saving Plan
Address to Mariological Colloquium
God Himself Is the Author of Marriage
Address to the Society of Christian Doctrine
Mary's mediation derives from Christ
Mary has universal spiritual motherhood
Marital Act must be Total Gift of Person
True Human Love Reflects the Divine
Farewell to Malta
Malta Mass of Beatification
On the Beatification of Mother Mary Helen Mackillop
Letter of His Holiness to Priests 2000
Literacy Is Essential Duty for Man's Future
For the Presentation of the Volume, 'L'Inquisizione'
To Congress on Life-Sustaining Treatments and Vegetative State
To the Legionaries of Christ
Promulgation of the New Code of Canon Law
Normative Text Entrusted to the Church
Address to the Participants of the Symposium...
Meeting With Youth of Kazakhstan
Departure From Astana
Holy Mass (Latin Rite) at Kyiv
To Polish Academy of Sciences' International Meeting
The Splendor in Justice & Law
An Instrument of Wise Jurisprudence
Incarnationis mysterium
Jubilee of the Armed Forces and the Police
To Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace: You Have Important Role in Promoting Church's Social Teaching
To Italian Catholic Jurists
Pope John Paul I, Master of Clear Faith
First Address to Journalists
A Time of Grace for Every Family
Sunday Angelus: Children's Jubilee
Holy Father Greets Delegations From 22 Churches and Ecclesial Communities
To Group Preparing for World Youth Day
A Faith Both Traditional and Open
Inquisition requires calm, objective analysis
Bishops Conference of Indonesia
Indulgences Are Expressions of God's Mercy
To the Bishops of India
Bishops' Conference India - 6
Bishops' Conference India 5
Bishops' Conference India 1
Instruction on the Holy Eucharist
Letter to Priests for Holy Thursday 2005
Letter to Priests for Holy Thursday 1999
Holy Father's 1995 Letter to Priests For Holy Thursday
Priesthood & Pastoral Care of the Family
Home and school must work together
Take Holy Pride in Being Other Christs
Address to Holy Synod
Holy City is Mother of All Churches
Letter to Priests for Holy Thursday 2002
Holy Land Pilgrimage
Address to Hindu & Muslim Leaders
His Heart is the Heart of the Church
Address to Catholic Bishops of Greece
Letter to the German Bishops
Dangers Of Genetic Manipulation
The Good Pope
Farewell Address to Bartholomew I
Look to the Future in Perspective of Past
Legitimate diversity must not divide
Farewell Address to the People of Ukraine
To the Bishops of France: Ad Limina Addresses
Freedom of Conscience and of Religion
Follow the Example of Francis Faithfully
Bishops' Conference of France - 9
Bishops' Conference of France - 8
Bishops' Conference of France - 7
Bishops' Conference of France - 6
Bishops' Conference of France - 5
Bishops' Conference of France - 4
Bishops' Conference of France - 3
Bishops' Conference of France - 2
Bishops' Conference of France - 1
To International Cinema Conference
Fetal Life Must Be Protected and Nurtured
Address on Breastfeeding
Sr Faustina: God's Gift to Our Time
To Pontifical Council for the Family
Letter to Families
General Audience of Wednesday, February 15, 1995
General Audience of February 22, 1995
Talk to National Bishops
No Authority Can Justify Euthanasia
Europe Must Rediscover Shared Values
To a Study Session: Towards a European Constitution
To the Presidents of the European Union of Parliaments
We Adore God Present Among Us
Address at Cathedral of Etchmiadzin
We extend our arms in brotherhood
Canonization of St. Josemaria Escriva
To the Fifth International Environmental Symposium
Letter to the Elderly
Faith offers complete vision of man
Action Must Be Educational and Political
Papal Address at Ecumenical Celebration of the Word
Prayer at Dzidzernagapert Memorial
Let Us Forgive and Ask Forgiveness
Love and Solidarity for the Dying
Mary is the Image of the Heavenly Church
To Congress on Integration of Disabled Children
On the Holy Eucharist
The Pope's Words Before the Angelus
Address to Diplomatic Corps
The Church's Service to Humanity
Pope John Paul II's Address To The Diplomatic Corps
Dies Domini
Dialogue calls for conversion of heart
Christ Alone Gives the Fullness of Divine Life
Dedication of the Shrine of Divine Mercy
A Time of Grace for Every Family
Jubilee Year Calls for Urgent Debt Relief
Dialogue Between Cultures for a Civilization of Love and Peace
The Cure of Ars
May Cuba open her doors to Christ
Centenary of the Motu Proprio Tra Le Sollecitudini
The Cross Illumines All Human Life
To American Cardinals and Bishops
Tend the Flock and Be Examples to It
Cosmology and Fundamental Physics
Programme at the Closing of the Extraordinary Consistory
Address at Palace of Congress, Astana
Human Life Must Originate in the Conjugal Act
The Church Must Learn To Cope With Computer Culture
To Cardinal Ratzinger, Prepare Compendium of Catechism
Let Us Offer the World New Signs of Hope
How Great A Good Is Consecrated Life!
