Index for 'The Spirit of Catholicism'

Author: Karl Adam


Absolute see God



Age of Enlightenment

Albigenses, and sacraments

Alter Christus

Anointing, last

Apostasy, possibility of

Apostles, choice for Kingdom of God

Apostolic succession, within the Church, outside the Church


Aristotelianism in the Church

Art, native to Catholicism, Christian art and the Blessed Sacrament

"As If" philosophy


Assent, internal; qualified

Augustine, St., quoted on the Church, on unity of Christ and her Church, overridden, Christ as teacher, opposed human intermediaries, on the sacraments, on Church discipline, on Mystical Body of Christ, quoted on Incarnation and the Church, on authority and love, historical development of the Church, on Church authority, on Holy Spirit, on unity, advocate of the veneration of the saints, on priesthood of the Church, on Christianity and love, on piety and Church, on heresy and Church, on sacraments outside the Church, on heretics, on the Church

Authority, of the Church, the authority of Christ, Christo-centric, not inconsistent with His teaching, its function in doctrinal development, plays important part in educative activity of the Church, its relation to conscience, to freedom of thought, to personal piety, fallible

Baptism, sacrament of, power, of desire

Bernard, St., experiencing the faith in prayer,

Beuron, Benedictine monastery, cited as pilgrimage for non-Catholics

Bible, scripture and tradition the twin sources of Catholic faith, source of, New Testament, inspired word of God, scripture supports the Bible, source of Catholic faith, Church's affirmation and tradition, canon of Protestantism

Bishops, relation to Church organism, exercise a service of love, solidarity of, and apostolic commission

Blessed Sacrament

Blessed Virgin

Body, human, reverence of Church for Body of Christ

Belliger, on St. Peter

Canon law, formulates the papal prerogative, and heretics

Catherine of Siena, example of piety

Catholic Church, manifold yet unitary, and reunion, current interest in, reasons for, church unity, broken, essential nature of, Kingdom of God and Body of Christ permeated by Christ, constitution of, church discipline, attributes, a visible community under papal supremacy beginning of, as a community, authority of, living witness to Christ, foundation, given eschatological character by Christ, established on St. Peter as its rock foundation, whose prerogative is continued in the popes, his successors, realized in a communion of Saints which embraces heaven purgatory, and this world, governing authority of, Church Militant, Church Suffering, Church Triumphant, relation of triumphant, suffering, and militant members, Church Triumphant relation to Church Militant, Church Suffering relation to Church Militant, and fellowship of its earthly members, authority of, and development of doctrine, its catholicity, the sole Church of Christ and normal channel of His grace, its work the sanctification of men, educates its members by authoritative doctrinal teaching and moral discipline, its actuality short of its ideal and pointing to a future consummation

Catholicism, elements of, contrasted with Protestantism, nature of, actuality of

Catholicity, of the experience of Pentecost, characteristic of divine action, of the Church,

Celibacy, meaning and purpose of,

Character, given by some sacraments, Catholic, elements of


Christendom, reunion of, unity broken

Christianity, misunderstood by the critics, a vital unity, not to be distinguished from Catholicism

Church year

Clement Maria Hofbauer,

Communio fidelium

Communion of Saints, doctrine of, aspects of

Community idea, expressed in the Church, dominant idea of the Church, its testimony to the faith, relation of the personality to


Confirmation, sacrament of, purpose of, character of

Congregations, Roman, decisions

Conscience, supremacy of and its relation to authority, erroneous

Contrition, perfect act of

Corruption, in head and members of the Church,

Council of Florence

Council of Lyons

Council of Trent

Creation, the fall of God according to Schopenhauer

Critical method, historico

Critical theology

Culture, and Catholicism

Cyprian, St., testifies to the papacy, formulates the sentence "extra ecclesiam nulla salus" rejects heretical baptism


DeLugo, Juan, Cardinal on the salvation of non-Catholics

Development of dogma

Dogma, development of

Dogma of the Church, permeated by Christ

Dollinger, I. von, argues against the infallibility of the pope

Donatists, and sacraments

Dositheus, mentioned

Dostoievsky, and authority

Easter faith

Educative action

Ehrhard, A., on the Bull "Summis desiderantes"

