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See of Peter
Daily Readings
Seasons and Feast Days
Prayer Requests
Practice Of The Faith
SSPX Masses
Flowers at the Tabernacle
Chapter and Verse of the Readings
Votive Masses in Lent in Honor of Relics
Vespers and Penitential Services
Placement of the Paschal Candle
The Verse Before the Gospel
Deacons and Baptisms at Mass
Why 'Dewfall' in Eucharistic Prayer II
Extraordinary Ministers' Limits
Intinction and Deacons
Location of Tabernacle
Carrying the Book of the Gospels
Bowing at the Holy Names
Chinese State-Sponsored Mass
Face-to-Face Confessions, and Other Queries
To Latin-Rite Indian Bishops on Their Ad Limina Visit
Questions and Answers Regarding Summorum Pontificum
Women Priests?
Texts on Ordination of Women
Why the Mass?
Why Go to Mass?
What Does It mean to Be a Truly Loving Christian?
Preparing for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
Eucharistic Prayer In Latin
Turning the Tables: A Commentary on an Editorial in 'Notitiae'
The Training of a Church Musician
Ordinary of the Tridentine Mass
Talks on the Sacramentals
Deepening the Theological Dimensions of Liturgical Studies
Placing of the Tabernacle
Standing or Kneeling During the Consecration?
To stand or not to stand. 'When?' is the Question
The Spirit of the Liturgy
Sources for Bibles and Prayerbooks
'Turned-Around' Altars
The Jargon of Liturgists: Brain-Washing the Faithful
The Heraldry of Sacred Music (Part III)
Faith & Culture
Praying 'Ad Orientem Versus'
Singing Lessons
Silk Purses and Sow's Ears: 'Inclusive Language' Comes to Mass
Why Not Silence
Signs & Symbols: A Reflection
Seeking His Presence
How and How Not to Say Mass
Sacred Signs
The Sacredness of Tradition
What is Sacred Music?
Urban VIII and the Revision of the Latin Hymnal
Restore the Sacred
Liturgical Music and the Restoration of the Sacred
Renovation of Churches
Reflections on Sacred Music and the Liturgy
Practice During Paschal Time
Practice During Lent
Practice During Passiontide and Holy Week
Catholic Parochial School Music
Participatio Actuosa (Active Participation)
Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi: The Outrage of Inclusive Language
Ordinary of the Mass
The Problem of the New Mass
Needed: A New Book on Ceremonies
The Mystery of Paschal Time
The Mystery of Passiontide and Holy Week
The Mystery of Lent
Sacred Music and the Liturgical Year
Music and Spirituality
Music for the Basilica
Music, Mood and Midwifery:An Account of a Diocesan Music Conference
Missale Romanum
Style and the Mass
Mexico City III and Vatican II
Interview with Card. Mayer
Why the Mass?
Mass of the Western Rites
The Fourth Sunday of Advent
Excerpts on the Liturgy
The Long View of Short Breviaries
Statement on Feminism, Language & Liturgy
Liturgical and Musical Reforms
The Liturgy and the Word of God
The Liturgy and Contemplation
The Liturgy and the Language of Love
Liturgical Directives
Listening & Liturgy
Kneeling & Faith in the Eucharist
Irish Society of St. Cecilia
The National Calendar for Ireland
Inaugurating a New Basilica
Inclusive Language
What About Our Holy Days?
The History of Paschal Time
The History of Lent
The History of Passiontide and Holy Week
The Heraldry of Sacred Music (Part I)
The Heraldry of Sacred Music (Part IV) Musical Armigers
The Heraldry of Sacred Music (Part II)...
Growth or Revolution?
Gamber the Centrist
Feast of St. Benedict at Solesmes
Franciscan Calendar of Saints
Ideology and Liturgy:Worship as the Cult of Community
Liturgical Music and the Restoration of the Sacred
Liturgical Music and the Restoration of the Sacred
Feminist Dissent, Human Sexuality, and the Liturgy
The End of Religion?
Marian Feasts in the Roman Calendar
Eastern Rites: A Family Tree
Fall 1996 Meeting of NCCB
The Exsultet
Our English Translations
One Catholic Faith, Many Ways to Life in the Trinity...,
Learning the Discipline of Chant
The Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom
Dignity of the Organist's Calling
Criticism? Impossible
A Comparison of Texts of the 'Ordo Missae Cum Populo'
What Happened to the Glory?
Copyright and Church Music
A Case for Communion on the Tongue
Is the Church Music Association Dead?
Style and the Mass
Why Catholics Don't Sing
Catholic Practice & Recapturing the Sacred
Call to Action
Is There a Byzantine Mariology?
Archbishop Annibale Bugnini
History of Music at Boys Town
Liturgy Occupies Bishops at Spring Meeting
Bishops Against the Pope: The Motu Proprio 'Ecclesia Dei' and the Extension of the Indult
Will Beauty Take Care of Itself?
A Rose By Any Other Name
Altar Girls?
This file describes the non-profit
The Third Sunday of Advent
Verbum Supernum Prodiens
Divine Office
Holy Thursday
Sacrifice of the Mass
Music of the Mass
Liturgy of Jerusalem
Canonical Hours
History of the Christian Altar
Altars (in the Greek Churches)
Altar Wine
Altar Vessels
Altar of Our Lady
Altar Breads
Stripping of an Altar
Privileged Altar
Portable Altar
Double Altar
Altar (in Liturgy)
Widening Hearts, Restoring Unity
Youth Jubilee - A Daily Surprise in 2000
Promoting Worship With the Traditional Mass
Where Is the Liturgy Celebrated?
