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Mary and Saints
Mary and Saints
Biographies of Saints Canonized by Pope Francis
Saint Josephine Bakhita
John Henry Newman: The Harmony of Difference
Saint Mariam Thresia: Patroness of Families
Padre Pio the Saint
Padre Pio the Mystic
St. Thérèse's Life in the Carmel of Lisieux and the Influence of Her "Little Way."
Some Reflections on the Family Life of the Little Flower
The Little FLower: A Collection of Writings
The Little Flower: A Collection of Letters
Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, Virgin
John Henry Newman
Towards the Canonization of John Henry Newman
Father Cantalamessa's Third Advent Homily
The Timely Lesson of St Frances Cabrini
Biographies of New Blesseds - 2014
Reflection on Cardinal Newman's Beatification
Sr Crostarosa
Roncalli and Wojtyła in Asia
A Reflection on St André of Montreal
The Good Parish Priest
Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha: Mohawk Mystic of North America
General Assembly of World Apostolate of Fatima Held in Portugal
A Woman Ahead of Her Time
Priest Rediscovers Veil of Veronica
Pope John XXIII Lived Out in His Life What Vatican II Tried to Condense Into Words
UK Hearts Opened to Message of Faith and Reason
The Theology of St. Joseph
Where There's Suffering, There's Mary
Marco Roncalli: I Will Tell You About My Uncle, The Saint
A Saint for Africa, and for the West
John Paul II and Poland's Springtime of Liberty
Most Popular Catholic Shrines
Mark Shea: Mariology From A-Z
The Salvation of Our Century
Up Close With Postulator of John Paul II's Sainthood Cause
The Secret Story of Padre Pio's Stigmata
The Woman Who Does Not Fear Sin
Cubans Recognize a Hero of Charity
St. John Paul the Great
Saints Will Welcome Families, Pope to Philadelphia
Mother Teresa's Powerful Message
Becoming Mother Teresa's Collaborator
Most People Can Still Learn a Lot About Mother Teresa
A Mother for the Civilization of Love
Doctor Who Was Devils Advocate in John Paul Miracle Says There's No Doubt
Why Miracles Are Required for Canonizations
Pope John Paul II's Other Miracles
Marian Devotion in a Post Vatican II Era
Mary's Light in Mother Teresa's Dark Night
Why John Paul II Proclaimed So Many Saints
How Lourdes Cures Are Recognized as Miraculous
The Relevance of Lourdes at 150
Authentication of a Cure at Lourdes
The Light of Mother Teresa's Darkness
Following Our Lady to Russia
How John Paul II Changes Our Way of Looking at Saints
Raising a Martyr
John XXIII, Minus the Myths
St. Zita, Virgin
Mary Immaculate: Mystery of God's Love for Humanity
The Courage of Mary Zhu-Wu
GK Chesterton's Cause for Sainthood: Investigation Gets Underway
Apostle of Chinese Lepers Dies
Franchising to Evangelize
Fatima Pair Closer to Possible Canonization
The Fatima Pope
Sr. Lucia: No More Mysteries in Fatima Secret
St. Zeno, Bishop of Verona, Confessor
Blessed Kuriakose Elias Chavara
Cardinal Dziwisz: I Must Rediscover John Paul II
Classmate Remembers John Paul II
Reform of Canonization Causes
Cardinal Newman: Doctor of the Church?
Cardinals' Letter Promoting Marian Dogma
Father Cantalamessa on the Mystery of the Incarnation Contemplated Through Francis of Assisi's Eyes
Father Cantalamessa on Francis of Assisi's Humility
Father Cantalamessa on Francis of Assisi's Method for Church Reform
Call Me Mother
Saint Cajetan of Thiene
Fatima Is Invitation to Remember Martyrs of This Century
Ireland's Cardinal Brady Remembers Mother Teresa
Biography of Junipero Serra
Homily at Mass of Thanksgiving
John Paul II's Biography in Beatification Liturgy
A Theologian of Humility
Anna Katharina Emmerick, Who Lived Her Own Passion
Blessed André Bessette Teaches Openness to Others
Saint Zachary, Father of John the Baptist
The 800 Martyrs of Otranto
Cardinals Hoping for a 5th Marian Dogma
5th Dogma a Marian Antidote
Homily at 25th Anniversary of Beatification of English Martyrs
Saint Francis Xavier, Apostle of the Indies and Japan
The 'Failure' of St. Francis Xavier
St. Winebald
St. Willibrord, Confessor, First Bishop of Utrecht
St. William, Abbot of Eskille, Confessor
The Message of Blessed William Chaminade
Fr. William Most
Why Saints? Mary?
Who Is St. Maximilian?