Address of Holy Father on the Occasion of Receiving the Congressional Gold Medal
Letter to President Clinton
Priests are conformed to Christ the Head
On the 750th Anniversary of the Death of St Clare of Assisi
Letter to Children
Holy Thursday Chrism Mass
To President of the Catholic Union of the Italian Press
To Group of Renewal in the Holy Spirit
You Bring Christ to the Academic World
To Members of the Chambésy Institute
To the Congregation for Divine Worship
To the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
To Plenary Assembly of Congregation for Catholic Education
Epiphany Celebrates Church's Catholicity
To International Catechetical Congress
Symposium of Cardinals: Holy Father's Closing Address
Address to New Cardinals
Sacred College of Cardinals, a Sign of Universality
Ordinary Public Consistory: 21 February
To International Gynaecological Cancer Society
Apostolic Letter of 25 December 2001
Divine Liturgy (Byzantine Rite) at Kyiv
Mary, the New Eve, Freely Obeyed God
Mary Offers Sublime Model of Service
The Church Presents Mary as Ever Virgin
Mary and Joseph Lived Gift of Virginity
Address of the Holy Father to Pres. George W. Bush
Address to President Bush
To the Patriarch and Holy Synod, Bulgaria
The Pope in Brazil
The Pope in Brazil - Angelus
The Pope in Brazil - Mass with Families
The Pope in Brazil - Mass with Clergy
The Pope in Brazil - Arrival Speech
Address at Williams-Brice Stadium
Letter to Bishops for Holy Thursday 1979
Papal Addresses to Bishops of Brazil
As An Everlasting Memorial
Divine Liturgy (Byzantine Rite) With Beatifications
The Ecumentical Patriarch's Visit to the Holy Father - 2004
Common Declaration on Environmental Ethics
Address at the Presidential Palace, Azerbaijan
Pope John Paul II in Greece, Syria, and Malta (4-9 May 2001)
Letter and Decalogue of Assisi for Peace
Mass in the Cathedral, Astana
Arrival Ceremony Address (23 June 2001)
Artistic Heritage Has Evangelizing Role
Letter to Artists
Joint Communiqué
Farewell to Armenia
Ecumenical Liturgy, Yerevan
Outdoor Latin Rite Mass, Etchmiadzin
Arrival in Malta
Address at Arrival in Damascus
To the Pontifical Commission for Sacred Archaeology
Welcome Ceremony Address at Presidential Palace of Athens
Arrival in Astana
Arrival at Yerevan, Armenia
On the Apostleship of the Sea
To the Apostolic Penitentiary
Address at Apostolic Nunciature, Astana
Ad Limina Apostolorum: Bishops of Antilles
The Church at the Service of Humanity
First Angelus With the Faithful
Angelus in Kazakhstan
Catechesis on the Angels
Sunday Angelus: Jubilee of Armed Forces and Police
Angelus during the Commemoration of the 40th Anniversary of the historic encounter between Paul VI and Athenagoras I
Address to Second American Missionary Congress
Meeting With Representatives of the All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations
JPw, International Symposium on the Alliance of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary
On the Centenary of the Birth of Albert Einstein
Message to the U.N. Secretary General
To 2nd World Assembly on Aging
Pope John Paul Corrects Liturgical Abuses
Address to Pontifical Academy of Theology
Address to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences
Church Must Proclaim ‘Gospel of Life’
Vatican II Praised Eastern Traditions
For the 44th Italian Catholic Social Week
Pope Gratefully Reflects on 100 Trips Abroad
Address to the Sacred College
Meeting the Roman Clergy
Programme of Pope John Paul I
In Prayer is the Hope for Peace
Progress in Love
Last Document of Pope John Paul I
Address to Journalists
Inauguration Homily
The Christian Family: a Community of Love
To Live the Faith
The Challenge of Evangelization
Address to the Diplomatic Corps
Homily on Taking Possession of His Cathedral
First Angelus Address
Addresses and Homilies
Radio Address concerning the Second Vatican Council
Christmas Midnight Mass
To Youth at Saint Peter's
To Youth at Saint John Lateran
Homily For Jubilee Workers
The Celebration of the Great Jubilee
Vatican II Was Spirit's Gift to the Church
Easter Sunday, Urbi et Orbi
Universal Prayer: Confession of Sins and Asking for Forgiveness
To University Teachers for Their Jubilee
Stations of the Cross at the Colosseum
Pilgrimage to Mount Sinai: Ecumenical Meeting
Pilgrimage to Mount Sinai: Arrival in Cairo
Jubilee for Priests and 80th Birthday of Holy Father
Jubilee for the Diocese of Rome
Jubilee of the Roman Curia
The Celebration of the Great Jubilee
Closing Mass of Politicians' Jubilee
Jubilee of Italian Police Officers
Christ Became Obedient Unto Death
Christians Have Been United in Suffering
Holy Father to Maronite Pilgrims
The Celebration of the Great Jubilee
Jubilee for Men and Women of Learning
Holy Father's Message for Lent 2000
Jubilee of Apostolate of the Laity
Jubilee of Journalists
The Celebration of the Great Jubilee
Solemnity of the Epiphany
Jubilee of the Entertainment World
Jubilee of the Elderly
Pilgrimage To Mount Sinai: Holy Mass with the Catholics of Egypt
Jubilee of the Disabled
Active Apostles of the New Evangelization
Chrism Mass
Jubilee of Craftsmen
Jubilee of Consecrated Life
God's Law Is Written on the Human Heart
Concluding Liturgy of 47th International Eucharistic Congress
Jubilee and Catechists and Religion Teachers
Homily for Jubilee of Bishops
Message to Cardinal William W. Baum
Jubilee Celebration for Artists
Jubilee of the Agricultural World
The Celebration of the Great Jubilee
Promises to Abraham Were Fulfilled in Christ
Petrine Ministry Serves Unity of Faith
New Pentecost
'Whatever Is for the Honor of the Creator of All'
Boni Pastoris
Solicitudo Pastoralis
Condemning the Errors of Miguel de Molinos
The Bull of Canonization of St. Francis of Assisi:Mira Circa Nos
Condemning Slave Trade
Papal Protection of the Jews
The Great Pardon
Christmas Eve 2017
Christmas Address to the Curia, 2017
Christmas Address to the Roman Curia 2016
You Are Not Alone
Apostolic Journey to Poland for the XXXI World Youth Day
Thirtieth Anniversary of World Youth Day
Meeting with Representatives of Society
28th World Youth Day Papal Addresses 2013
