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The Holy Eucharist in the Doctors of the Church
The Baptism of the Lord
Pinocchio, Aquinas and the Virtue of Truth-Telling
Faith and Private Judgement
Mercy and Law in Amoris Laetitia
Doctors of the Church: Saint Augustine
Interview with Jorge Mario Cardinal Bergoglio (Pope Francis)
The Priesthood and the Holy Eucharist
The Nature of a Theologian in Number 36
A Woman's Perspective on New Vatican Document
Dietrich von Hildebrand's Philosophy of Love
Von Hildebrand's Voice of Reason
Germain Grisez on Personal Vocations
Turn to the Fathers
Theology of the Body for the Parish
What a Theologian-Pope Tells Theology
A Russian Who Challenged Orthodoxy to Reconcile With Rome
The Church Must Guide the Sexual Revolution
Cardinal Schönborn on God and Creation
Cardinal Schönborn on Creation and Evolution
Jews' Role in Christ's First and Second Coming
Cardinal Dulles Weighs in on Ratzinger-Kasper Debate
Cardinal Ratzinger's Thoughts on Evolution
Joseph Ratzinger's Primer on Ecclesiology
Relating to the Opposite Sex
A Reflection on Cardinal Kasper's Speech on the Family
Reconciliation and Peace
Ratzinger Foundation on Key Aspects of Pope's Theology
The Problem of Christian Prophecy
Cardinal Ratzinger, as Prefect and Theologian
Increase in Cases of Demonic Possession
Christian Personalism's Place in Bioethics
Address on Natural Moral Law
Notion of Limbo Isn't Closed, Expert Says
Father R.J. Neuhaus' Outlook on Benedict XVI
Faith and the God of the Philosophers
Church as Mystery or People of God
Why Are There So Many Religions?
Manners in the Moral Life
Between Tradition and the Modern World
Just-War Principles
Catholics and Lutherans Remove Mutual Condemnations
Jesuit Denounces Jehovah Witnesses
Misunderstandings About Interreligious Dialogue
Indulgences Are Not Invention of Medieval Age
Holy See States Its Position on Homosexuality
Dietrich von Hildebrand: Giving the Heart Its Due
Moving Away From Religion Toward Christianity
Slippery Slope of Euthanasia for Children
Catholic Higher Education and the Future of Moral Theology
Vatican and Jesuit Theologian Reach Agreement
Ralph McInerny on a Forgotten Thomist
Keys to Understanding Growth of Esoteric Cults
The Conscience of Our Age
On Catholic Political Philosophy
The Mind That Is Catholic
Bishops should never change diocese
Thoughts on Year of Faith
Younger Than Sin
Woman in the Church: Elena Lucrezia Cornaro Piscopia
The Truth of the Encyclical Humanae Vitae
A Vital Resource for the Church
Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity: 2004 Survey Results
The Unity of Christians
Truth and Freedom
Second part of Document
The Trinity and God the Creator
A Tribute to Cardinal Avery Dulles
St. Thomas and Transubstantiation
Towards A Christian Experience of Time
Thomas and the Experience of God
How to Think About Secularism
Theology Today: Perspectives, Principles and Criteria
Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church
Theologians and the Church
Visceral Mercy
Trust in the Teaching Authority of the Church
Symposium Proceedings: Anthropology, Moral Theology, Vertatis Splendor
Edith Stein
Summary of Categories of Belief in 'Professio fidei'
An Examination of Subsistit in: A Profound Theological Perspective
The Whispering Breeze of the Eucharist
State of the Departed Soul
Edith Stein
Spiritual Power of the Word of God
Index for 'The Spirit of Catholicism'
The Spirit of Catholicism
Christianity as the Soul of the West
Sobering Thoughts for the Year of the Eucharist
What Went Wrong with Vatican II
The Holy Trinity
Jaws of Death: Gate of Heaven
God's Greatest Gifts: The Commandments and the Sacraments
The Instinct that Guides Christians
Science and Morality
Creation and Evolution
What is Man that Thou are Mindful of Him?
