Please help us to spread the word to your family, friends and parish community to join us for the EWTN Family Celebration. We enthusiastically encourage you to use any or all of the media on this resources page. Thank you very much – we look forward to seeing you there on September 7, 2024!


You can print and distribute these flyers (which you can also use as a poster or bulletin insert) in your parish, prayer / women’s / men’s group and other organizations. If you want to order some from EWTN (instead of printing) while supplies last, please email


Full color 2024 Family Celebration Agenda.


Full color 2024 Family Celebration flyer.

Bulletin Announcement

Bulletin announcement describing the 2024 Family Celebration event in both English and Spanish.


Download and share these images as you reach out to your friends and neighbors.

Social Media Bundle
I’ve always wanted to go the Family Celebration event…(and) was excited to find it coming to my hometown… [I] just signed up a few minutes ago to become a Media Missionary.