Words of the Holy Father
Not Guests but Leaders
A Woman Against the Tide
The Witness of Junípero Serra
The Courage To Ask Why
World Food Day 2015
World Day of Prayer for Vocations 2016
World Day of the Sick 2016
World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation 2016
Do Not Be Indifferent to the Cry of the Poor
World Day of Peace 2015
Message for the World Day of Peace 2014
World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation
World Communications Day 2017
48th World Communications Day
Vos Estis Lux Mundi
Vigil of Pentecost with the Ecclesial Movements
Videomessage for the Pilgrimage-Meeting in Guadalupe
Letter to US Bishops 2019
Mass and Canonization of Fr. Junípero Serra
Urbi et Orbi, Christmas 2017
Urbi et Orbi Easter 2019
Urbi et Orbi Christmas 2018
On Uncharted Paths
Women in the Life of the Church
Press Conference on the Return Flight From Abu Dhabi to Rome
Holy Mass, Abu Dhabi 2019
Interreligious Meeting at the Founder's Memorial
Apostolic Journey to the United Arab Emirates 2019
Apostolic Journey of His Holiness to Turkey, 28-30 November 2014
True Justice
What Ecumenism Is Not
To the International Theological Commission 2014
Theologians and Prophets
Learn to Take Your Leave
For the Pastoral Care of Syro-Malabar Faithful in India
Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Institution of the Synod of Bishops
Opening Address to the Synod Assembly 2018
Mass to Open the Synod of Bishops 2018
Pope Francis - Conclusion of the Synod of Bishops
In the Great Synagogue of Rome
Apostolic Journey to Sweden
Called to the Path of Adoration and Service
Motu Proprio Summa Familiae Cura
On the Fifth Centenary of St Teresa of Jesus
An Angel at the Door
Christ Is the Only Door
Mass in St Francis' Square 2013
The True Revolution
To the Poor Clares at the Basilica of St Clare 2013
Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul 2018
Apostolic Journey of His Holiness to Sri Lanka and the Philippines, 13-19 January 2015
Continuing Formation for Spouses
A Spiritual Capital
Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul 2017
Apostolic Journey to Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina), 6 June 2015
Sanctuarium in Ecclesia
To the Tribunal of the Roman Rota 2019
To the Roman Rota at the Start of the Judicial Year, 2018
The Church's Dream
The Law Is for Salvation
To the Tribunal of the Roman Rota
To the Roman Rota, Beginning the Judicial Year 2017
To Priests of the Diocese of Rome 2019
Abuse Must Never Be Taken Lightly
Building Europe Together
Who Are We to Cause Division?
To the Charismatic Renewal
Reforming the Process of Annulment
Prayer Vigil for the Year of Mercy
Never Tire of Being Merciful
Prophecy, Proximity and Hope
Be Proclaimers of Christ
There Is No Priesthood Without Mission
In-Flight Press Conference of His Holiness from Strasbourg to Rome
In-Flight Press Conference of His Holiness from Instanbul to Rome
Letter to the President of the Pontifical Academy for Life
Feast of the Presentation 2019
Feast of the Presentation 2018
Presentation of the Lord 2017
Flowing Like a River into the Sea of Mercy
Taken From the Flock
General Assembly of the Pontifical Academy for Life 2018
The Horizon of Peter's Gaze
To the Pontifical Biblical Institute 2019
Plenary Session of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences 2018
Where New Wine Is Poured
First Plenary Assembly of the Secretariat for Communication
Mass in Tacloban
Meeting with Clergy, Religious & Families, Palo
Solemnity of Sts Peter and Paul
Solemnity of Sts Peter and Paul 2016
Solemnity of Sts Peter and Paul 2013
Persecuting Faith is Unacceptable
Address at the Pentecost Vigil of Prayer
Pentecost 2018
Homily on the Solemnity of Pentecost 2017
Pentecost 2016: From Orphans to Sons
Pentecost 2015
Pentecost 2013
Interior Master
A Pedagogy of Mercy
Zero Tolerance Sexual Abuse Policy
To Rid the Church of Abuse
Ecumenical Oxygen
On a Path that Seeks Unity
Pastors of the People and Not State Clerks
Pastoral Conference of the Diocese of Rome, 2017
A Great and Powerful Spirit
Stanislaus of Jesus and Mary Papczyński and Maria Elizabeth Hesselblad
Palm Sunday 2018
Palm Sunday 2017
Palm Sunday 2016
Virtues of Humanity
The Three Loves of Paul VI
Not to Further a Career but to Serve
The Last Word of History
Intimidation Is Not the Way
To the Conference on the Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear Weapons
The Norm for a Cardinal
May the Gospel Be Your Nourishment
Pastoral Mercy
Breathe with the Church
Mary, Mother of God 2014
A Movement of Spirits
The Jurisdiction of Vatican Judges in Criminal Matters
Mary, Mother of God 2019
Mary, Mother of God 2018
Apostolic Journey to Morocco 2019
Solemnity of the Mother of God 2015
Missa Pro Ecclesia with the Cardinal Electors
Missionary Conversion
Pope Francis - Visit to Federico Gómez Children's Hospital
Pope Francis - Meeting with Mexican Authorities
Apostolic Journey to Mexico 2016
Appeal at Conclusion of the Meeting on Protection of Minors
The Sins of the Media
Address, Audience with the Media Representatives
God's Dream
Mass, World Day for Consecrated Life 2015
Mass with the New Cardinals 2015
Solemnity of Mary Most Holy Mother of God 2017
Do Not Fear Forever
Maiorem Hac Dilectionem (On the Offer of Life)
Magnum Principium
Letter to a Non-Believer
Mass of the Lord's Supper
Mass of the Lord's Supper 2018
To Grow in Faith
An Irreversible Reform
Letter to Young People in View of the 2018 Synod
Apostolic Visit to Lesvos (Greece) 16 April 2016
No Room for the Mediocre
A Season for the Works of Mercy
Apostolic Journey to Ecuador, Bolivia and Paraguay, July 2015
The Lady Who Untangles Knots
Apostolic Journey of His Holiness to the Republic of Korea, 13-18 August 2014
Pope Francis & Patriarch Kirill - Joint Declaration
Longing for Unity
Jubilee for Priests
The Good Odour of Christ and the Light of His Mercy
The Vessel of Mercy
Along the Path of Simplicity
The Core of a Priest's Heart
Ready at Any Hour
Without Consistency There Is No Education
Profession of Faith: To the Italian Episcopal Conference