You Govern All Things...: Suffering in a World Guided by God
He Upholds the Universe by His word and Power
He Created Each Thing According to Its Kind
In the Beginning God Created ...
Creation and Evolution: To the Debate as It Stands
The Sacrament of Real Presence
Andrei Rublev's Trinity Icon
1990 Presentation: The Theology of Cardinal Newman
Historical Overview of the Rosmini Case
The Role of St Thomas in Catholic Studies
The Rock Stands Firm
Some Reflections on the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification
Can We Speak of Repression in the Church?
The New Evangelization and Gender: The Remystification of the Body
Eucharist, Communion and Formation
Reality: A Synthesis of Thomistic Thought
The Intellectual Relationship between Joseph Ratzinger and Romano Guardini
Biblical Interpretation in Crisis: On the Question of the Foundations and Approaches of Exegesis Today
The Beauty and the Truth of Christ
Purgatory: Workshop for Heaven
The Period of the Schoolmen: The Sacrifice
The Problem With Liberalism
Primacy of Grace
To National Directors of Pontifical Mission Societies: The Declaration Dominus Iesus
Legitimacy and Limits of Theological Pluralism
Edith Stein
Phil 631: Intro. to Christian Philosophy
The Voice of Peter
The Sacrament of Penance and Children
Peace in the World, Dialogue Among Christians and With Other Religions
The Papal Letter to the Church in China One Year From Its Publication
Christ: Pantocrator
What If a Pagan Sins Mortally?
Our Faith
Problem of Dissent in light of the 'Commentary' on the Concluding Formula of the Profession of Faith'
Canonical Observations on the New Regulations of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
Reflection on the Bull Incarnationis Mysterium
Oremus et pro Iudaeis of the Good Friday Liturgy
The Question of Admitting Women to the Ministerial Priesthood
James Louviere
Comment on Obedience
Answers to Main Objections Against Dominus Iesus
Reflections on Novo Millennio ineunte
Why God is Father and Not Mother
Nostra Aetate and Hinduism
Nature, Presuppositions and Limits of the Dialogue with Non-Christians
Newman on Divine Providence
All God's Providences Centre in Christ
Newman on the Laity
The New Heresy
Does a Human Nature Exist?
The Nature and Destiny of Man
Commentary: The Mystery of the Feminine
CHAPTER 7 How The Sacrifice Of The Mass Is Carried Out
Maurice De La Taille, S.J.
The Mystery of Faith Regarding the Most August Sacrament and Sacrifice of the Body and Blood of Christ
Religious Freedom, Truth, and American Liberalism: Another Look at John Courtney Murray
Magisterial Teaching on Experience in the Twentieth Century: From the Modernist Crisis to the Second Vatican Council
New Answers to Old Questions
Morality and Situation Ethics
Response of CDF About Validity of Baptism Conferred in Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Question of Validity of Baptism Conferred in Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Moral Conscience
Moral Theologians and 'Veritatis Splendor'
Homily, Feast of the Dedication of the Basilica of St. Francis
The Modern Catholic and the Magisterium of the Pope
Methodist-Catholic Relations in 2001
The Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy
The Meaning of Faith
Maximus the Confessor and the Metaphysics of the Person
Theo523: Mary in Doctrine and Devotion
Male and Female -- Does It Matter?
St. Augustine - A Male Chauvinist?