Elchasai, mentioned

England, conversion movement

Eschatological school, teachings regarding Church's foundation,

Eschatology, true interpretation of Our Lord's, which determines the character of His Church, is the ultimate solution of her present imperfections


Ex opere operantis

Ex opere operato

Exclusiveness of the Church, formulated by St. Cyprian, Fourth Lateran Council on, Council of Florence on, Cardinal De Lugo on, and Pope Pius IX

Extra ecclesiam nulla salus

Extreme Unction, purpose of

Faith, genesis of Catholic, in the apostles, work of Holy Spirit, human, contrasted with the rationalistic apprehension of Christ, influence on the development of doctrine, Catholic fellowship in the faith, blind, condemned by Vatican Council, gives life nobility, rests on living witness of tradition

Family, Christian, its importance in the propagation of the living faith

Fasting, training in self-control


Florence, Council of, doctrine of purgatory, condemnation on all outside the Church,

Francis of Assisi, St., necessary to the Church, piety and authority

"Free Catholicism"

Galileo, mistaken condemnation of


God, modern man cut off from, Catholicism affirms completely, faith in, how attained, personal, sanctity required for Vision of, delay of this Vision the chief pain of purgatory, His glory reflected in His saints, all-efficient, yet allows creatures to co-operate with Him, saints help faithful through Him, adoration belongs to Him alone, grace available to all, justification connotes a partaking in His nature, His law the revelation of His Wisdom Sanctity and Goodness, our conceptions of Him necessarily inadequate His designs inscrutable, allows the Church to suffer for the defects of its members, permits imperfections out of His Goodness

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang, quoted on faith in the sacraments, on Catholic confession

Grace, action of in the genesis of faith, conducts us to God, operation outside the Church, habitual, sanctifying see grace, habitual; man's cooperation with, root of merit, does not displace moral responsibility

Guardian Angels, doctrine concerning

Harnack, Adolf, quoted on ignorance about Catholicism, on mission of Jesus, on Protestantism and confession

Heaven, the happiness of

Heiler, Friedrich, discerns seven strata in Catholicism, cites growing interest in Catholicism, referred to, quoted on papacy, on separation between Christ and "Roman Church", on Jewish society, on unity of Christ's teaching, on eschatological character of Jesus' Gospel, on early Church, reference to faith in God, on veneration of the saints, on exclusiveness of the Church, on salvation and conscience, on prayer and the Mass, on the Eucharist, on sacramental efficacy

Heresy, its influence on the Church, formal and material

Heretics, Church's attitude toward, persecution of in the Middle Ages

Historico-critical method

Hofbauer, Clement Maria, St., on the causes of the Reformation

Holl, K., on Jerusalem and Christian Church Holtzmann, on Catholicity of Church Holy Eucharist Holy Orders

Holy Scripture

Holy Spirit, at Pentecost opens the eyes of the Apostles and gives them faith, operates likewise in the genesis of our faith, inspires faith, guides the development of doctrine, preserves the balance of the Church, abides always with the Church in its faith life

Hugel, F. von, on Catholicism, on divine grace,

Human liberty

Humanity, unity of, in sin and redemption

Humility, brotherly, a recognition that we owe all to God and His grace

Hussites, and sacraments

Ignatius Loyola, St., necessary to the Church, on earthly things, "Spiritual Exercises"

Ignatius of Antioch, St., testifies to the papacy, on Catholicity of the Church

Immaculate Conception, doctrine of


Indulgences doctrine of, establish new life in God

Infallibility of the pope

Innocent VIII, Pope, "Summis desiderantes"