The Dormition of Mary in Syro-Oriental Iconography
St. Waltrude, or Vautrude, Commonly Called Vaudru, Widow
St. Vautrude
Miracles & the Nobel Laureate
St. Volusian
Note Concerning Decree on the Heroic Virtues of Pius XII
St. Virgilius
Transformed by a Spirit of Sacrifice
St. Vincent de Paul
Vincent Pallotti, Apostle of Faith and Charity
St. Vincent of Lerins, C.
Vigil of Prayer: Beatification of John Paul II
Venerable Zacharias of St Theresa
Venerable Edith Stein
How the Vatican Sees Marian Apparitions
A Life Offered Up for Abandoned Children
Saint Valentine
St. Catherine of Vadstena
SS. Tyrannio, Bishop of Tyre, Zenobius and Others, Martyrs in Phoenicia, Etc.
St. Tutilo
St. Alphonsus Turibius, Confessor, Archbishop of Lima
The True Story of Fatima
Martyrs Serve the Cause of Truth in China
Pierre Toussaint
Feast of St Louis De Montfort: 28 April
The 500th Anniversary of the Birth of Saint Thomas More
The Story of Thomas More
Cardinal Jozef Tomko Remembers John Paul II
Saint Thomas Aquinas, Confessor, Doctor of the Church
St. Nicholas of Tolentino, Confessor
Titus Brandsma
St. Thorlak
Saint Thomas Becket, Bishop, Martyr
Saint Thomas More, Martyr, Chancellor of England
Saint Thomas
The Servant of God Bishop Theodore Romzha
St. Joseph: A Theological Introduction
St. Theodotus, Vintner, and Seven Virgins, MM
St. Theodosius, the Cenobiarch
Edith Stein: Daughter of Israel, Philosopher, Carmelite, Martyr
For the Feast of St. Teresa of Avila: 15 October
St. Teresa of Avila
The Great Gift of Self
St Teresa Benedicta of the Cross: Daughter of Israel, Philosopher and Carmelite Martyr
St. Tarcisius
St. Tarcisius
St. Tarasius, Confessor, Patriarch of Constantinople
Blessed Anne Marie Taigi
St. Sylvester, Pope, Confessor
Christmas and Epiphany
St. Francis Xavier, Confessor, Apostle of the Indies
Saint Thomas Aquinas on the Hail Mary
Thomas Aquinas
St. Theresa of Lisieux
Sts. Peter and Paul
Sts. Peter and Paul
Keeping Saints' Days
CANONIZATIONS from 16 June 1993 to 11 Oct 1998
Biographies of Saints Canonized 1993 to 2018
St. Sabas, Abbot
St. Philip, Apostle
Feast of Saint Paul VI on 29 May
Saint Patrick, B. C - Apostle of Ireland
Saint Patrick and the New Evangelization
St. Odo of Cluny
St. Nicholas, Confessor, Archbishop of Myra
Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop
St. Martin, Confessor, Bishop of Tours
St. Mark, Evangelist, Patron Saint of Venice
St. Margaret Queen of Scotland
St. Margaret of Cortona: the Second Magdalene
St. Luke the Evangelist
St. Lucy, Virgin, Martyr
St. Jude Apostle
St Joseph and Religious Institutes
St. Joseph
Feast of St. John of the Cross: 14 December
St. John of God: the Waif
Peace Before God and Within Himself
The Encounter with the Beloved
The Life of St Jean-Marie Vianney
For the Feast of St Ignatius of Loyola: 31 July
St. Hilary, Archbishop of Arles, C
St. Hedwig, Widow, Duchess of Poland
Feast of St. Gertrude of Helfta: 16 November
St Francis Xavier Returns From Australia
St Francis of Rome, 9 March
St Francis Rediscovered
St. Stephen, the First Martyr
Saint Stephen, The First Martyr. Scriptural Saint
Saint Stephen, Confessor, King of Hungary
Stephen Eckert's Apostolate in the Early 1900's
St. Edmund, King and Martyr
St. Columba, or Columkille, A.
St. Cedd
St. Camillus de Lellis: the Ex-Trooper
St Bruno's Profession of Faith
St. Benedict Joseph Labre: the Beggar Saint
Saint Bede, Confessor, Father of the Church
St. Augustine
St. Antoninus, Archbishop of Florence, Confessor
St. Anselm, C., Archbishop of Canterbury
Missionary and Martyr
St Ambrose
St. Ambrose, Bishop, Confessor, Doctor of the Church
St. Agnes, V. M.
The Secret of Saint Margaret Mary
Sr Blandina, the Nun of the West
St. Sophronius, Patriarch of Jerusalem, C.
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
Be Useful for God so that He May Do Great Things
Saints For Sinners
The Secret of the Little Flower
A Saint in the Slave Trade
St. Simon Stock, C.