The Magisterium of the Vicar of Christ
The Magisterium of the Vicar of Christ
The Light of the Encyclical
Liturgy and Contemplation
The Light of God Still Shines Through Creation
Liberalism Is A Sin
Crises of Law
Law & Liberty in 'Veritatis Splendor'
The Historical Credibility of Hans Kung
The Church's Commitment to Justice and Peace
God and Science
Fr. Stanley L. Jaki on Science as a Pathway to God
Italian Episcopal Conference Profess Solidarity With Vicar of Christ
Saint Irenaeus, Doctor of the Church
The Beginning of Faith
Religious Indifference
The I Who Believes: A Catechesis Addressed to the Human Person
Christian Morality and Scientific Humanism
The Encyclical Humanae Vitae and the Structure of Human Life
Reflections on Some Aspects of Encyclical Humanae Vitae
Dietrich von Hildebrand, Catholic Philosopher, and Christopher West, Modern Enthusiast
The Holy Eucharist in St Thomas Aquinas
Comments on Hegel
The Sacred Heart of Jesus in the Theology of Benedict XVI
Grace: Commentary on the Summa Theologica of St. Thomas
Grace: Commentary on the Summa Theologica of St. Thomas
Grace: Appendix
Grace: Chapter Nine
Grace: Chapter Eight
Grace: Chapter Seven
Grace: Chapter Six
Grace: Chapter Five
Grace: Chapter Four
EWTN - Document Library -
EWTN - Document Library -
Grace: Chapter Twelve
Grace: Chapter Eleven
Grace: Chapter Nine
Grace: Chapter One
God Transcends All
A Treatise on God as First Principle
Gnosis, A Faith Without Reality
Fundamental Moral CONSCIENCE Attitudes
A Response to John T. Noonan, Jr. Concerning the Development of Catholic Moral Doctrine
Liberalism and Theology
Retrieving Conscience
Sign, Faith and Society
What is Western Culture
Roman Catholic Ecclesiology and the Problem of Historicity: Insights from Origen Scholarship
Study in Aquinas: Analogy as Theophany and the Hiddenness of God
The Dream of Natural Philosophy
Reflections on Humanae Vitae's 25th Anniversary
An Atheist in the Sacristy: Why Does Faith Seek Intelligence?
The Teaching of Theologians from St. Thomas Aquinas until Vatican Council II on the Existence of Moral Absolutes
Faith and Reason in Roger Boscovich's Philosophy of Science
The Crisis of Faith and the Theology of Mission: A Reflection on Redemptoris Missio
Retrieving Rahner for Orthodox Catholicism
The Christian Personalism of Jacques Maritain
'Darkness at Noon': The Eclipse of 'The Permanent Things'
Authority as Nurse of Freedom and the Common Good
Existence and Revelation in the Theology of Paul Tillich
On Talking Positive But Being Negative
Socrates or The Baby and the Bathwater
What is Medieval Political Philosophy?
Two Ways to Knowledge
Meditation on Newman's Grammar of Assent
Basil Cole, O.P.
Bertrand de Margerie, S.J.
Remarks on Chapter 5 of 'Fides et ratio'
Fr. Paul Gilbert S.J. Reflections on the Holy Father's Encyclical 'Fides et ratio' - 9
Fr. Enrico dal Covolo - Fides-8
Reflections on Fides et Ratio - 7
Reflections on 'Fides et ratio'-6
Fr. Albert Vanhoye - On the Holy Father's Encyclical 'Fides et ratio' - 5
Fr. Maurice Gilbert, SJ Israel's Wisdom
Reflections on Fides et Ratio -3
Fides et ratio - Reflection 2
Vittorio Possenti
Mons. Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo
Francesco Viola
David Braine - Reflections 'Fides et ratio'-14
Fr. Servais Pinckaers, OP 16 June 1999 Fides et Ratio-13 Reflections
Fr. John M. McDermott 5 May 1999 Reflections on 'Fides et ratio' - 12
Bishop Walter Kasper 28 April 1999 Fides et ratio-11 Reflections
Fr. Giovanni B. Saia, S.J. Reflections on the Holy Father's Encyclical 'Fides et ratio' - 10
Fides et ratio - Reflection 1
Reflections on the Holy Father's Encyclical Fides et ratio
For the Feast of St. Augustine: August 28
Fellowship of Catholic Scholars
On Humanae Vitae
From the Pastoral Constitution Gaudium et Spes to the Encyclical Humanae Vitae
Faith, Authority, Charisms in the Church
The Face of Christ
Christian Experience and Theology
Evangelization and Faith
Eucharist, Communion and Solidarity
Eucharistic Theology in the Reformation and the Council of Trent
The Mystery of the Blessed Eucharist
Incarnation: Eternity in Time
To the Federation of Catholic Scholars
Can epikeia be used in the Pastoral Care of the Divorced and Remarried Faithful?