To the General Assembly of the Italian Episcopal Conference, 2014
To the Italian Biblical Institute, 2014
With Honesty and Humility
A Celebration of the Embrace
To the International Association of Criminal Law
Feast of the Holy Innocents 2016
Indulgence Granted to the Faithful on the Occasion of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy
Incardinated and Docile
Homily, Inaugural Mass of the Pontificate
Salvation Is Not Bought
The Hour of the Laity Has Come
Wounds of Christ and Man
Apostolic Journey to the Holy Land (May 24-26, 2014)
With the Mercy of the Good Shepherd
Exaltation of the Holy Cross: Holy Mass with the Rite of Marriage
Hidden Slavery
Audience with the Gypsy Community
From Hostility to Integration
Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe 2018
Feast of our Lady of Guadalupe 2015
From Sorrow to Reconciliation
Grave and Appalling Crimes To Be Fought with Determination
Apostolic Journey to Georgia and Azerbaijan
The Good Confessor
Equality in Difference
Martyred on the Altar
Fraternity, Prayer, Mission
Audience with Formators of Candidates to Consecrated Life
I Dream of a Restless Church
First Vespers, Solemnity of Mary Most Holy Mother of God 2016
First Benediction Urbi et Orbi of Holy Father Francis
Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima
Vigil Concluding the Day of Fasting and Prayer, 2013
All the Days of Your Life
The Family Is Not an Ideology
Extraordinary Missionary Month
An Examination of Conscience
The Living and Merciful God
No Closed Hearts
To the European Parliament in Strasbourg
To the Leaders of the European Union on the 60th Anniversary of the Treaty of Rome
Urbi et Orbi, Easter 2018
Easter Vigil 2016
Easter Vigil 2014
Ordination Mass in Saint Peter's Basilica, 19 March 2018
Solemnity of the Epiphany 2019
Mass on the Solemnity of the Ephiphany 2016
Solemnity of the Epiphany 2015
Epiphany 2014
Pope Francis, Act of Entrustment, 13 October 2013
Letter to the Entire People of God
Mass Closing the Synod on Young People
Avoid Overzealous Treatment
Mass For Egyptian Catholics, Cairo (29 April 2017)
Apostolic Visit to Egypt (28-29 April 2017)
An Ecumenism of Blood
Easter Vigil 2013
Easter Vigil 2019
Statute of the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life
Divine Mercy Sunday 2018
New Year's Message to the Diplomatic Corps 2017
People at the Heart of Policy
A Culture of Encounter Is Possible
Opening of the Pastoral Congress of the Diocese of Rome, 2016
Revolutionaries of Grace
A Failure of the Constitutional State
De Concordia inter Codices
A Crime Against Humanity
Solemnity of Corpus Christi 2018
Corpus Christi 2017
Corpus Christi 2016
Corpus Christi 2015
Corpus Christi 2014
Victims of Unprecedented Violence
To Serve Is to Do the Will of Others
Christ Cannot Be Divided
Clouds, Walls and the World
Prayer, Poverty, Patience
To Consecrated Men and Women 2017
Consistory for the Creation of Cardinals 2018
With a Garment of Mercy
Common Statement
Communis Vita
Audience with TV2000 Broadcsting Network
50th Anniversary of the Death of John XXIII
Address, Audience with the College of Cardinals
Holy Mass for the Closing of the Jubilee of Mercy
Like an Almond Blossom
Chrism Mass, Holy Thursday, 2014
Holy Thursday Chrism Mass 2018
Christ Is the Centre
Concluding the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2017
Christmas Eve 2018
Christmas Mass 2016
Solemnity of Christ the King, Canonization of Six, 2014
Chrism Mass 2015
Chrism Mass 2013
Chrism Mass 2019
Chrism Mass 2017
Chrism Mass 2016
To Representatives of Churches and Ecclesial Communities
Chirograph Establishing the Council of Cardinals
What Has Happened to Europe?
An Ever-Timely Charism
Neighbor to All and Friend of Jesus
TheTruth Lived in Love
Plenary Assembly of the Congregation for the Clergy, 2017
Diamonds in the Rough
To the Plenary Assembly of the Congregation for Catholic Education
A Dynamic and Living Reality
The Bishops We Want
Servants of the Word
Taking Possession of the Cathedral of St John Lateran
May Education Never Exclude
Sins Against God
To the Catholics of China and to the Universal Church
To the Catholic Biblical Federation 2019
Universal Abolition of Capital Punishment
The Great Forgiver
Canonization of Seven New Saints
Canonization of Mother Teresa
Saints of Mercy
The Lowest Place
Canonization Mass 14 October 2018
Breathing with the Spirit
Bishops Without Borders
To the Bishops of Ukraine
Men of Prayer, Proclamation and Communion
Ad limina Apostolorum: Bishops' Conference of the Netherlands
Letter to the Bishops of Chile Asking Forgiveness from Victims of Abuse
A History of Salvation
He Build Peace
In Commemoration of the 65th Anniversary of the Priestly Ordination of Benedict XVI
Interview with Pope Francis at the Conclusion of the Jubilee of Mercy
Authentic and Consistent
With a Restless Heart
Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 2013
Meeting with World Religious Leaders, Assisi 2016
Ash Wednesday 2017
Ash Wednesday 2016
Ash Wednesday Mass 2015
Apostolic Visit to Armenia, 24-26 June 2016
Without Memory Wounds Fester
To the Apostolic Penitentiary's Course on the Internal Forum
Appeal to Church Leaders
Antidote to Rigidity
Solemnity of the Annunciation at Loreto 2019
United in Jesus' Name
Why Mary Is Full of Grace
Angelus Message
All Souls Day 2018
Solemnity of All Saints 2015
Apostolic Journey of His Holiness to Tirana (Albania) 21 September 2014
Pope Francis - Young People, Kololo
Pope Francis - Public Authorities, Entebbe
Pope Francis - Clergy, Religious & Seminarians
Pope Francis - Martyrs of Uganda
Pope Francis - House of Charity, Nairobi
Pope Francis - Catechists & Teachers, Entebbe
Pope Francis - Youth, Kasarani Stadium
Pope Francis - United Nations Office
Pope Francis - Nairobi Welcoming Ceremony
Pope Francis - Kangemi Slum, Nairobi
Pope Francis - Ecumenical & Interreligious
Pope Francis - Clergy, Religious & Seminarians
Pope Francis - Public Authorities, Central African Republic
Pope Francis - Prayer Vigil, Bangui, Central African Republic
Pope Francis - Meeting with Evangelicals, C.A.R.