St. Simon, Surnamed the Zealot, Apostle
The Silence of St Joseph, Attentive and Responsive to God
St. Sigismund
A Sicilian Saint for Sweden
Blessed Thomas Sherwood
St. Francis and the Asian Catholic Church
Blessed Severinus Boethius
St. Seraphina
The Secret of Saint John Bosco
St. Sebastian, M
Seat of Wisdom
The Life of Blessed John Duns Scotus
St. Scholastica, Virgin
St. Cecilia, Virgin, Martyr, Patroness of Church Music
The Scapular Devotion
St. Dominic Savio
The Feeling of Christian People
Marian Themes in the Façade of Santa Maria del Fiore
A Samaritan of Mercy
Saints of the Roman Calendar
Two Saintly Popes: How John Paul II and John XXIII Modeled Virtue
Blessed John Ruysbroeck
Saint Rose of Lima, Virgin
Rosary Before the Blessed Sacrament
Feast Day of St. Romuald: 7 February
The Roman Socrates
SS. Romanus and Lupicinus, Abbots
Oscar Romero and the Poor
Saint Robert, Abbot of Newminster, in England, of the Cistercian Order
The Road to Damascus
St. Rita, Widow
Saint Rita, Widow
St. Richard, B.C.
The Courage of Priests
A Spiritual Reflection on the Life of Servant of God John Paul II
Reflection: The Life of St Edith Stein
Strictness and Caution in Recognizing Sainthood
The Real St. Nicholas
This Was the Pope for the Hour at Hand
The Rational Faith of Newman
Raphael's Madonna
A Young Martyr for Social Justice
Blessed Rabanus Maurus
St. Quintin
Request for the Beatification of John Paul II
St. Pretextatus, or Praetextus or Prix, M. - Archbishop of Rouen
The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Epistle to the Phillipians
Saint Pius X, Pope
St. Pius V, Pope, Confessor
Pius IX Revisited: 1878-1978
U.S. Soldiers Attend Padre Pio's Mass
Padre Pio in Rome: Saints as Living Icons of Divine Mercy
A Letter From Padre Pio to Pope Paul VI
An Introduction to Padre Pio
Death of Padre Pio
Five Maxims for Living a Devout Life
St. Philip Neri, C.
Saint Philip Neri, Confessor
St. Peter Gonzales, Confessor, Commonly Called St. Telm, or Elm, Patron of Mariners
The Daughter of St Peter
St. Peter, Archbishop of Tarentaise, now called Monstiers, in Savoy
St. Perpetua, and Felicitas, MM. with Their Companions
Blessed Peter the Venerable
Those Encounters in the Senator's House
St. Peter Regalati, C.
Peter in Rome
Life of St. Peter of Alexandria
St. Peter of Alcántara
Saint Peter, Prince of the Apostles
Dedication of the Churches of St. Peter and St. Paul at Rome
The Date of Peter's Martyrdom
Blessed Peter Damian, or of Damian, Cardinal, Bishop of Ostia
St. Peter, Martyr, Bishop of Alexandria
St. Peter's Chair at Rome
Saints Perpetua, Felicitas, and Companions
The Cancer Saint, St. Peregrine, O.S.M.
St. Raymond Pennafort
She Was Just a Pencil in the Hands of God
Memorial Mass for Mother Angelica
St. Pelagia, V.M.
St. Pega
St. Peter Chanel
The Martyrs of Japan
Paulina Do Coração Agonizante De Jesus
Saint Paul the Hermit
Marking the Death of St. Paul of the Cross, Founder of the Passionists
Saint Paul, Apostle to the Gentiles
Roman Catholic Patron Saints
Saint Patrick, Apostle of Ireland
The Confession of St. Patrick
St. Patrick
Gibson’s Passion and Mary Co-Redemptrix
St. Paschal Baylon, C.
St Anthony Turns Lost into Found
St. Pancras, M.
St. Vincent Pallotti
St. Pachomius, Abbot
The Humour of Pope Pius IX
For Your Love Alone
The Virgen of Charity of Cobre / La Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre
St. Lawrence, Confessor, Archbishop of Dublin
The Diploma He Never Presented
St. Peter Orseolo
A New Marian Dogma?
Mary's Cooperation in Work of Redemption
St. Opportuna
St. Olympias, Widow
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Judgement on the Apparitions of Kibeho
Our Lady and Islam: Heaven's Peace Plan
Worthy of Belief
Our Lady's Feastdays
St. Odilo
New Evangelization With the Saints
St. Norbert, C., Archbishop of Magdebourg, Founder of the Premonstratensian Order
The LIFE of The Holy Hierarch and Wonderworker NICHOLAS Archbishop Of Myra in Lycia
Saint Nicholas of Myra, Bishop, Confessor
Nicholas of Flue
The Father of Vatican II
The Venerable John Henry Newman: A Priestly Life
Cardinal Newman and the Oratory
Cardinal John Henry Newman's Exhumation Objectors
Shall I Ever See Littlemore Again?