Inquisition, The

Intolerance of the Church

James, Henry, psychology referred to

Jansenists, on grace outside the Church, valid orders of

Jerome, St., advocate of the veneration of the saints

Jesus Christ, Catholicism believes fully in, head of the Church, works in and through the community, as Redeemer, rejects tyranny, but not lawful authority, loving service the mark of His disciples, faith in, how attained, relations with Jewish worship, true meaning of His eschatology, choice of twelve apostles, choice of St. Peter, whose prerogative He intended should descend to His successors, conjoins all the members of His Church into one Communion of Saints, sends grace and comfort to the souls in purgatory, the saints, especially Our Lady, evidences of His triumph intercession of the saints based on their incorporation in Him, the Mass represents the sacrifice of His death, priesthood shared by consecrated ministers, priesthood shared by all His members, teachings on prayer, is Incarnate Love, and His Church must express the same love always with His members, intended Gospel for all, the only road to God, His grace outside the Church, foretold the imperfection and sins of His members, alone ever modern, promises the indefectibility of His Church

Judaism, our Lord's attitude towards

Judas Maccabeus, reference to purification of the soul

Judgment, Last

Judgment-Day, Christ's teaching,

Justification, Lutheran concept, Catholic doctrine of

Kant, Immanuel, philosophy mentioned, subjective realism, on "moral autonomy"

Kattenbusch, F., on St. Peter

Keppler, Paul Wilhelm von, Bp., on Church reform

Kingdom of God, realized in the Church, according to Christ's teachings, as a present kingdom needs the organization of a Church, character of, represented by St. Peter, universal, will not be overcome by evil, present imperfection indicated in Our Lord's parables, its members have responsibilities toward it

Kohler, Walter, quoted on Pius X, on heresy

Kramer, Henry, author, "Malleus Maleficarum"

Last anointing

Last Day, time of

Last Judgment

Lechler, Catholicism and art

"Liberals", excluded from Communion

Liberty, relation to authority

Lippert, Peter, on Catholic Church

Liturgical year

Liturgical year Liturgy, purpose of

Love, bond of essential to Church,

Luther, Martin, on heresy

Lyons, Council of, doctrine of purgatory

Macaulay, Thomas, quoted from review on von Ranke's History on immortality of church

Magus, Simon, mentioned

"Malleus Maleficarum," on witchcraft

Man, his intellectual and moral needs, autonomous, co-operates in work of salvation through God's power


Maria Laach monastery, cited as pilgrimage for non-Catholics

Marriage, sacrament of, dignity of,

Mary, Blessed Virgin, merit and glory of, part in the work of salvation, intercession of, Immaculate Conception of

Mass, Sacrifice of the, help for the Church suffering offered for all faithful,

Merit, Catholic doctrine of,


Middle Ages, character of


Mohler, John Adam, mentioned regarding oneness of Christ and the Church, on papacy, quoted on the sayings of Jesus, quoted on Church's fight against evil


Montanists, and sacraments

Morality, Christocentric

Morality of the Church, its ideals and methods

Mosaic Law

Mystical Body of Christ, St. Paul's description of the Church, implies a mystical oneness of Christ and the Church, a relation which is expressed in her every activity, and sacraments, essentially an organism and a community, born with the Incarnation, differentiation, its constitution, unity of, spirit of brotherly love, activity of its members in the Communion of Saints, relations of its earthly members to the saints, relations of earthly members with one another, its prayer a prayer for all, a fellowship in the faith, a fellowship in love, which is its life-blood, affected by heresy, necessarily exclusive, the visible body and the invisible soul, ailments and wounds of must perfect itself in its members

Natural reason

Natural things, goodness of


Newman, John Henry Cardinal, on fullness of Catholicism, on heresy and Church, on Catholicism, quoted on the life of the Church, on the Church

Niebergail, on Holy Mass, on the Church

Nietzsche, Friedrich, on celibacy, on Greek sculpture

Novatians, and sacraments

Obedience, of Catholics to the Church, to Church and conscience

Old Testament

Orders, Holy

Ordination, character of

Origen, mentioned regarding the oneness of Christ and the Church

Orthodox Church, and tradition, apostolic succession and valid orders, sanctity of some of its members

