Papal Addresses to Bishops of Brazil

Author: Pope John Paul II


Pope John Paul II

Bishops Conference of Brazil – 1
On 31 August 2002, the Holy Father celebrated Mass with the first group of Bishops from
Brazil (the state of Paraná, southern region II) to make their ad limina visit. After Mass the
Pope addressed the Bishops about the needs of the Church in Brazil which he listed as the new evangelization, sacramental catechesis, the formation of youth, dealing with immigration and theinroads of sects.

Bishops Conference of Brazil – 2
On 5 September 2002, at Castel Gandolfo, the Holy Father received a group of Brazilian
bishops for their ad limina visit, those from the Eastern region of Rio de Janeiro. The Holy
Father took the occasion to discuss the responsibility of the bishops for setting up and running seminaries, for the selection of seminarians, for their spiritual and intellectual formation. Hewarned against ordaining men who show "clear signs of affective disorders," who can causeconfusion among the faithful and harm to the whole Church.

Bishops Conference of Brazil – 3
On 14 September 2002, the Holy Father received the third group of bishops from Brazil ontheir ad limina visit to Rome, from the Northern region which includes the Amazon.The Pope emphasized catechesis, pastoral care, and communion among bishops united in spiteof distance by the Eucharist.

Bishops Conference of Brazil – 4
On 21 September 2002, Pope John Paul II addressed a group of Brazilian Bishops on their adlimina visit to the Vatican, on the collaboration of the lay faithful with the ministry of priests. Heasked the Bishops to explain to their people the difference between the function of the ordainedpriest and non-ordained laity, especially with regard to the liturgy and responsibility for runningthe parish.

Bishops Conference of Brazil – 5
On 28 September 2002, the Holy Father spoke to the fifth Group of Brazilian Bishops to maketheir ad limina visit. He encouraged the practice of ecumenism in Brazil, seeking unity with otherChristian bodies, and also collaborating in proclaiming Christ as the only Savior. But ecumenicalrelations must be based on truth. They should not lead to "a certain indifferentism that equates allopinions in a false irenicism."

Bishops Conference of Brazil - 6
On 19 October 2002, John Paul II spoke to the Bishops of the Northeast Region 5 on the topic
of their basic mission as bishops -- teaching, sanctifying and governing the people. The Holy
Father stressed the primacy of preaching the Gospel that must accompany any kind of social or political action for the good of the people. 

Bishops Conference of Brazil - 7
On 26 October 2002, the Holy Father spoke to the seventh group of Bishops of Brazil to make
their ad limina visit this year. He stressed the mission of the laity, their indispensable activity in the Church, their right to form movements and associations but also their need to submit their charism to their Pastors and their need to be in communion with the Bishops and hierarchy to foster the work of evangelization. Bishops Conference of Brazil - 8
On 16 November 2002, the Holy Father received the eighth group of Brazilian Bishops from the East II Region, to make their ad limina visit this year. In his address, the Pope focused on the Christian marriage and family, while appraising the number of threats to the stability of the family in society today.

Bishops Conference of Brazil - 9
On 26 November 2002, the Holy Father spoke to the ninth group of Brazilian Bishops to make their ad limina visit that year. The Pope focused on how the social teaching of the Church applies to the social and economic problems of Brazil. He begged the bishops to inform and train the faithful in the Church's social teaching as part of their mandate to preach the Gospel.

Bishops Conference of Brazil - 10
On 10 December 2002, the Holy Father spoke to the tenth group of Brazilian bishops to make their ad limina visit that year. The Pope focused on the current crisis in vocations to the consecrated life in Brazil. 

Bishops Conference of Brazil - 11
On 23 January 2003, the Holy Father spoke to the 11th group of Brazilian Bishops, at Rome for their ad limina visit, of the need for better formation of the faithful, and an increased emphasis on the Eucharist, to counter the confusion sown by sects. He also cautioned against confusing inculturation with syncretism in the adoption of liturgical practices from African-Brazilian culture.

Bishops Conference of Brazil - 12
The Holy Father spoke on 7 February 2003 to the 12th group of Brazilian Bishops on their ad limina visit. He spoke to them of the role of the Bishops' Conference and of the collegiality
that should join Bishops of the Conference together. But the Pope also recommended that
conference responsibilities not prevent them from meeting their responsibility for their dioceses, as required by Canon Law, and reminded them that pastoral care can never contradict the Law of the Church.