Pope Francis - Mass with Priests, Religious & Seminarians, Bangui, C.A.R.
Apostolic Journey to Africa Index (25 - 30 November 2015)
Episcopal Conference of Poland, Ad Limina Visit 2004
Discourse to the Academic and Cultural World 2013
The Paradox of Abundance
The Illness of Abandonment
Essential Elements of Religious Life
Papal Consecrations to the Immaculate Heart
Address to the Synod of Chaldean Bishops
Bull on the Rule of the Friars Minor
Condemnation of the Errors of Paschasius
Common Declaration Signed in the Vatican
Unam Sanctam
Youth Without Hope, Society Without a Future
Letter Proclaiming a Year for Priests
Meeting with Youth of Rome and the Lazio Region: 6 April
Mass, Christ the King: 25 November 2007
Christmas Address to the Roman Curia
Christmas Greeting to Cardinals, Curia, and Governorate, 2010
Midnight Mass, Christmas 2009
In the Kingdom of the Love that Serves
Address at World Youth Day Vigil, Cologne
Visit to the Synagogue of Cologne
Address to Seminarians at the Church of St. Pantaleon
Address to Young People on the Banks of the Rhine
To Representatives of the Muslim Community of Cologne
Homily, Closing Mass for 20th World Youth Day
Farewell Address at Cologne/Bonn International Airport
Ecumenical Meeting with the Archbishopric of Cologne
Address to Young People of Madrid Receiving the World Youth Day Cross
Address at the Cologne Cathedral
Address at the International Airport of Cologne/Bonn
Address to German Bishops at Cologne
At Recitation of the Angelus, World Youth Day, Cologne
Message for 21st WYD, Palm Sunday, 9 April 2006
20th World Youth Day Papal Addresses, 18-21 August 2005
Message for World Youth Day 2013
Greeting to the Volunteers of the 23rd World Youth Day
Vigil with the Young People at Randwick Racecourse
Meeting with Representatives of Other Religions
Meeting with Young People of a Rehabilitation Community
Holy Mass with the Australian Bishops
World Youth Day, Sydney, 15-20 July 2008
Welcoming Celebration by the Young People at Barangaroo
Welcoming Ceremony at Government House of Sydney
Farewell Ceremony at the International Airport of Sydney
Ecumenical Meeting in the Crypt of St. Mary’s Cathedral in Sydney
Holy Mass with the Australian Bishops
Meeting with Benefactors and Organizers of the 23rd World Youth Day
Holy Mass with the Australian Bishops
A Wound to the Human Heart
Message for the 81st World Mission Day: Sunday, 21 October 2007
Closing Mass, Seventh World Meeting of Families
Message for the 47th World Day of Social Communications
Memorial of Our Lady of Lourdes: 18th World Day of the Sick
For the 16th World Day of the Sick: 11 February
Celebration of the World Day of Peace, 2009
For the 45th World Day of Prayer for Vocations
New Life from the Cross
That Voice in the Silence
Via Crucis: Mirror of the Cross
First Vespers of the Solemnity of Sts Peter and Paul
To Students and Staff of the Venerable English College
Apostolic Visit: Valencia, Spain, 8-9 July 2006
Papal Addresses to Bishops of the USA
Urbi et Orbi Message, Christmas Day 2009
Urbi et Orbi, Easter 2011
Urbi et Orbi: Easter Sunday 2009
Christmas Blessing Urbi et Orbi, 2010
Ubicumque et Semper
Address at the Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom - Pope Benedict XVI
Remarks of the Holy Father at the End of the Eucharistic Concelebration - Pope Benedict XVI
Address to the President of Religious Affairs - Pope Benedict XVI
Mass Before the Shrine of Meryem Ana Evi - Pope Benedict XVI
Visit to the Mausoleum of Atatürk
Address to the Diplomatic Corps - Pope Benedict XVI
Apostolic Journey to Turkey
Visit to the Armenian Apostolic Patriarchate
The Truth That Sets Us on Fire
Triduum & Easter 2006
Address to the Congregation for the Causes of Saints
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God 2007
The Theologian a Man of Advent
To the Syro-Malabar Bishops
To Syro-Malankara Bishops on Their Visit Ad Limina Apostolorum
To Members of the Extraordinary Synod of the Syrian Catholic Church
Holy Mass in Memory of the Supreme Pontiff Pius XII on the 50th
Fourteenth General Congregation: Holy Father's Intervention
Homily of the Inaugural Mass of the Synod of Bishops
Convivium with the Holy Father
Early Vespers of the XXIX Sunday of Ordinary Time
11th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops: Opening Papal Reflection
Addresses to the Bishops of Switzerland
Audience with the Bishops of Switzerland - Pope Benedict XVI
Official Latin text of Summorum Pontificum
Letter of Pope Benedict XVI to the Bishops of the World on Summorum Pontificum
Accompanying Letter to the Apostolic Letter Summorum Pontificum
Suffering Puts Love to the Test
Vespers with University Students and Teachers of Rome
Seeking God in a Spiritual Rebirth
It Was a Splendid Day
Summorum Pontificum
Address to the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences
Finding the Essential in Silence
Address to the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura, 2011
Visit to the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Rome
Before the Shroud
Serving the Lordship of Christ
Message for an International Seminar: Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace
Letter to Seminarians
Christians' Quest: To Seek the Face of Jesus
To Journalists Regarding the Third Secret
Angelus: Beware of the Deadly Second Death
To Bishops of Scotland: Ad Limina Visit 2010
Mass with Members of the Ratzinger Schülerkreis
Undelivered Address to La Sapienza University
Pastoral Visit to San Giovanni Rotondo
For the 50th Anniversary of Haurietis Aquas
To Members of the Tribunal of the Roman Rota
Marriage Between Faith and the Natural Order
Canonical Law Is To Be Interpreted Within the Church
Address to the Roman Rota on the Indissolubility of Marriage
Address to the Tribunal of the Roman Rota, 2009
To Members of the Tribunal of the Roman Rota
Meeting with Parish Priests of the Diocese of Rome
Discourse at a Congress on Romano Guardini
Meeting with the Roman Curia To Exchange Christmas Greetings
Who Defends Man Defends God
The Holy Father speaks to the Roman Curia, Christmas 2008
To Rome's Ecclesial Diocesan Convention
To the Roman Clergy: Hall of Blessings
Visit to the Roman Major Seminary
On the 400th Anniversary of Fr Matteo Ricci's Death
Justice and Mercy in the Logic of God
To the Papal Representatives in Latin American Countries
Audience for Renewal in the Spirit
On the Remission of Excommunication of the Four Bishops Consecrated by Archbishop Lefebvre
Reflection of the Holy Father
Opening Reflection for the Synod of Bishops of the Middle East
Reflection of His Journey to Lebanon
Journey to Mexico and Cuba Recalled
Address to Recently to Appointed Bishops
The Courage to Rise Again
Regina Coeli: Beatification of John Paul II
Mass for the Ratzinger Schülerkreis
Discourse at the Conferral of the First Ratzinger Prize
Interview on In His Image by Rai Uno
Holy Father's Interview with Vatican Radio, German Television Networks
Q&A With Roman Seminarians
Q & A with Bolzano-Bressanone Clergy
Ordinary Public Consistory: 24 November 2007
For the 50th World Day of Prayer for Vocations
To the Council with Enthusiasm and Hope
At the Service of the Common Priesthood of the Faithful
Christ Establishes the Priest's Status, Not the World
On the Translation of Pro Multis in the Eucharistic Prayer
Proclaiming the Family, Pope Benedict XVI -EWTN Document Library
Meeting with Priests of the Diocese of Albano, Italy
Presentation of the Compendium
Presbyteral Ordination Mass, St. Peter's Basilica
Inauguration of New Premises of the Paul VI Institute
Conclusion of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Meeting with the World of Culture
Greeting to Young People
Farewell Ceremony at Porto International Airport
Address to the Portuguese Bishops
Welcoming Ceremony, Lisbon
Address to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences
Address to the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Biblical Commission
Address to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences
Address to Members of the Pontifical Academy for Life
Pastoral Visit of Pope Benedict XVI to Poland
Krakow - Łagiewniki: 27 May
Kalwaria Zebrzydowska: 27 May
Meeting with the People at Wadowice, Rynek Square
Departure from Częstochowa: 26 May
Częstochowa: Meeting with Religious, 26 May
Piłsudzki Square: Holy Mass, 26 May
Warsaw: Ecumenical Meeting, 25 May
Warsaw, Meeting with the Clergy: 25 May
Farewell Ceremony
Krakow: Farewell Ceremony, 28 May
Auschwitz: Visit to Concentration Camp
EWTN - Document Library -
Krakow: Holy Mass at Błonie Park, 28 May
Kradow: Meeting with Youth at Błonie Park, 27 May
Warsaw: Arrival Ceremony, 25 May
Bishops' Conference of Poland - 3
Bishop's Conference of Poland - 2
Bishops' Conference of Poland - 1
Christian Love Sets Us Free
Plenary Assembly of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments
To the Plenary Assembly, Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
First Papal Pilgrimage, St Paul's Basilica
Feast of Sts Peter and Paul 2012
Solemnity of Sts Peter and Paul
Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul, 2006
Prayer Vigil and Meeting, Pentecost, 2006
Pentecost: Feast of the New Covenant
Mass of Pentecost 2011
At the Pentecost Solemnity Mass, St. Peter's Basilica
To Participants in a Vatican Course on the Sacrament of Penance
Mass of Priestly Ordination: Pentecost Sunday, 15 May 2005
Mass for World Day of Peace 2012
Message for the Celebration of the World Day of Peace 2008
World Day of Peace: 1 January 2007
24th Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for the Laity
To the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue
To Members of the Pontifical Committee for Historical Sciences
An Open Letter to the World
To the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences
Palm Sunday 2010: 25th World Youth Day
Palm Sunday Mass, 2011
Palm Sunday and 24th World Youth Day, 2009
Palm Sunday Mass 2007
Conferral of the Pallium to 34 Metropolitan Archbishops, 2009
To Members of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches
No Suspicion or Arbitration in Certifying Death
To the Order of Virgins
Ordination Mass, St. Peter's Basilica
Who Gives Order to the Chaos of the Universe
Mass for the Episcopal Ordination of Five New Bishops
Mass for the Episcopal Ordination of Five Archbishops
Omnium Mentem