Saint Philip Neri
St. Narcissus, Bishop of Jerusalem
Her Secret Was Very Simple: She Prayed
Answering a Call Within a Call
Marthe Robin: Another Victim Soul
Mary, the holy Mother of God
Mother of God or Domesticated Goddess? Mary In Feminist Theology
Answering a Call Within a Call
The Mother Teresa Charism: A Doorway to Eternity and a Visa for Heaven
She Changed the Way We Speak About God
The Moral and Social Influence of Devotion to Mary
Saint Monica, Widow
The Great in the Small
An Ecumenism of Blood
Miracles Do Happen
Homily: St. Juan Diego, 2008
Homily: Immaculate Conception, 2008
Blessed Miguel Agustin Pro, S.J.
Feast of St. Agnes
Saint Michael, Archangel. Scriptural Saint
Angela Merici
St. Meletius, Patriarch of Antioch, C.
Marian Apparitions
The Fifth Marian Dogma
Mary Gardens
Flowers of the Madonna
Author Unknown
St. Catherine Laboure and the Miraculous Medal
St. Margaret of Cortona, Penitent
A Rule of Life for Those Consecrated to Mary
Saint Maximinus, Bishop of Triers, C
Blessed Maria de Mattias
Saint Matthias, Apostle
St. Maud, or Mathildis, Queen of Germany
St. John of Matha, Founder of the Order of the Trinitarians
Bicentenary of the Birth of Cardinal Guglielmo Massaja
Mary in the Qur'an
The Story of Bl. Mary MacKillop, Australian Foundress
The Virgin Mary in the Koran
Mary In Scripture: Rediscovering the Bridge Between the Old and the New Testaments
The Interior Life of Our Lady
Pausing to Celebrate Mary with Coptic Christians
Birth of Mary
Mary's Assumption into Heaven
The Presence of Mary
St. Martina, V.M.
Saint Martin of Tours, Bishop, Confessor
St. Martha
SS. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.
The Mysteries of the Childhood and Hidden Life of Christ
Blessed Marianus Scotus, Abbot
Understanding the Marian Dimension
Marian Apparitions in the Americas
St. Maria Goretti
The Blessed Margaret Pole, Countess of Salisbury, Martyr
Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, Virgin
Consecration to or through Our Lady
The Mantle of Elijah: The Martyrs of Compiegne as Prophets of Modern Times
St. Margaret Clitherow
Martyrs Leave China Heritage of Faith
St. Marcellus the Centurion
St. Marcellinus, Pope and Martyr
St. Macrina the Elder
St Macarius of Wurzburg
Bl. Luigi Beltrame Quattrocchi and Bl. Maria Corsini
St. Ludger, Bishop of Munster, Apostle of Saxony
Saint Lucy, Virgin, Martyr
The Little Shepherdess of Fatima
150 Years After the Marian Apparitions at Lourdes
Lourdes and St. Bernadette
Saint Louis, Confessor, King of France
Blessed Louis Versiglia And Callistus Carabario
The Legion of Mary
Lives of Saints Show the World the Divine in the Human
St. Teresa of Lisieux
A Life Lived for the Lowliest
B. Lidwina, Commonly Called Lydwid, V.
James the Apostle
St. Leonard, Hermit, Confessor
Saint Leo the Great
Karl Leisner
The Legion of Mary
St. Laurence, Archbishop of Canterbury
A Merciful Daughter
Last Testament
Mary's Last Earthly Home?
The Last Days of Titus -- Letters Written in Prison
Saint John Baptist de la Salle, Founder, Confessor
Our Lady of Guadalupe: Historical Sources
SS. Kyneburge, Kyneswide, and Tibba
Columba's Treasure
St. Maximilian Kolbe, Priest Hero of a Death Camp
Maximillian Kolbe, Apostle of Mary
The Story of Knock
Pope Deepens Conciliar Theology
John of Kanty
St. Justin the Philosopher, M.
St. Julius, M.
Saint Jude, Apostle
Saint Juan Diego
Bishops' Conference of France - 8
John Paul II's Anniversary and Mother Teresa's Beatification
What Was John XXIII Really Like?
Solemnity of St Joseph
Saint Joseph, Foster Father of the Lord
St. Joseph of Cupertino: the Dunce
St. Josemaria Feast, 2010
St. Josaphat
St. Joseph Pignatelli
St. John the Silent, B.C.
St. John Nepomucen, M.
St. John Joseph of the Cross
St. John of God
St. John, Apostle and Evangelist
St. John Damascene
St. John of the Cross, Confessor
St. John of Capistrano
Saint John Bosco, Founder of the Salesian Society
St. John of Beverley, B. C.
