"Let us contemplate Your Heart, Lord Jesus, a Heart that is loving each one of us with a personal love. We desire to make reparation to Your Sacred Heart by dedicating our lives to following the gospel, to loving as You love, to doing the Father's Will and to radiating the joy that comes from loving hearts. Our sins are beyond comprehension, our weaknesses like the grains of sand on the shore, but Your love encompasses all things and makes all things new. Let our lives be a witness to the power of Your Sacred Heart as it fills our souls with the fire of its Love. Let all of heaven sing out in a loud voice, 'Love is loved by those whose tiny spark has become one flame with the unlimited fire of His Sacred Heart.'" - Mother M. Angelica
"Must my walk be in pure faith, my only assurance Your Providence, and my strength Your Will? Must my soul cry out in anguish and then hear only the sounds of its own echo. . . Let my fumbling ways be a poem of desire to tell You I love You. Let my weaknesses and failures be like a plaintive cry of a wounded bird that cannot fly to its nest alone. Let my nothingness be lost in Your Omnipotence so I may never be separated from You. 'You will weep no more. He will be gracious to you when He hears your cry; when He hears He will answer.' (Isaiah 30:19)." - Mother M. Angelica
"My God, You are my anchor on a stormy sea, my serenity on a windy night, my hope when all else fails. Your Presence surrounds me like a protective shield and when the arrows of my selfishness pierce through, Your loving arms extend themselves to reach out and grasp my wandering soul." - Mother M. Angelica
"My life is truly filled with God. His Mercy comforts me when I fall. His Providence takes care of me when I worry. His Goodness makes me good. His Power upholds me. His Love fills me. His Wisdom is my guide. His Changelessness gives me security. His Tranquility makes me calm. His Majesty fills me with awe. His Beauty entrances me. His Joy sustains me in sorrow. His Light enlightens my path. His Omnipresence surrounds me like a cloak. His Imminence fills me through and through. His Transcendence is above me like a warm sun. His Grandeur thrills my soul. His Unity brings all things together in Him. I lose myself like an atom in the universe, when I realize that this Great God loves me." - Mother M. Angelica
"I have come, Lord Jesus, to adore You in the Most Blessed Sacrament. My soul is parched and laden with the burdens of the journey home. I wish to feed my soul with the Living Bread of Life, to adore Your Presence in a small Host, to stand in awe at the wonder of Your love for me. Fill my soul with the gifts and fruits of Your Spirit that I may change and be born again." - Mother M. Angelica