Media Enitities of the Holy See
Institution: Dicastery for Communication
Prefect: Paolo Ruffini

Aggregated to the Dicastery for Communication are the various media entities of the Holy See which existed separately until 2015, when they were placed under the Secretariat for Communication. In 2018 the Secretriat was renamed the Dicastery for Communication. 

Press Office of the Holy See
Institution: Dicastery for Communications
Director: Matteo Bruni
Vice-Director: Cristiane Murray

With his Motu Proprio of 27 June 2015, Pope Francis placed the Press Office of the Holy See under the new Dicastery for Communication, and with it the various services the Press Office provides (e.g Vatican Information Service, the Daily Bulletin). The Press Office coordinates press contacts and publishes official news regarding the activities of the Holy Father and those of the different departments of the Holy See. Speeches, messages and various documents, as well as the position statements issued by the director, are published in their entirety.

Press Office communiques and papal texts are typically published in Italian, and translated into other languages for distribution. In the case of papal documents, these do not, however, formally represent the magisterium of the Pope, which are those published in Latin in the Acta Apostolicae Sedis (Acts of the Apostolic See, or AAS).


Vatican Radio - Radio Vaticano
Institution: Dicastery for Communication
Director-General: Massimiliano Menichetti

Vatican Radio is the shortwave, AM & FM broadcaster of papal events, news and other programming of the Holy See. It is a part of the Dicastery for Communications.

Vatican Television Center - Centro Televisione Vaticano
Institution: Dicastery for Communications
Director-General: Stefano D'Agostini

Founded in 1983 the aim of the Vatican Television Center (CTV) is to contribute to spreading the Good News of the Gospel by using television to document the Pope’s pastoral ministry and the activity of the Apostolic See. In this task, it originates and/or cooperates with Italian television (RAI) and international media such as EWTN, transmitting its signal to them for re-broadcast. 

L’Osservatore Romano
Institution: Dicastery for Communication
Editor-in-Chief: Andrea Munda
Daily Edition: Italian
Weekly Editions: French, English, Portuguese, German & Polish
Vatican Internet Service

Formerly titled the Vatican Information Service (VIS), it was founded by Pope John Paul II in 1991 as a daily news service of the Press Office. As the Vatican Internet Service today it encompasses all the internet activities of the Holy See, such as the website, and the Pope's twitter service, @pontifex.

Vatican Printing House
Institution: Directory for Communication
Director-General: Fr. Sergio Pellini S.D.B.

Founded in 1587, the Servizio Tipographica remains the official printing service of the Holy See. Called the Vatican Polyglot Press, or simply the Vatican Press, it publishes in over 30 languages, such works as bibles, liturgical books, rules of religious institutes, art publications for the Vatican Museums and the Vatican Apostolic Library, L'Osservatore Romano in Italian, as well as official acts of the Holy See.

Libreria Editrice Vaticana

The Vatican Press, or Vatican Polygot Press, was established in 1587 with the founding of the printing or typographic service. Its modern foundation as the Libreria Editrice Vaticana (LEV) was in 1926 by Pope Pius XI, who separated the distribution and sale functions (LEV) from those related to printing (Tipografia Vaticana). 

Photographic Service

The Servizio Fotografico was established to provide for a photographic record of the activities of the Pontiff and the Holy See. The photographs used by L'Osservatore Romano, as well as are available to the public and other media entities. It was aggregated in 2015 to the Secretariate/Dicastery for Communication, along with L'Osservatore Romano.