Saint John the Baptist, The Precursor
St. John the Almsgiver
Saint Isaac Jogues, Martyr
St. Joan of Arc, Virgin
The Holiness of St. JOAN OF ARC
Saint Joan of Arc, Virgin
Saint Joachim, Father of the Blessed Virgin
St John Ogilvie
St. Benedict Joseph Labre, Confessor
John Henry Newman: A Conversion To Die For
Saint Jerome, Confessor, Doctor of the Church
Proofs of Mexican Indian Juan Diego's Existence
Self-Portrait of St. John of the Cross
Acts of the Hieromartyr - Januarius, Bishop of Benevento
St. James the Less, Apostle
The Golden Legend: When Saints Were Saints
The Jesuit Who Stayed with the Christians in Madagascar
St. Ita
St. Isidore, Bishop of Seville
St. Isidore of Madrid, Laborer, Patron of Madrid
Saint Irenaeus, Doctor of the Church
Paul VI and India
Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
St. Ignatius of Loyola and the Development of the Society of Jesus
Saint Ignatius of Loyola, Founder of the Society of Jesus, Confessor
On the Nobility of the Blessed Virgin Mary
On the Blessed Virgin Mary
On the Immaculate Conception
On the Immaculate Conception
On the Blessed Virgin Mary
On the Immaculate Conception
On the Blessed Virgin Mary
That Hymn Sung Softly Before the Tabernacle
On the Legacy of He Beloved Husband
St. Hugh, Confessor, Bishop of Grenoble
Hope in the Handkerchief of a Saint
St. Honoratus, Archibishop of Arles
The Holy Virgin
The Holy Innocents
St. Clement Mary Hofbauer
Historical Perspective
Hildegard's Ecological Vision
St. Hilary
St. Hilarion, Abbot
The Holy Eucharist in the Life of Bl. Teresa of Calcutta
St. Hermenegild, Martyr
St. Heribert of Cologne
Saint Helena, Widow
St. Stephen, Confessor, Abbot of Citeaux
Halloween: Its Origins and Celebration
Story of Guadalupe Begins With Little Hill in Mexico City
Saint Gregory, Pope, Doctor of the Church
St. Gregory Nazianzen, B.C., Doctor of the Church
St. Gregory III
A Great Fact
A Saint to Emulate: St. Maria Goretti
St. Godrick, Hermit
St. Godard, Bishop of Hildesheim, C
St. Gerard Majella
It Is More Blessed To Give Than To Receive
The Good Parish Priest
St. Gildas the Wise, or Badonicus, Abbot
St. Gilbert, A., Founder of the Gilbertins
Gianna Beretta Molla
St. Gertrude, Virgin, Abbess
Saint Germanus, Bishop of Paris, C.
St. Germain
St. George, Martyr
St. Genevieve, Virgin Chief Patroness of the City of Paris
St. Gelasius of Armagh
Gaspar: Founder of the Society of the Precious Blood
The Garden Way of the Rosary
Gemma Galgani
Saint Gabriel, Archangel. Scriptural Saint
St. Gabriel Possenti
St. Ignatius
Bl. Francis Xavier Seelos
Funeral Homily for Mother Teresa
The Family That Prays Together Stays Together
Servant of God Nelson Baker, American Diocesan Priest (1842-1936)
Homily: St. Thomas Becket, 2008
St. Francis of Paula, Confessor, Founder of the Order of Minims
Patron of the Missions
Feast of St Ignatius of Loyola
The Testament of St. Francis
Francis of Sales
St. Frances, Widow, Foundress of the Collatines
Encyclical Letter of Four Franciscan Ministers General
The Second Letter of St. Francis of Assisi, to the Faithful
St. Francis di Girolamo, C.
For the Feast of St. Francis of Paola: 2 April
Saint Francis of Assisi, Founder of the Friars Minor, Confessor
St. Francis Caracciolo, Confessor
Columban_A True Celtic Pilgrim
Legacy of a Spiritual Master Who Loved the Desert
90th Anniversary of the Death of Bl. Charles de Foucauld: 1 December
In the Folds of Her Mantle
The Spirituality of Francisco Marto
Flower Theology
Flowers for the Fairest
Little Flowers of St. Francis - Part 4
Little Flowers of St. Francis - Part 3
Little Flowers of St. Francis - Part 2
Little Flowers of St. Francis - Part 1
The Little Flowers of St. Francis
St. Flavian, Martyr, Archbishop of Constantinople
The Revelation of the Immaculate Heart at Fatima in 1917
New Book on the Final Seer of Fatima
St. Fidelis, of Sigmarengen, Martyr
Angels: Fiction and Fact
St. Vincent Ferrer, Confessor
St. Francis of Sales, Bishop and Confessor
Mother Cabrini and Her Abiding Faith in the Sacred Heart
St Faustina, Apostle of Divine Mercy
The Story of Thomas More
St. Fabian, Pope, M.