The Encyclical Without Ambiguity
Edith Stein: St Teresa Benedicta of the Cross
Ecclesial Reception of Vatican II
Cardinal Dulles' Christ-Centered Theology
Dubious Disputes
Libary Documents Relating to Dominus Iesus
Rejoice in the Lord
Doctors of the Church
Demythologizing the Superior
Demythologization of the Subject
Commentary, Letter to the Bishops: On the Collaboration of Men and Women
Jewish-Catholic Conference in London
Knowledge of the Departed Human Soul
Death: Shade or Light
Day of the Lord
On Spiritual Intuition In Christian Philosophy
Dominus Iesus and Ecumenical Dialogue
Crisis of Confidence and Essential Values
Morality of Cooperation in Evil
Is Contraception Gravely Sinful Matter?
Conscience and the Council
Excerpts from St. Augustine
Commentary on the Instruction Redemptionis Sacramentum
In Companionship with the Gods
Common Obedience
Commentary on the Congregation's 'Notification'
On the Call to Holiness in Our Common Home
Commentary: Catholics in Political Life
The Adventure of Classical Morality
Cardinal Charles Journet
The Church of the Word Incarnate
Rev. Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P.
Rev. Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P.
Rev. Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P.
Christ the Savior
Donald DeMarco
Why Was Christ A Male & Why Did He Ordain Only Men?
Theo 602: Outline of Christology
Authority, Reason and Charismatic Impulse
Relations Between the Catholic Church and Ancient Churches of the East
Pastoral Theology
Mystical Theology
Moral Theology
History of Dogmatic Theology
Dogmatic Theology
Christian Doctrine
Ascetical Theology
The Current Doctrinal Relevance of the CCC
Problems of the First Cause
Faith and Order and the Multilateral Dialogue on the Church
Report on the Work of the Faith and Order Commission
Report on Catholic-Reformed Relations
Report on World Alliance of Reformed Churches-Catholic Church Relations
Reformed-Catholic Relations in 2001
Dialogue With Reformed Churches
Report on Catholic-Orthodox Relations
Report on Catholic-Lutheran Relations - 2005
Report on the Lutheran-Catholic Relations - 2004
With a Humble Hope
Catholic-Pentecostal Relations
Catholic-Methodist Relations in 2004
Final Message of Catholic Laity
Word and Silence in Buddhist and Christian Traditions
Report on Catholic-Baptist Relations
Unfailing Love for the Lord Marks Cardinal Dulles' Life
Report on Catholic-Pentecostal Relations
Frank Gehry and the Quest for Transcendence
Paul VI, Prophet
Revisiting the Argument from Motion
Why I Love My Invisible Friend
A Christian Understanding of Pain and Suffering
In Connection With the Baptism of Children
Results of Baptist-Catholic Meeting in Rome
Report on Dialogue With Baptist World Alliance
Avery Dulles: Vir Ecclesiasticus
The Authority of Women
The Authority of the Encyclical Humanae Vitae
Authority and Discipline
St. Augustine
The Atheism of Karl Marx
Gift of Authority - Commentary
Gift of Authority - ARCIC Document
Gift of Authority - Statement of Co-Chairmen
Gift of Authority
Angelic Hierarchy
Anglican Communion-Catholic Church Relations
Dialogue With the Anglican Communion
Creative Fidelity
Reflection on the Dialogue of Charity and the Dialogue of Truth
The Agony of Conscience
Study Questions and Answers
Commentary on St. Augustine
Commentary on St. Augustine