The New Evangelization Started with Vatican II
Normas Nonnullas
A New Humanism Integral and Transcendant
To New Evangelizers
To the Neocatechumenal Way
At a Meeting with Muslim Representatives
Music and Truth
How Sacred Music Can Foster Faith
Mass at the Opening of the Year of Faith, 2012
Solemnity of Mary Mother of God, 43rd World Day of Peace
For World Day of Migrants and Refugees 2012
Midnight Mass, Christmas 2011
Midnight Mass, Christmas 2010
Midnight Mass, Christmas 2008
Solemn Inauguration of the Special Assembly for the Middle East of the Synod of Bishops
Pope Benedict XVI - Arrival in Santiago, Cuba
Pope Benedict XVI, Departure Ceremony, Havana
Bishops' Conference of Mexico - 4
Bishop's Conference of Mexico - 3
Bishops' Conference of Mexico- 2
Bishops' Conference of Mexico - 1
The Last Word on Evil is the Mercy of God
Ad limina Apostolorum: Malaysia, Brunei and Singapore
For the 50th Anniversary of John XXIII's Encyclical Mater et Magistra
Opening Mass of the 11th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops
Pope Benedict XVI - Holy Mass: Valencia's City of Arts and Sciences - EWTN Document Library
Homily for Mass of Solemnity of Sts Peter and Paul
The Church Exists to Evangelize
To the International Congress on Mariology and the Second Vatican Council
Hope in This Difficult Time
The Multifaceted and Fruitful Magisterium of Pius XII
Address to Young People of Madrid Receiving the World Youth Day Cross
Mass of the Lord's Supper 2009
Mass of the Lord's Supper
Loreto: Prayer Vigil, 1 September 2007
Loreto: Questions and Answers, 1 September 2007
Mass of the Lord's Supper 2012
Holy Thursday, Mass of the Lord's Supper, 2010
Mass of the Lord's Supper 2007
L'Osservatore Romano: A Newspaper That Looks Ahead
To the Editor-in-Chief of L'Osservatore Romano
The Liturgy Renews the Church
Pope Benedict XVI Letter to Spanish Bishops: Cathedral of Valencia - EWTN Document
Angelus: First Sunday of Lent 2009
Lectio Divina with Rome's Parish Priests
Faithful Workers in the Lord's Vineyard
The Church Is Being Reborn
The Choice Between Falsehood and Truth
To Catholic Lay Jurists
For His Visit to La Verna
To Latin-Rite Indian Bishops on Their Ad Limina Visit
To Latin-Rite Bishops from Provinces of India
Mass of Possession of the Chair: St. John Lateran Basilica
Last Audience with the College of Cardinals
To Patriarch Karekin II, Catholicos of All Armenians
To Journalists on Flight to Australia
The Holy Father Meets with Italian Clergy
Interview of the Holy Father During the Flight to Australia
To Members of the International Theological Commission
Knowledge and Love the Pillars of Theology
The New Evangelization Begins in the Confessional
Inaugural Mass of the Pontificate
To Latin-Rite Bishops from India for Ad Limina Visit
To the International Congress Celebrating Humanae Vitae at 40
The Fullness of Human Love
Human Ecology an Imperative Need
Holiness in Priests Before Culture and Eloquence
Regina Coeli, Amman International Stadium, Amman
Visit with the Chief Rabbis of Jerusalem
Meeting with Muslim Religious Leaders
Interreligious Meeting, Notre Dame Center, Jerusalem
Ecumenical Meeting with the Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem
Departure Ceremony, Ben Gurion Airport, Tel Aviv, Israel
Short Visit to the Co-Cathedral of the Latins
Farewell Ceremony with the President of the Palestinian Authority
Meeting with Gypsies from All over Europe
To the Community of Rome's Pontifical Gregorian University
Meeting with the Jewish Community at the Great Synagogue of Rome
Address Following the Way of the Cross: Good Friday 2009
Bishops' Conference of Germany - 2 Pope Benedict XVI
Papal Addresses to Bishops of Germany
Address to German Pilgrims
The Genetic Code of Catholic Theology
To General Chapter Members of the Society of Jesus
Celebrating Mass Is a Mission
Way of the Cross, Good Friday 2012
The Meaning of Freedom for Creatures of a Loving Creator
Friends of Christ
Freedom of Religion a Fundamental Human Right
Address to Youth on Cathedral Square
On the 50th Anniversary of Fidei Donum
Pope Benedict XVI Farewell Ceremony: Valencia-Manises Airport - EWTN Document Library
Family Meeting: City of Arts and Sciences - EWTN Document Library
Affirm Inalienable Rights of the Family
Mary's Yes Brings Life to the World
Visit to the Evangelical Lutheran Community of Rome
At the Sixth European Symposium of University Professors
To the International Eucharistic Congress, Quebec
Man Needs Eternity
Easter Vigil 2011
A Foreigner Searching for Eternity
Epiphany of the Family
Holy Mass for Epiphany 2013
Touched by God's Unrest
Solemnity of the Epiphany, 2011
Solemnity of the Epiphany 2010
Solemnity of the Epiphany of Our Lord, 2008
Bishops of England and Wales: Ad Limina Visit 2010
On Certain Changes in the Norms for Election of the Roman Pontiff
Ecumenism in the Time of the New Evangelization
Address to Ecumenical Representatives
Ecclesiae Unitatem
Instruction on the Application of the Apostolic Letter Summorum Pontificum
Address to the Fourth National Ecclesial Convention, Verona, Italy
Easter Vigil Mass 2012
Easter Vigil Mass 2010
Easter Vigil
Easter Vigil 2007
Easter Vigil: I, But No Longer I!