St. Euphrasia, Virgin
The Escape of St. Jogues
The Equivalent Canonization of Hildegard of Bingen
St. Epiphanius, Archbishop of Salamis, Confessor
St. Enda
Ven. Anne Catherine Emmerich
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Elizabeth of Portugal: 'For, In Her Is A Spirit Intelligent, Holy, Unique'
Saint Elizabeth, Mother of John the Baptist
Bl. Elisha of St. Clement (1901-1927)
Edith Stein: God Has Freed Me from a Depressing Life
St. Eadbert, Bishop of Lindisfarne, C
St. Rose Philippine Duchesne
Saint Katharine Drexel
St Dominic of Silos
Master Dominic and the Grace of Preaching
Saint Dominic, Founder of the Friars Preachers, Confessor
The Seven Dolors of the Blessed Virgin Mary
A Most Diligent Mother: Angelica
The Daughter of God
A Courageous Convert and a Living Legend
St. Desiderius, Bishop of Vienne, Martyr
St. Desiderius, Bishop of Langres Martyr
Saint Francis de Sales, Bishop, Doctor of the Church
Saint Vincent de Paul, Founder of the Vincentians
St. John Baptist de la Salle
The Dedication of the Church of Our Saviour
Medjugorje Deception or Miracle?
The Happy Death of Saint Joseph
Don Bosco's Story
St. David, Archbishop, Patron of Wales
A Graced Bewilderment: The Dark Night of Blessed Teresa of Calcutta
There in the Darkness, Mother Teresa
Blessed Father Damien - Servant of Humanity
St Damien de Veuster
St. Damasus, Pope, Confessor
Saint Cyril, Confessor, Archbishop of Jerusalem
St. Cuthbert, Confessor, Bishop of Lindisfarne
The Cure of Ars (St. Jean Marie Baptiste Vianney)
The Jubilee Medal of St. Benedict
St. Catherine of Sienna, Virgin
The Cross Down Under
Croagh Patrick
St. Catherine de Ricci, V., O.S.D.
Jean Francois St. Cosme: Missionary and Martyr
Mary: Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate
St. Joseph of Copertino
Francis A. Young
The Conversion of St. Paul
Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary for the Triumph of the Kingdom of God
Infinite Love for Jesus Christ
St. Columban
Saint Columba, Abbot, Confessor
Blessed Claude de la Colombiere
St. Colman, Bishop of Dromore, C.
St. Colette - Poor Clare Reformer
B. Colette, Virgin and Abbess
Pastoral Letter – 350th Anniversary of Canadian Martyrs
St. Cyril and Methodius, CC.
St. Clotildis or Clotilda, Queen of France
Daniel F. McSheffery
St. John Climacus, Abbot
St. Clement, Pope, Martyr
St. Peter Claver
Clarification From the Rector of the Shrine of Fatima
St. Anthony Mary Claret
Saint Clara, Virgin, Foundress of the Poor Clares
The Eucharistic Mystery and Mary's Mysterious Presence
Chronology: John Henry Newman
Saint Christopher
Saint Charles Borromeo, Archbishop, Cardinal
St. Ceada, or Chad, Bishop and Confessor
St. Thomas the Apostle
Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
St. Francis Xavier
St. Thomas of Villanova
Susan T. Otten
St. Gerard, Bishop of Toul
Tomb of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Teresa of Jesus (Teresa of Avila)
Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha
Sixtus I, Saint and Pope
Saint and Apostle Simon
Saturninus, Saint
Blessed Cesar de Bus: Patron for Modern Catechists
Francis de Sales, Saint
James F. Driscoll
St. Polycarp, Martyr
Blessed Oliver Plunket
Peter, Saint and Prince of the Apostles
St. Nicholas of Myra (Or Nicholas of Bari),
St. Stephen of Muret
Saint Thomas More
St. Monica
St. Michael the Archangel
St. Maximus of Constantinople
St. Gerard Majella
St. Lucy
Ignatius Loyola, Saint
Linus, Saint and Pope
St. Peter Celestine, Pope, C.
