The recurring accusations against Pope Pius XII

24 JANUARY 2002


Thursday, 24 January 2002

Vatican City

08.30 DEPARTURE by train from the Railway Station of Vatican City to Assisi.

Saint Mary of the Angels (Assisi)

10.30 ARRIVAL at the Railway Station of Saint Mary of the Angels (Assisi).

Welcome - by Mr. Silvio Berlusconi, President of the Council of Ministers; Mr. Gianni Letta, Undersecretary at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers; Mr. Paolo Bonaiuti, Undersecretary at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers; H.Exc. Sergio Goretti, Bishop Assisi-Nocera Umbra-Gualdo Tadino; Dr. Maria Rita Lorenzetti, President of the Region Umbria; H.E. Mr. Raniero Avogadro, Ambassador of Italy to the Holy See; Dr. Gianlorenzo Fiore, Prefect of Perugia; Dr. Giorgio Bartolini, Mayor of Assisi; Dott. Giulio Cozzari, President of the Province of Perugia - at the Railway Station of Saint Mary of the Angels (Assisi).

TRANSFER by car from the Railway Station of Saint Mary of the Angels (Assisi) to the Lower Saint Francis’’ Square in Assisi.


11.00 TESTIMONIALS TO PEACE by the Representatives of the various Religions in the Lower Saint Francis’’ Square in Assisi. Introductory Monition by Cardinal Franççois Xavier Nguyêên Van Thuâân, President of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace. Testimonials from Representatives of the Orthodox Churches, the Anglican Communion, the Churches originated by the Reformation, Hinduism, the Traditional African Religions, Buddhism, Hebraism and Islamic World. Speech by the Holy Father.

12.00 TRANSFER of the Representatives of the various Religions to the different locations assigned within Assisi.

12.30 PRAYER FOR PEACE by the Representatives of the various Religions in the different locations assigned within Assisi (in the Lower Basilica of Saint Francis: Christians; in the Sacred Convent: Islam, Buddhism, Sikhism, African Traditional Religions, Hinduism, Tenrykyo, Shintuism, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Giainism, Confucianism). The Holy Father presides the prayer of the Christians in the Lower Basilica of Saint Francis in Assisi.

13.30 Fraternal meal in the Dining Hall of the Sacred Convent of Assisi.


Before leaving the Apartment, the Holy Father meets H.E. Mr. Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, President of the Italian Republic, with the Personalities of his entourage.

Greetings of the Religious of the Community of the Sacred Convent.

15.30 COMMON COMMITMENT TO PEACE AND FAREWELL in Lower Saint Francis’’ Square in Assisi. Introductory Monition by Cardinal Francis Arinze, President of the Pontifical Council for Inter-Religious Dialogue. Reading in English, Arab and Italian of the common commitment to peace. The Holy Father lights a lamp of the candelabrum, followed by all the Representatives of the various Religions. Short exhortation by the Holy Father. Monition by Cardinal Walter Kasper, President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity. The exchanging of a sign of peace between the Representatives of the various Religions and with the Holy Father.

16.30 TRANSFER by car from Lower Saint Francis’’ Square to the Proto-Monastery of Saint Clare in Assisi.

Short private visit to the Proto-Monastery of Saint Clare, to meet the Poor Clares in the Basilica of Saint Clare in Assisi.

TRANSFER by car from the Basilica of Saint Clare to the Basilica of Saint Mary of the Angels (Assisi).

Saint Mary of the Angels (Assisi)

Short private visit to the Basilica of Saint Mary of the Angels to meet Members of the Grey-Friars Religious Community. Short silent prayer in the Porciuncula.

17.30 TRANSFER by car from the Basilica of Saint Mary of the Angels to the Station of Saint Mary of the Angels (Assisi).

Farewell - by Mr. Pietro Lunardi, Minister for Infrastructures and Transportation; H.Exc. Sergio Goretti, Bishop Assisi-Nocera Umbra-Gualdo Tadino; Dr. Maria Rita Lorenzetti, President of the Region Umbria; Dr. Gianlorenzo Fiore, Prefect of Perugia; Dr. Giorgio Bartolini, Mayor of Assisi; Dr. Giulio Cozzari, President of the Province of Perugia - at the Railway Station of Saint Mary of the Angels (Assisi).

17.45 DEPARTURE by train from the Railway Station of Saint Mary of the Angels (Assisi) to Vatican City.

Vatican City

19.45 ARRIVAL at the Railway Station of Vatican City.  

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