Easter Vigil 2009
Easter Sunday 2009
Octave of Easter
The Gospel and the Drama of Fragmentation
Respect for Life and Religious Freedom
Address to the Diplomatic Corps, 2010
Annual Papal Address to the Diplomatic Corps Accredited to the Holy See
Address to the Diplomatic Corps
The Bearing Walls of a Free Society
To Members of the Diplomatic Corps, 2011
To the Diocese of Rome Convention at the Basilica of St. John Lateran
For the Ecclesial Convention of the Diocese of Rome
Communicating God Through the New Digital Languages
Prayer Vigil at Conclusion of the Year for Priests: Dialogue with Priests
Denial of the Shoah Is Intolerable
For the International Day of the Family
Message to the Court of the Gentiles in Portugal
Three Paths that Lead to God
Last General Audience of His Pontificate
From a Woman's Womb Comes the New Creation
Solemnity of Corpus Christi, 2011
For the Solemnity of Corpus Christi
Address to the Convention of the Diocese of Rome, 2010
Conversion, Renewal for the Baptized
Pastoral Visit to Vigevano and Pavia, Italy
The Universal Face of the Church
To the Congregation for the Causes of Saints
To Congress Members: Pontifical Academy for Life
To Participants in an International Congress on Natural Law
Bishops' Conference of Japan
Mass for the Conclusion of the Year for Priests
Concluding Discourse to Bishops of Switzerland - Pope Benedict XVI
The Path of Christ
A Light to Open the Eyes of Men
Communion in Time
Responses to Clergy Questions
The Holy Father Meets with the Clergy of Rome, 7 February 2008
To the Clergy of Rome, with Response to Interventions by Roman Clergy
Address to the Civil Authorities of Milan
Prayer Brings into Being Men and Women Who Can Love
St Stephen's Prayer
The School of Prayer in the House of Nazareth
Prayer and the Religious Sense
General Audiences: On Prayer
Christmas, Urbi et Orbi: 25 December 2011
Augustine the Writer
St.. Ambrose
St. Gregory Nazianzus
Paul the Apostle
Christ and the Church
Chrism Mass 2012
Chrism Mass 2010
Holy Chrism Mass
Holy Chrism Mass: In Persona Christi
Holy Chrism Mass: God in Us, We in God
Holy Thursday Chrism Mass 2009
Sts Cyril and Methodius
Letter to the Catholic Church in China
The Gospel as a Rule of Life
For the Centenary of St Clare's Conversion
Letter for the Centenary of the Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music
For the 50th Anniversary of CELAM
At the Plenary Meeting of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
To the Congregation for Doctrine of the Faith
Address to the Catholic-Muslim Forum
Pastoral Letter to the Catholics of Ireland
Address to College of Cardinals
Bishops of Canada-Ontario - 3 - Pope Benedict XVI
Bishops of Canada-Atlantic - 2
Bishops of Canada-Quebec - 1
Ad Limina Addresses to Bishops of Canada
On-Board Papal Interview Prior to Landing in Brazil: 9 May 2007
Apostolic Journey to Brazil: Fifth General Conference of CELAM, 9-14 May 2007
Greeting to Poor Clares - Pope Benedict XVI
Recitation of the Holy Rosary and Meeting with Priests - Pope Benedict XVI
Address to Fazenda da Esperança - Pope Benedict XVI
Meeting with the Bishops of Brazil in the Catedral da Sé - Pope Benedict XVI
Meeting with Youth at Paul Machado de Carvalho Municipal Stadium, Pacaembu - Pope Benedict XVI
Greeting and Blessing from the Balcony - Pope Benedict XVI
Farewell Address at the International Airport of São Paulo/Guarulhos - Pope Benedict XVI
Address to the Inaugural Session of the Fifth General Conference - Pope Benedict XVI
Address to the Faithful at the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Aparecida - Pope Benedict XVI
Arrival at the International Airport of Sao Paulo-Guarulhas - Pope Benedict XVI
Papal Addresses to Bishops of Poland: Ad Limina Conferences
Papal Addresses to Bishops of Mexico: Ad Limina Conferences
Bishops from Brazil: Ad Limina Visit, South I Region
Bishops from Brazil: Ad Limina Visit, North East Regions I and IV
Bishops from Brazil: Ad Limina Visit, North East II Region
Bishops from Brazil: Ad Limina Visit, West I and West II Regions
4th Centenary of the Canonization of St Charles Borromeo
St Bonaventure and the History of Salvation
Pastoral Visit to the People of Bagnoregio
Apostolic Visit: München, Altötting and Regensburg, Germany
Altötting: Vespers Service, 11 September
Altötting: Homily, 11 September
Munich: Vespers Service, 10 September - Pope Benedict XVI
Address improvised by the Holy Father, Archbishopric of Munich - Pope Benedict XVI
Angelus: Sunday, 10 September - Pope Benedict XVI
Special Papal Prayer at the Mariensäule - Pope Benedict XVI
Marienplatz: Greeting, 9 September - Pope Benedict XVI
Munich: Farewell Ceremony, 14 September
Freising: Address to Priests, Deacons, 14 September
Regensburg: Organ Blessing Address, 13 September
Regensburg: Ecumenical Vespers, 12 September
Eucharistic Celebration, Islinger Field, Regensburg - Pope Benedict XVI
Munich: Arrival Ceremony, 9 September - Pope Benedict XVI
Meeting with His Holiness Bartholomew I
Baptism of the Lord, 2009
Baptism of the Lord 2013
The First Educational Choice
Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, 2011
Feast of the Baptism of the Lord
Homily, Feast of the Baptism of the Lord
Baptism of the Lord 2006
How To Avoid Nullity
Departure Ceremony - Pope Benedict XVI
Bishop's Conference of Austria
Talk with Astronauts on the International Space Station in Orbit
Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin 2012
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 2011
Solemnity of the Assumption, 2010
15 August, Solemnity of the Assumption
For the 20th Anniversary: Interreligious Prayer Meeting for Peace, Assisi
Assisi: Address to Young People, 17 June - Pope Benedict XVI
Assisi: Address to German Capuchins Poor Clares
Assisi: Address to Clergy and Religious - Pope Benedict XVI
For the Coordination of Pastoral Activities at the Basilicas of St Francis
Assisi: Address in the Basilica of St Mary of the Angels
Solemnity of the Ascension, 2009
Address to Artists From Around the World
Apostle to the Gentiles' Itinerant Life and the Refugee Experience
The Truth Open to Researchers
Meeting With Diocesan Clergy, Aosta, Italy - Pope Benedict XVI
St. Anselm, a Monk and a Pastor of Souls
A Shining Star
At the Third Anniversary Mass of the Death of Pope John Paul II
Angelus Reflection: City of Arts and Sciences
Relativism Puts Religious Liberty at Risk
Angelus, Castel Gandolfo: Sunday, 17 September
The Ancient and Venerable Basilica - Pope Benedict XVI
Address to the New Ambassador of Germany to the Holy See
The Lord Always Calls
Celebrating the Solemnity of All Saints 2006
Synod of Bishops for Africa: Opening Extemporaneous Reflection
Meeting with Special Council for Africa of the Synod of Bishops
Meeting with Representatives of the Muslim Community
Nothing Justifies the Destruction of Even One Human Life
Ad Limina Apostolorum: Greek Catholic Bishops of Ukraine
Ad limina Apostolorum: Bishops' Conference of Thailand
Ad limina Apostolorum: Bishops' Conference of Hungary
Papal Addresses to the Bishops of France
Ad limina Apostolorum: Bishops' Conference of El Salvador
Ad limina Apostolorum: Bishops' Conference of Cuba
Ad Limina Address to Bishops of Australia
Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul 2019