A Celestial Hierarchy
Benedict Joseph Labre, Saint
St. Kevin (Coemgen)
St. Joseph
St. John of the Cross
Blessed Joanna of Portugal
St. Jerome
St. Ives
St. Ita
Honorius, Saint
Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Heribert, Saint
St. Stephen Harding Confessor
Guadalupe, Shrine of
Pope St. Gregory I (the Great)
St. John Fisher
St. Ferdinand III
Evaristus, Saint and Pope
St. Joseph of Cupertino
St. Kevin
Clement I, Saint and Pope
St. Clare of Assisi
Saint Cecilia
St. Christopher
St. Gerard, Abbot of Brogne
Charles Borromeo, Saint
The Blessed
Saint Blaise, Bishop and Martyr
Saint Bernard of Clairvaux
Benedict, Rule of St
St. Basil the Great
Life of St. Augustine of Hippo
St. Francis of Assisi
Susan T. Otten
St. Thomas Aquinas
Pope St. Anacletus
Blessed Gertrude of Aldenberg
Agnes of Rome, Saint and Martyr
Forty Martyrs
Our Lady of Pompeii
Cause for Beatification of John Paul II
Saint Catherine of Siena, Virgin
Saint Catherine Laboure of the Miraculous Medal
Saint Catherine of Alexandria, Virgin, Martyr
Catholics and Anglicans: First Ever Joint Pilgrimage to Lourdes
Servant of God Caterina Guanella
Mary: Catechist at Fatima
St. Casimir, Prince of Poland
The Canonization of Saints
St. Peter Canisius
The Purification, Commonly Called Candlemas-Day
Edmund Campion
Campion's 'Brag'
What Do You Call Mary?
St. Callixtus, or Callistus, Pope, Martyr
St. Cadroe, C
Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini, Virgin, Foundress
Virgin Mary, Mother and Daughter of Your Son
Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary: 15 August
The Blessed Virgin in the Faith of the Church
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Brother Andre--His Life and Times
Saint Brigid: the Mary of the Gael
St. Bridgit, or Bridget, V.
Bridget's Colourful Imagery
The 200 Day March: Don Bosco and the Millennium
Saint John Bosco
St. Charles Borromeo, Cardinal, Archbishop of Milan, and Confessor
Saint Boniface, Archbishop of Mentz, Apostle of Germany, and Martyr
Saint Boniface, Martyr, Apostle of Germany
St. Bonaventure
St. Benedict of Anian, Abbot
Mother Teresea of Calcutta and a Boundless Love
Blessed Thaddeus MacCarthy
Daily Bread for the Poor
Countering the Swastika with the Cross of Christ
St. Blase, Bishop and Martyr
Saint Blaise, Martyr
The Black Madonna of Poland - Our Lady of Czestochowa and Jasna Gora
Marking the Birth of St. Alphonsus Ligouri: 20 November 1696
Index of Bios of Blesseds
Biographies of New Blesseds
Biographies of Blesseds - 1998
Biographies of Blesseds - 1997
Biographies of Blesseds - 1996
Biographies of Blesseds - 1995
Biographies of Blesseds - 1994
Biographies of Blesseds - 1993
Biographies of New Blesseds - 2009
Biographies of New Blesseds - 2009
Biographies of New Blesseds - 2009
Biographies of New Blesseds - 2008
Biographies of New Blesseds - 2007
Biographies of New Blesseds - 2006
Biographies of New Blesseds - 2005
Biography of Padre Pio
A Short Biography of the Saint from Pietrelcino
The Blessed Julie Billiart, Foundress of the Congregation of Sisters of Notre Dame
Biglietto Speech
Church Plant Symbolism of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Blessed Andre Bessette
Mass on the Feast of St Rose of Lima: 30 August 2007
St. Bertille, Abbess of Chelles
St. Berthold
St. Bernadine of Sienna, C.
A Short Life of Bernadette
Bl. Bernhard Lichtenberg
The Body of St. Bernadette of Lourdes
Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, Abbot, Doctor of the Church
St. Bernard of Clairaux
Saint Bernadette Soubirous, Virgin, Patroness of Lourdes
John Paul II, a Consistent Man
Gianna Beretta Offered Life For Her Child
St. John Berchmans
St. Benedict the Moor
St. Benjamin, Martyr, Deacon
St. Benezet, or Little Bennet, Patron of Avignon
St. Benedict of Nursia,
Saint Benedict, Abbot, Founder of Western Monasticism
Saint Benedict
St. Benedict of Nursia
Saint Bede, Confessor, Doctor of the Church
Human Beauty Raised on High
Beautiful and Numerous
Beatification of John Paul II
St. Bathildes, Queen of France
St. Basil the Great, Confessor, Archbishop of Caesarea
St. Barsimaeus, B. M.