Osterreich, psychology referred to

Other-worldliness, a mark of Catholicism



Pascal, Blaise, on spirit of Catholicism

Paul, St., concept of the Church, his testimony to the pre-eminence of St. Peter, reference made to purification of the soul, universalism of, sanctification of men as purpose of the Church, attitude towards celibacy, the Church of the present manifests the suffering of Christ per Christum Dominum nostrum

Personality, its relation to the community,

Penance, sacrament of, purpose of

Pentecost season, effect on the Apostles, Catholicity of, psychological aspect of, first, characteristics of,

Peter, St., confession of faith, choice and preeminence of, influence of, and Easter faith, true explanation to be found in the positive act of Our Lord, the Rock, relation to Church, Catholicism of

Piety, Christo-centric, expressed in a community worship, resists formalism, individual and various embraces whole life of the Catholic, non-Catholic piety, causes a specifically Catholic temper

Pius IX, Pope, on the salvation of non-Catholics

Pius X, Pope, pre-eminently a priest, condemns modernism, "Pascendi," on modernism, encyclical on St. Borromeo

Pius XI, Pope, first encyclical teaches that Church authority is the service of Christ's members, "Arcanum Dei," on the pope

Polycarp, St., martyrdom mentioned

Pope, Macaulay's testimony on papacy, infallibility, his office a necessary consequence of the nature of the Church, duty to interpret revelation, and unity of Church, absolute rule, servant of servants, personification of love, 43-45; successor of St. Peter, possessing his authority and jurisdiction

Prayer, character of Christian

Priesthood, visible, in the Church

Priesthood of Christ, shared by

the laity, shared by specially consecrated ministers,

Protestantism, contrasted with Catholicism, piety of, rejected Christianity by dropping celibacy

Purgatory, Catholic doctrine of


Real Presence

Reason. Church believes in, natural, prepares way for faith

Redemption, universal and unitary in character

Reformation, causes of



Retreats, value of

Reunion of Christendom

Revelation, necessity of, conveyed through human vessels, limited in each age

Sacramentals, and Church

Sacraments, a working of Christ among His people, not pagan mysteries, character of, meaning of "ex opere operato," impersonality of, and the Church, non-Catholic, and God's grace, all embracing, channels of the grace of Christ

Sacrifice, Christ's attitude toward

Saints, glory of, given special gifts from God, veneration of, intercession and application of merits on our behalf, variety of

Salvation, necessity of, and scrupulosity

Sanctification, primary purpose of the Church


Scheler, psychology referred to,

Scholar, in conflict with authority, truth never vainly sown

Schleich, K. L., on "Spiritual Exercises"

Scholz, psychology referred to

Schopenhauer, Arthur, on celibacy, on nature of creation

Scriptures, Holy

Scrupulosity, not peculiar to Catholicism, and salvation

Sin, original

Sin, venial

Soderblom, N., appeals for better understanding of Catholicism

Soul of the Church



Teaching of the Church

Tertullian, judgment on the heretics of his time, quoted on Church authority, the human soul

Theology, critical, misunderstands Christianity, on foundation of Church

Thomas Aquinas, St., on the unity of Christ and the Church, mentioned regarding faith in the sacraments, overridden, on the veneration of the saints, on priesthood of the laity, on conscience, on celibacy, on evangelical counsels

Tradition, stream of Christian teaching from Our Lord through the Apostles to us, and scripture as interpreted by the Church, immediate source of Catholic faith, from Pentecost through the centuries, inspired by God, unitary life, and Catholic life, and the Orthodox Church

Trent, Council of, doctrine of purgatory, on use of indulgences

Unity, of mankind, in sin and redemption

Universalism, of Christ, of the Church

Vaihinger, Hans, "As If" philosophy

Vatican Council, on knowledge of God through reason, reference to governance of Church, on profane sciences, on faith, on blind faith, on revealed truth

Vincent de Paul, St., necessary to the Church

Voltaire, Francois, on Church's preaching and salvation

Waldenses, and sacraments

Weinel, H., on Kingdom of God

Weiss, J., on Kingdom of God

Wellhausen, on pre-eminence of St. Peter, on Protestant and Catholic worship

Witch trials

World War, 1914-1918, on Catholic revival

Worship, Christo-centric