When to Celebrate?/1 The Liturgical Season
Vatican II, 40 Years Later: Sacrosanctum Concilium
Summorum Pontificum in the Seminary
The Liturgy, Work of the Trinity/3: God the Holy Spirit
Spirit of the Liturgy
The Liturgy, Work of the Trinity/2: God the Son
A Silence That Contemplates and Adores
How to Celebrate?/1: Signs and Symbols, Words and Actions
Significance of the Sign of the Cross
Sacred Music at the Service of Truth
Sacred Music in Crisis
Bringing Sacred Music Back to Liturgy
Sacramentum Caritatis and Liturgical Beauty
Reorienting the Mass
Redemptionis Sacramentum's Attempt to Clear the Air on Liturgy
The Priest and the Liturgy of the Word at Mass
The Priest and the Paschal Triduum
The Priest in the Offertory of the Mass
The Priest in the Concluding Rites of the Mass
Address to Sacrosanctum Concilium Conference
Benedict XVI's Novel Traditions
Why Yahweh Isn't Used in Catholic Liturgy
How to Celebrate/2: Music and Song
Sacred Music that Serves the Word of God
The Use of Missals and Missalettes During Mass
On the Meaning of the Mass
Prelude Music; Eucharist in Sacristy Safe
On Living the Liturgy
Cardinal Ranjith on Forming the Faithful to Live the Liturgy
When To Celebrate?/3: The Liturgical Year
The Noble Simplicity of Liturgical Vestments
Liturgical Vestments and the Vesting Prayers
The Liturgy Source of Life, Prayer and Catechesis
Dramatic Readings at Mass
Communion for Non-celebrating Priests
Rose-Colored Vestments on Gaudete Sunday
Use of the Church Organ During Advent
Standing as the Hosts Are Reserved
After the Book of the Gospels Is Read
Gospel and Homily in Spanish and English
Christmas Acclamation
Bowing at the Holy Names
Why For All in the Words of Consecration?
Preparation of the Gifts
Communion for Homebound Moms
Prelude Music; Eucharist in Sacristy Safe
Washing of Women's Feet on Holy Thursday?
Chinese State-Sponsored Mass
Layman's Gestures During Eucharistic Prayer
Readings on a Feast of the Lord
Why the Liturgy? What Does Liturgy Mean?
On Liturgical Norms for the Neocatechumenal Way
What's Behind Liturgical Abuses?
The Language of Liturgical Celebration
On the Passion of Christ
Chinese State-Sponsored Mass
Introductory Rites Unite Priest and Congregation
Between Innovation and Tradition
Cardinal Castrillón Hoyos on Summorum Pontificum
History of Holy Week
The Liturgy, Work of the Trinity/1: God the Father
More Than Words: External Signs of Faith by the Celebrant
Prefect for Divine Worship on the New Rite of Exorcism
External Signs of Devotion by the Faithful
Message of Jubilee Holy Door
Doctrinal Formation and Communion Under Both Kinds
When to Celebrate?/2: The Day of the Lord
Why 20 Nations Are Defending the Crucifix
Cemeteries: A Place of Grief and Hope
Praying in Jesus' Own Language
Who Celebrates?
When to Celebrate?/4: The Liturgy of the Hours
Believing, and Believing In
Beauty and the Liturgical Rite
Observance of Liturgical Norms and Ars Celebrandi
Significance of Advent Wreath
Communicating the Word Without Words
Short Meditations on the Stations of the Cross
Unity of Faith in Diversity of Expression
The Translation of Liturgical Texts
Communities which celebrate the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite
They Have Taken Away My Lord, and I Know Not Where They Have Laid Him
Summorum Pontificum One Year Later
Reflection on the Most Solemn Days for Christians: the Triduum
Sacred signs and active participation in Mass
Holy Liturgy and the Sense of the Sacred
Sacred Music vs. Satanic Music
Revelation and Simplicity in Scripture
Meditations for the Way of the Cross
The Passion of Christ in the Logic of St Augustine
All Saints and All Souls Day: A Time of Mercy, Forgiveness and Reflection
Press Conference on the Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum
The Liturgical Year
Liturgical Worship in Honour of Blessed John Paul II
Common Questions on Liturgical Norms
40th Anniversary: Institut Superieur de Liturgie, Paris
Liturgical Dress According to Ratzinger
Latin and Vernacular: Language in the Roman Liturgy
Every Knee Should Bow--But When?
Pastoral outreach for the great Jubilee
Interview with Archbishop Piero Marini
Interview With Cardinal Darío Castrillón Hoyos
The New Enchiridion Indulgentiarum
Virginia parish finds hymnal reinforces Catholic beleif
Cardinal Hoyas News Conference - FSSP Ordinations
Cardinal Hoyas News Conference - FSSP Ordinations
The Holy Door Closes, but the Year of Grace Continues
Sermon for Feast of the Holy Cross, 14 September 2007, Hanceville, Alabama
Documents on First Confession/First Communion
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist
Feast of the Epiphany and of the Three Holy Kings
Mother Maria Enrica Dominici
What's the Real Story on Environment and Art?
Dies Irae
Holy Communion and Devotion to the Eucharistic Mystery Outside Mass
How to Construct a Homily
Commentary on the Instruction Redemptionis Sacramentum
XIth Plenary Session of the Consilium of the Liturgy
Hillenbrand Distinguished Lecture
Feast of the Most Sacred Heart
Sanctus Bells: History and Use in the Catholic Church
Silence and the Meaning of the Mass
The recurring accusations against Pope Pius XII
Admission to the Eucharist in Situations of Pastoral Necessity
Blessings for Advent