Why Junipero Serra Matters Today
Satellites, the Internet, and the Communion of Saints
St. Barbatus, or Barbas, Confessor, Bishop of Benevento
Saint Barbara
Under the Banner and Protection of Mary
St. Bademus, Abbot, Martyr
Saint Teresa of Avila, Virgin, Foundress
The Life of St. Teresa of Avila
Saint Augustine of Hippo
St. Augustine
Saint Augustine of Canterbury, Confessor, Apostle of the English
Saint Augustine, B.C., Apostle of the English
St. Athanasius, Patriarch of Alexandria, Doctor of the Church
St. Athanasius, Bishop & Doctor of the Church
Mariae Assumpta and Dormitio Mariae
St. Thomas of Aquino, Doctor of the Church and Confessor
The Apostle and the Missionary - Communion in Diversity
Saint Antony of Egypt, Abbot, Patriarch of Monks
Saint Antony of Padua, Confessor, Doctor of the Church
The Spirituality of St. Anthony of Padua
The Marian Devotion of St. Anthony of Padua
The Life of St. Anthony of Padua
St. Anthony, Abbot, Patriarch of Monks
For the Feast of St. Anselm, Doctor of the Church: 21 April
St. Anselm of Canterbury, Archbishop, Doctor of the Church
The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
St. Anne, Mother of the Blessed Virgin
Angels With Names
Missionary Priest Angelo Ambrosoli in 19th-century Australia
Proper Names of the Angels
Angels and Their Names
The Sons of God and the Sons of Perdition
The Angelic Nature and its Operation
The Angels: Morning Stars of Creation
St. Andrew, Apostle
St. Anthony
Saints and Blesseds Who Have Flourished in America
200th Anniversary of the Birth of St Anthony Mary Claret
St. Ambrose, Bishop, Confessor & Doctor
Life of St Alphonsus and the Holy Eucharist
All Saints and All Souls
All Souls
All Saints
St. Alexander, Confessor, Patriarch of Alexandria
St. Aldegondes, V. Abbess
St. Albert the Great
A Message From Our Lady - Akita, Japan
St. Agnes of Monte Pulciano, Virgin and Abbess
St. Agnes, Virgin & Martyr
St. Agatha, Virgin and Martyr
St. Adrian, Abbot at Canterbury
St. Adelaide
Homily: Closing Mass of the 90th Anniversary of the Fatima Apparitions
The Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order
Of the Dolours of Mary
Where Is the Centre of the World?
Canonization of 40 English and Welsh Martyrs
The Forty Martyrs of Sebaste
St. Zita
Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary
St. Veronica Giuliani
Sts. Trasilla and Emiliana
Blessed Robert Johnson
Blessed Thomas Johnson
Blessed Thomas Ford
Blessed Thomas Cottam
Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha
St. Saturninus
Blessed Maurus Magnentius Rabanus
Saints Quiricus and Julitta
St. Possidius
St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles
St. Paul the Simple
St. Paul of the Cross
St. Pantaleon
The Oratory of Saint Philip Neri
St. Michael the Archangel
St. Melania (the Younger)
St. Maximus of Constantinople
St. Matthias, Apostle
St. Matthew
St. Mary of Egypt
St. Mary Magdalen de' Pazzi
St. Mary Magdalen
St. Martin of Tours
St. Martha
Sts. Mark and Marcellian
St. Mark
St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
St. Malachy
St. Lucy
St. Louis IX
St. Lorenzo da Brindisi
James Longstreet
St. Lazarus of Bethany
St. Lawrence
St. Macrina the Elder
St. Macrina the Younger
La Salette
Ven. Luis de Lapuente
Venerable William Knight
St. Julie Billiart
St. Joseph of Leonessa
St. John the Evangelist
Blessed John de Britto
St. John Damascene
Venerables John Cornelius and Companions
St. John Capistran
St. John Cantius
Venerable John Buckley
St. John Berchmans
St. Joan of Arc
St. Joachim
St. Jean-Gabriel Perboyre
St. Jean-Baptiste-Marie Vianney
Venerable Anne-Marie Javouhey
St. Jane Frances de Chantal
St. James the Greater
Blessed Jacopo de Voragine
St. Isidore of Seville
St. Isabel of France
St. Ignatius of Antioch
St. Ignatius Loyola
St. Hubert
St. Hildegard
St. Hilda
Blessed Henry Suso
St. Henry II
Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
St. Gregory of Nyssa
St. Godard
St. Gertrude the Great
St. Gertrude of Nivelles
St. Germain
St. Germain
St. Gerard Majella
St. Gerard, Bishop of Toul
St. Gerard, Abbot of Brogne
St. Gerald
Charles Garnier
St. Galla
Abbey of St. Gall
St. Gall
St. Florentina
St. Finan
Pope St. Felix IV
Venerable Pierre-Julien Eymard
St. Exuperius
St. Erconwald
St. Elizabeth of Portugal
St. Elizabeth
St. Elined
St. Edward the Confessor
St. Edmund Campion
St. Dymphna
St. Dominic
Sts. Cyril and Methodius
Blessed Cunegundes
St. Colette
St. Catherine of Bologna
St. Robert Francis Romulus Bellarmine
St. Anthony
St. Anselm
St. Anne
St. Alphonsus Liguori
St. Aloysius Gonzaga
St. Abban of New Ross
Padre Pio's Life
Padre Pio, the Franciscan
Padre Pio the Priest